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Yato Sensei

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Everything posted by Yato Sensei

  1. + Support Can't distinguish them when one is tranq and the other isn't. This would fix a lot of issues
  2. *NOTE 2* Since the damage values keep getting changed up, I've generalized the post so it can be flexible if further changes occur. Auger still sits at the bottom of damage dealing LMGs.
  3. + Support The guy has had a LOT of time to think about the mistake he did, I think he should be given a shot. Don't know if alt accounting is unbannable but I hope it is
  4. Pog Mary is back! + Support Very kind and talkative player. Decent at combat. I mean she's been in RRH, what else is there to say?
  5. + Support Its fun but its beyond broken and unfun for GenSec.
  6. Gonna have to go with a +/- support on this. I'm glad that there have been taken steps into lowering stuff around the server, that's good. BUT The execution of this is just tragic. Half of the jobs don't make any sense with their HP, there currently is no branch that can be classified as tanky or light and the damage values for some weapon makes them pretty much useless, its like you are shooting a water gun at a concrete wall hoping it'd blow up at some point.
  7. + Support So a person with light armor is as tanky as someone with heavy? Doesn't really make sense.
  8. *NOTE* I've changed the damage values to represent the ones AFTER the 40% damage debuff to all weapons. Auger is currently THE worst LMG, together with the PKM. It takes around 25 - 33 bullets to kill someone that is at ~375 hp depending on where you shoot them.
  9. @Benslaki_IIThis guy is copying your meme! Copyright strike him!
  10. NOOO NAY NAY!! Although we didn't talk much, it was pleasent when we did. Good luck in the future!
  11. + Support Yes please, I understand that people didn't really like the shotgun meta before and everyone wanted to change it up by buffing ARs/SMGs but I'm pretty sure no one wanted to have them made completely useless and unusable.
  12. + Support We are honestly getting WAY too ridiculous with the HP/Armor people have been getting. I understand that some classes need to have more because of better training, being sf, requiring it for the job but people having 500+ THP (Theoretical HP Armor + HP) its absolutely nuts. We need the good old days where the max was around 400 - 425. BUT If this gets accepted, nerfs to ALL guns should be implemented as to not have people dying in 1 second (Except snipers ofc.) and most melee weapons will need a significant damage nerf. (No get gud is not an argument.)
  13. That's kinda sus bro ngl Hope to see you around Gubby!
  14. Yes, it actually had that exact amount. + Support Poggers! Still mad I couldn't get the cool Behemoth model
  15. Nooo, another Australian has been lost. Will miss you upside down man
  16. - Support So this would technically make it so that no one knows which 8286 is the actual one. I'm talking about it when it comes to rolling off against the SCP and I'm pretty sure this cannot be done.
  17. + Support I'd honestly love to see more people play on Tau5, this would definitely give them a unique thing some people might be looking for.
  18. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WNgm-7FBV1n2FLS2e9rOa6X3XgnBXEkAvtfSVyli12c/edit?usp=sharing Hope you enjoy!
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