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Posts posted by Kessel

  1. Gaminglight family,

    Where do I even begin? Out of all the Garry’s Mod RP communities, this is the one that I stuck with for the longest time. After retiring from another GMod community, I gave PoliceRP a try one day and immediately fell in love with it. I bought the Gold package during my very first week and joined FBI right away. That’s where I really found my home in this community. For the three years since, I’ve always been proud and privileged to stand side-by-side with fellow FBI, State, and members of all other departments on the server to kick in doors, get in car chases, and bring justice to the streets.

    My goal was always to be a department head, whether that be in the main FBI department or in Hostage Rescue Team, and I am proud to say that I accomplished that goal. I regret that I have to leave the department in a still very broken state, but I have full confidence that our remaining leadership will work with our SMT in order to restore HRT to its former glory in due time.

    This resignation is not one that is easy for me to write. Outside the world of Garry’s Mod, I have many important IRL events that are descending upon me in a short amount of time, and life is calling. I need to start getting my personal business back on track; subsequently, I won’t be able to fully commit myself to Gaminglight anymore, so I had to make the difficult decision to step down at the start of this new year.

    This community–and the friends I’ve made here–will always be a part of my life, and I can never thank you all enough. If any of you ever need anything, my DMs will always be open. Never forget that.

    @Jimmy James If you're still reading the forums, it was an honor being a part of FBI. You were my first director before you made SMT, and helped me set a strong foundation for my career in gov.

    @Lime King Stinky, based Director. Be careful not to drive into any ravines after I'm gone.

    @Killing.SKR One of my last remaining HRT members, good luck in whatever comes next, and thank you for sticking with us.

    Azrael - Whatever your forum name is, if you see this, thank you for being a great friend and support system for me on the server. I hope we meet again on Ready or Not someday.

    Duncan - It was an honor to be your Co-Commander, and I hope I've made you proud to some extent.

    @ZoeyPlaysGames I hope your retirement from FBI is going well.

    @Ridgeland Good luck moving forward with FBI. You've been a hell of a director.

    @Matilda You've been my wingman, helping keep HRT running during this long gap in leadership, and I will forever be grateful.

    @RussTime I don't know if you plan in sticking with us, but if you do, do me proud and help us rebuild. Good luck, Captain.

    There are MANY more shoutouts that I don't have nearly enough time to cover, so let me leave you all with this: This community–and the friends I’ve made here–will always be a part of my life, and I can never thank you all enough. If any of you ever need anything, my DMs will always be open. Never forget that.

    Dispatch, One King Twenty-four, show me 10-7 for the final time time. Farewell, everybody.


    • Like 1
  2. Steam Name: Kessel

    Ingame Name: Kessel

    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:56986915

    Ban Length: Permanent

    Admin that Banned you: N/A (Console)

    Reason for Ban: Net Overflow

    Dispute: I have no idea what just happened. I was responding to a shooting at casino, and then I suddenly got auto-banned permanently by the console for "net overflow." I don't even know what that is, or why this happened. I have attached a video that accounts for my actions in the moments leading up to the ban.



  3. Effective 1/23/23


    Reason: I haven’t been enjoying the State experience recently, as I feel like communication from the top down is at an all-time low, making me lose confidence in the department and simply not enjoy playing anymore. Additionally, with my recent appointment to Executive High Command, I’d like to fully commit my time to FBI and its sub-departments going forward. I may return in the future, but I will be hanging up my campaign hat at this time.


    There are too many people to give an shoutout to everyone, so I’ll just leave you a big, bold O7.


    It’s been a good run, boys. Keep busting speeders.



  4. What you want to see? - EXPLICITLY allow deadly force to be automatically used by gov if a suspect suddenly pulls out a weapon during a police encounter for any reason other than mugging or other FearRP situations, where you cannot draw on them too (if they pull a gun on you, but are not doing a mug or other FearRP action, this rule would then apply). Often, during a vehicle pursuit, when the car is trapped, the person will run, but then suddenly turn around and draw a gun on the officers. If something like this happened in the real world, they’d be lit up like a Christmas tree. Example: You’re interviewing someone whose hands are empty, and they suddenly present a firearm. Currently, the MOTD does not directly address this kind of scenario, and when situations like this turn into a staff sit, whether or not it’s allowable is looked at on a case-to-case basis. Currently, only PD’s SOP explicitly states that deadly force is authorized when someone pulls a gun an officer (as long as they don’t violate the aforementioned FearRP), and my suggestion is that we make this server standard in the MOTD, as well as explicitly stating in the MOTD that the choice to give warnings in this scenario are optional, and at officer discretion. This will make deadly force encounters more true to the real world while also more clearly defining when gov is allowed to shoot.

    Why should we add it? - It’s a more accurate response, and exactly would occur if someone pulled out a gun out on a police officer without warning in a real world encounter. Mugging and other pre-existing FearRP rules will remain the same.

    What are the advantages of having this? - Realism, and a reduction in force-related staff sits for shootings that common sense and real-world case law would permit.

    Who is it mainly for? - Gov

    Links to any content - N/A


    I have also attached a video example from a long time ago that I believe nobody could seriously argue is unreasonable, to serve as a visual support for my suggestion. Thank you to the community and SMT for your consideration.




  5. What you want to see? - Change Rule #1 to allow code red if someone attacks an officer or citizen FIRST, and THEN flees.

    Why should we add it? - The first code red condition of the current MOTD requires us to wait for a suspect to shoot at us AFTER running before we are allowed to code red them. See Tennessee v. Garner: "Under the Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, a police officer may use deadly force to prevent the escape of a fleeing suspect only if the officer has a good-faith belief that the suspect poses a significant threat of death or serious physical injury to the officer or others." I believe it would be more realistic to allow us to code red vehicles after they commit a violent crime and flee while still armed, as they could still go on to harm/kill others if they are allowed to escape. I do not believe that we should have to give them a chance to get out and shoot at us a second time before we fire into their vehicle, as the parameters for this case law would already be met, and they can still be considered a threat. 

    What are the advantages of having this? - It's more accurate to real-world case law, and allows us to end a threat to the public sooner without putting officers or the public in greater danger, should they initially escape our sight.

    Who is it mainly for? - Government

    Links to any content - N/A

    • Like 1
  6. In game name: Kessel

    Discord: Kessel#2691

    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:56986915

    Rate your activity 1-10 (1 being lowest 10 being highest): 6

    Anything we should know?(If your activity is below a 5 this is a good place to explain why): I’ve been going through a really rough patch with one of my best friends, who I may lose soon. That, plus work, has hurt my activity. I will work on this.

    • Sad 2
  7. Steam Name: Kessel

    Ingame Name: Kessel

    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:56986915

    Ban Length: 1 Week

    Admin that Banned you:  STEAM_0:0:86323167 "Billy Bob the Alarm Tester" (Presumably Mikey, Jimmy, or Snar)

    Reason for Ban: "take a break bud"

    Dispute: While playing this evening, I noticed that my inventory had been wiped. Admittingly, I was upset about this and asked the staff on why it happened, at which point I was informed that it was because I had a minigun leftover in my inventory. I PM'd Snar my grievances, at which point he pointed out the server policy on unobtainable inventory items and the wipes that follow them. A while goes by, and I get kidnapped by criminals and held hostage. During the ensuing shootout, one of the ATF (I believe the one that banned me) died from gunfire, at which point I made the following joke about them only being able to shoot dogs, at which point I was then banned from the agent that died. I'm filing this appeal because this is a well-known, common joke about the ATF's infamous blunder at Waco, where agents are known to have been spooked by dogs, shooting at them as a result. This statement had nothing to do with me getting angry about my inventory being wiped. It was a completely unrelated situation, but I believe it was misinterpreted as me still being toxic about my guns. I firmly believe that I have been upstanding member of the server in most other regards. Thank you for your consideration, and I'm sorry if you believed the dog joke was an attack on you personally. A screenshot taken about a minute and half before my ban is attached to this appeal, for your viewing.

    Garry's Mod 5_26_2021 12_15_28 AM (2).png

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