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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Pills

  1. so I guess you used the wrong format. Anyways been here for a while and needs to be fixed.
  2. +Support For clarifying some of the rules on SCPs. -Support For all the rules. I feel that all of the SCP's rules would make it either too long, it should be their fault they didn't read the rules, or/and add clarifications on some SCP's rules. I also think that adding a decal itself would cause lag. So maybe just update the MOTD too.
  3. Name: Pills ET Rank: Member Donator Rank: Platinum How Active are You? (1-10) Server 8-9/10 ET 2/10 Are you Interested in being an SET: In the future, I think I may go for it. But not right now. How do you intend to bring more RP into Events?: By improvising during a event I am making sure I am not making decisions that don't make sense/follow RP. Try making it clear what the event is.
  4. Pills

    may I ask

    depends what you do. Minge- Fun. Minge so that others aren't having fun/are getting angry, sad, etc- not fun. Really good RP with no minging- fun. RP interupted by annoying minging- not fun. a
  5. +Support -best app I have seen/remembered -event looks very well planned -former ET I read like 5 paragraphs of this and gave up trying to read it all.
  6. +support -good person -decent app a
  7. +support -good guy -hes good for the job a
  8. Every time I head to lights to fix on maintenance
  9. -Support "9. Why do you think you’re fit for H.L.P.R. Bot Alpha (60+ words)?:" follow the format please
  10. o7 you were really cool. I hope you have fun on what adventures you have now.
  11. o7 never met you but from what I heard you were pretty cool
  12. o7 I will always remember that one time you brutally murdered shinspin
  13. how many of research command did I think have staff already? 3?
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