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Raiden [GL]

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Posts posted by Raiden [GL]

  1. 14 hours ago, [GL] A Youtube SponsorShip said:

    +support i saw the whole thing recuffed the sleuth on the ORs Orders

    Maze^ the WO who was told to recuff the sleuth was told to do so by the OR6 NOT by hawk, and he was on the other end with the rest of E-11 and vouches for hawk's side of the story. Also, there was communication between him and E-11 when he told them to cuff him as evident by the screenshot (Although this point is invalid because he was cuffed again on the OR6's orders first as stated by Maze). Even if he was cuffed on Hawk's orders it was merely a misunderstanding because he thought they found him in EZ AGAIN. The only involvement Hawk had with the sleuth at that point is when he told him to be escorted to LCZ because he was already ordered to be cuff by the OR6.  So Hawk did LITERALLY nothing wrong. He might be an SF but that doesn't mean he is therefore incapable of making mistakes. He's also still a frostbitten so he's still learning how to deal with every situation and give orders as an SF, its just unfortunate no higher-ups were there to guide him. Prior to this incident Hawk had 0 warns, and a ton of people including myself will vouch for hawk's seriousness and dedication to his branches AND the rules/SOPs. I know that its the admin's final decision on whether or not he gets the warn but this all just seems like a huge misunderstanding and things just got mixed up. I know its just one warn but I definitely wouldn't want my clean record to be ruined by a mistake. Apologies for the second response but I feel this warn is completely unjust and I tried my hardest to keep it formal. 


  2. 33 minutes ago, [GL] Fizz-y Soda said:


    I don't see where you specifically asked him to get interrogated. Also if a researcher is in EZ , without identification, they should be taken to get a new ID. So cuffing them and bringing them the LCZ is the logical response.

    24 minutes ago, icee jay said:

    well put Soda. 

    +support if u see a non research command in EZ this is what should be done. either by escort or cuffs. Sleuth or normal researcher. And when he was told to go back to LCZ and then came back to EZ that's begins to look sus.



    The researcher ( the sleuth) was found in EZ and he was told to be escorted out in front of several E-11, later the same sleuth was found in EZ again, it makes sense to cuff him and take him back to LCZ even if he isn't a sleuth. The sleuth also confirmed this part of Hawk's story. Also Hawk didn't request him to be taken to the interrogation room, he just wanted to talk to him. He was given information that the same researcher he told to be escorted out of EZ was found in EZ again, So he gave an order on information that was given to him in foundation comms as evident by the screenshot. Nobody should have gotten a warn for this situation, everything done was justified and its confirmed by multiple E11 and the sleuth himself. Hawk is command member in E-11 and also Gensec, he is known for being a person who follows the rules and he does things by the book. Many people in E-11 and Gensec would tell you that Hawk knows the rules and would never intentionally break them. This is a major +support from me because everything that happened was completely justified in my opinion. 

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  3. +/- Support

    I don't know exactly when this happened or what happened but I understand where Gensec is coming from, what he did wasn't cool which is why I have to give a partial -support because acting like that on the job just makes you look bad and also the branch. 

    On the other hand though, Daniels has been in E-11 for a long time and he's worked his way up the ranks to Captain now because he knows when its time to be serious and he's good at his job. Is what he did pretty mingey? Yes. BUT there's a difference between fucking around on a job one time, and abusing power as high level personnel and I honestly believe Daniels wouldn't do that.

    A warn is a warn, but the severity of the "Failrp" was very minor and it was pretty much an accident. Also this was his first warn when hes been playing for several months and hes also an ET member. This point should barely make a difference in my opinion.

    Its also very easy to see someone as just a minge when you're not in their branch, which is why all the E-11 here are +supporting while the gensec are -supporting. I understand that you guys had a bad experience with him, but the people who know him personally and play with him everyday will tell you that Daniels is good at his job and is very dedicated. In my eyes, and in the eyes of many E-11 command and enlisteds hes proven himself to be one of our best command members over time. 

    (I'm not trying to argue or make anyone angry with what I said, I just want to give my opinion on Daniels because I play with him everyday.)

    Long story short this would be a MAJOR +SUPPORT if it wasn't for the gensec thing, but I think the pros outweigh the cons, and I believe he would do a good job as a RRH. If you honestly believe Daniels is just a minge, just give him a chance. He likes to fuck around sometimes like anybody else but when the time comes to be serious, he has proven himself to be competent and good at his job.

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  4. +Support

    In our SOP E11's number 1 priority during Defcon 1 is to escort all level 3+ personnel to the surface and usually when there's a Defcon 1 the nuke goes off before we get the chance to even make it to surface. I think if we had a set timer that counted down it would add to the RP for not only E11 but also everyone else. 

    I don't really see there being any negatives for anyone but I think 5-10 minutes is a bit long tho, maybe more like 3 minutes

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