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Posts posted by ssVibez

  1. 1. Steam Name:  Vibez

    2. Ingame Name: SC PFC 4646 jaquayveon

    3. SteamID: unable to get because my gmod isnt working. also not able to look me up on steamid finder

    4. Ban Length: got banned today

    5. Admin that Banned you: Bennet

    6. Reason for Ban: Messing with roster

    7. Dispute: Ik this isnt a good excuse but i was messing around and deleted the shock roster. In my defense i was trying to turn it back and undo what i did. but for some reason it wouldnt let me. I apologize for my actions. didnt mean to make it a struggle for the people who dealt with it. I promise i wont do something stupid again. I understand if this gets denied. i do apologize for it though. 

  2. 1. Steam Name:  Vibez

    2. Ingame Name: SC PFC 4646 jaquayveon

    3. SteamID: unable to get because my gmod isnt working. also not able to look me up on steamid finder

    4. Ban Length: got banned today

    5. Admin that Banned you: Bennet

    6. Reason for Ban: Messing with roster

    7. Dispute: Ik this isnt a good excuse but i was messing around and deleted the shock roster. In my defense i was trying to turn it back and undo what i did. but for some reason it wouldnt let me. I apologize for my actions. didnt mean to make it a struggle for the people who dealt with it. I promise i wont do something stupid again. I understand if this gets denied. i do apologize for it though. 

  3. - support

    - power hungry

    - hasn't really done anything

    - shock is dead

    - a lot of people left because of you

    i am going to be honest you are very power hungry. When i was VCMDR you always wanted to be the highest rank. You didnt listen to people above you and constantly was rude and disrespectful. Also it is kinda sus when you already had your VCMDR and CMDR app ready to post and you post them not even a minute after me or cone resigned. Activity is great and i think thats why people are +supporting. But behind the scenes you just dont deserve it. 

  4. + support 

    - has high command experience 

    - can be chill when he isn't attacking me

    - BUT he is very inactive. Getting on the server for 10 min then being AFK for hours dosent count as being active. Only reason people are saying you are active are because they want to be on your good side. Sorry Hobbs I'm not going to sugarcoat it. I think you deserve it yes but I'm going to be honest. improve activity and you will be an amazing vader. 

    this is no hate btw. I still think he deserves vader and should get it. I just don't want to be fake 

    • Like 1
  5. 5 hours ago, Kieran ♡ said:


    Here's my reasoning, From when Vibez was Vice-Commander, I was told there was significant issues with you two arguing over who does what. That doesn't show that you're ready for a position as high as Commander.
    Once it got so bad a previous Command Member had to step in to fill your rosters, Disgraceful. 

    - Severely In-active

    - Can be annoying / rude / mingy when not in the correct state

    - Good Luck.

    This is so incorrect. And a complete lie. Me and Cone never argued over who does what. I don't know who told you that. We got along really well. And only reason Command stepped in to help roster is because Cone was trying to do it all by himself because i left. Also calling Cone rude/mingy/annoying isn't true and sounds like you just have personal problems. Sounds like you are trying to make him sound bad. Command who is reading this just know it's a lie. 

    + Support

    - Boomer

    - Dedicated 

    - Is improving activity 

    - Cares for his troopers and the battalion 

    - always available to talk and get sh*t done

    you would regret not making him commander. This man is the best option 

  6. uh hi y'all. So yeah i'm leaving shock. I want to thank Shock for being my family for these months that i have been on. Y'all are amazing. but i am transferring to the 501st. I messed up as vice commander. i know a lot of you didn't like me. but i'll still miss y'all. Love y'all. Peace out.

    - Vibez 

    • Sad 1
  7. On 10/22/2020 at 9:05 PM, Cooter said:


                                                                                       -Has done lots for Shock, can definitely do it for SF
                                                                                       -Pog man



    1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) :

    Shock Vice Commander Vibez 

    2. What Regiment are you applying for?

    Shock Commander

    3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch?

    I want to be the commander of the Shock battalion for multiple reasons. First I would like to continue the legacy left by past commanders. Second I would make some changes to shock that would improve peoples experiences playing shock and interreacting with shock. I also will make it known that shock isn't just the people who guard BCP and arrest people. I will show we have amazing troopers that are good at more than just arresting people. I will also have shock be as active as they were.

    4. How much game time do you have on the server?

    on the server total hours are one week. I have been active in game on discord and TeamSpeak for 4 months.

    5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch?

    The main purpose of a commander is to lead his troops and be a good role model and leader. A commander should always show respect to everyone but also have strict side to enforce rules. Also a commander leads his troops in any scenario and make sure they come out on top. Also the commander should care about each persons well being and where their mind is. The commander also keeps the battalion from falling apart.

    6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? :

    You should trust me as the Shock Commander for multiple reasons. For example I made and lead the new subdivision in shock called Shock Crusaders. Also I was an active officer who always made sure the battalion was doing well even when not online. I have school and 2 jobs and I still am active either in game, forums, discord, and team speak no matter what. I am very dedicated and care for the server and the gaming light community very much. 

    7. How often can you be Online? :

    In game every other week. My parents are split and pc is at one house. but I'm starting to bring it back and forth so I can be more active in game. But I'm active in forums, discord and TeamSpeak every day.

    8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) :

    I do not have any warnings


    - I jus vibin


    • Like 1
  9. On 9/21/2020 at 7:45 PM, One Rusty Kid said:

    + Massive Support

    - Is BCL

    - Great application

    - 0 Warnings

    - Very Active

    - Has Been An Officer For A Long Time

    - Everyone Likes Him


    would be a great VCMDR



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