What you want to see? - A realistic police addon in which you can see criminal database entries added by other officer where you can add entries and delete them.
Why should we add it? - It gives all departments a more realistic approach to traffic stops and situations. This addon is really cool as it gives you access to view a players, criminal history, reports, vechile history and much much more. Your able to see who the arresting prosecutor was / arresting officer. Even detailed account of the event if you so please. This would givea all departments a more realistic reason to be watching adverts and to be cautios of others. For the ticket book you can add a list of entires instead of having to write out a reason and a price when once can be automatically made. Your able to use trunks of cars to take out certain props in which PD and State, as well as USMS can really benefit from for during tac situations and keeping others away from it. As well as people who watch adverts would have the ability to watch camera's and have the ability to fix them if they were to "break" and you can sit and watch traffic lights and make sure no one is breaking the law while others are watching.
What are the advantages of having this? - Alot, It gives all departments a more realistic way of rp and gives those who decide to sit at the government base and watch adverts, or those who use the mobile command units. It really makes it alot more fun!
Who is it mainly for? - Gov
Links to any content - https://www.gmodstore.com/market/view/realistic-police-the-best-realistic-police-script