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Posts posted by Vau

  1. Vau's Inquisitorius Vice Commander Application (Eighth Brother)

    1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) :

    Purge BAL LTCOL Vau EY35 | Lord X Vau

    2. What Regiment are you applying for?
    Inquisitorius VCMDR | Eighth Brother

    3. Why do you want to be a Commander of this branch?
    I want to become a vice commander of Inquisitorius because I love playing as an Inquisitorius/Purge on this server. I'm already LTCOL so I am thinking why not go further. I want to help rudolph fill the recently vacated slots in the inquisitorius command team by becoming the eight brother. Another reason is to help build the new NCO's into either future officers or Trusted NCOs. I want to help the command team with stuff like Roster updating, hosting simulations and helping improve Inquisitorius. I always like to help out in whatever I do so I want to help out with commanding the Inquisitorius so that it thrives in activity and positivity. I want to prove to myself and others that I can move up the ranks and hold the responsibilites that they have without cracking under pressure.

    4. How much game time do you have on the server?
    8 Weeks Total = https://gyazo.com/b0f7a0d1598550c1ac9de2594f5198d9
    Battle Metrics = https://www.battlemetrics.com/players/977675464

    5. What is the Main Purpose of a Commander for a branch?
    A commander is to represent how those who want to go further in need to be. A commander is supposed to be able to take the issues that the beattalion has and try to make them small or non-existant at all. A commander is meant to be reachable at all times and nobody should be afraid to message them should the time come that they are needed. Commanders are expected to keep their rosters updated, keeping their NCOs and Officers active and hitting their quotas, and be able to punish when need be. A commander should also be able to take criticism and not react in a way unfit for that position. A major thing a commander should do is to create something fun like a lore system or a weekly simulation that is fun and inclusive for all.

    6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? :
    I have not broken any server rules as of returning to Gaminglight Imperial RP. I usually have no problem with any other people and if I do have a problem with someone I directly talk to them rather or speak to a few people than letting everyone know. I have no strikes as of now in any of my Battalions. I can bring ideas to the command team that everyone may or may not like. I made it to LTCOL/Lord X so that proves that those that promoted me trust me enough to hold the rank I am currently at. I am always looking to improve as a person and criticism is feedback towards me. I can always hit my quota and look for new ways to make it fun while doing what I need to.

    7. How often can you be Online? :
    Everyday for about 5+ hours as long as nothing big happens IRL that day.

    8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) :
    RDM | LTAP


  2. Vau's Purge Eighth Brother Application




    1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) :

    Purge BAL MAJ Vau EY35 | Lord IX Vau

    2. What Regiment are you applying for?

    Inquisitorius Eighth Brother

    3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch?

    I have only been a Commander once on a server that is dead now. I want to learn what it takes to be in a vice commander position again and learn how to juggle responsibilities. I also want to expiriment with what I could start doing within Purge and IQ like creating a lore with an actual archive. Another reason is to plug up the hole in our command teams slots right now as a few of them had to go. My final reason is so that I can go higher in the ranks and maybe one day go to senior commander mayhaps.

    4. How much game time do you have on the server?

    7 Weeks

    5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch?

    To act as a guide for those that are new and those that want to improve. A commander is supposed to be able to take the issues that the battalion has and make them no longer exist. A commander is someone that is easily reachable and would have no one afraid of asking questions to them. A commander is meant to symbolize what the batallion is about.

    6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? :

    I have not commited any offenses that would result in a warn in about 2 years or so. I will always hit my quota when I am not on an LOA and will let my higher ups know before the end of the week. I try to avoid creating drama with other people whether it is an ST or an entire battalion because I believe that causing a hatred will slowly descend into hatred with no reasoning.

    7. How often can you be Online? :

    I can be active everyday as long as I do not get the Lua Started error

    8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) :

    Fail RPx3
    RDM | LTAP (This one I still believe is false)

    Thanks for reading : )

  3. The Officers that gave permission is Rudolph/Second Sister and VCMDR Jeff

    What Is Your In Game Name?

    What Is Your SteamID?

    How Long Have You Been In Purge?
    2 Weeks and 2 Days

    Have You Been In IQ, If so, What Rank Were/Are You?
    Lord III and MSGT as of now.

    Why Would You Like To Become The Rank Of 2LT? [100+ words]
    I have never really been a CO on any server that I have joined because I felt like it would be too much work or that I would not be good enough. I am finally moving out of that comfort zone and realize that I want to become a CO to finally get out of that type of mindset. I am one of the older players on Gaminglight, having joined in 2022, so I have some sort of knowledge of how things work around here. I like to help people out, whether it is by giving up my time, giving some sort of in-game item, or giving advice. From what I have seen, being an officer is not a burden, but instead a doorway opening up to more opportunities.

    What Could You Bring To The Inquisitorious Purge Officer Team? [100+ words]
    I am active almost every day, so I can host tryouts or trainings. I like to see and create a positive environment for others, so the time that we all have here is memorable. I always fact-check any information or advice that is given out to others and tell the new Purge members about the mistakes that I have made and how to avoid them. Another thing that I like to do is create fun things for others to do so that they are not bored out of their minds. The final thing I can bring is a watchful eye. I can spot people who would or would not do well in Purge. Though those people may not be on the Do Not Train list, I would rather try to avoid them as they may start conflict. I also watch for potential in people.

    Do You Have Any Previous Officer Experience?
    Once on a server as Commander Thorn on server I believe is dead. Other than that none.

    Do You Understand The Duties And Protocols You Must Undertake As A Member Of The Officer Team?

    How Many Strikes Do You Have?

  4. What is your In Game Name/Steam ID and Discord ID?:

    Trial Gunnery Officer EX003 | TGM Crayola | ISB Enlisted Crayolus | DT PVT WI1

    Why do you want to become a Member of the Pyke’s?:
    I want to become a member of the Pykes because I always dreamed of being some sort of a mafia member/boss. Also because Pykes do the best drug in star wars HANDS DOWN. When I first saw the Pykes I thought that they were just some goofs but they really dont play around with their spice almost ending some main characters because of their Spice

    What is something that sets you apart from other applicants?:
    If anything it would probably be my activity because you guys see me everyday and I do at least 1 event or tryouts for Regimental Engineers. Another thing that could set me apart from other applicants is how active I am with things like Trainings, Events, SIMs.

    What is the biggest thing you would bring to the Pyke Branch? (Please explain):
    Hopefully if I become an NCO in Pykes I could bring my leadership skills as I am not afraid to lead people and guide People on their path as a Pyke. I believe I am a very good listener and speaker and I am approachable at any time basically.

    List a few achievements you have accomplished in the server:
    2 years (IRL Time) 3 Weeks (Ingame time), Reach the rank of NCO in DT and Naval, Got Lord Rank from a giveaway, Have probably played in over 100 events overral, Been both staff and gamemaster

    How often can you be active in-game?:
    Everyday for 2-5 hours

    Do you have any Warnings? (What for?):
    RDM | LTAP (wasnt put in a sit for the duration of the time I was on) | Fail RP | Fail RP | Fail RP | NLR

  5. What is your in-game name?: Petty Officer Second Class Kleiner

    What is your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:236455376

    What is your rank on the Naval Roster?: PO2

    What specialty are you applying for?: Gunnery Officer (Trial)

    What Naval Command (Rear Admiral+) gave you permission to apply?: High Admiral Racc

    What can you do to improve the branch you will be responsible for?: I can be active within the branch as there are not many people in it and I can help out Tenn Graneet with whatever he needs me to do. I believe I can also act as an NCO as I have some experience being an NCO, I have done things like host tryouts every week, participate/help with trainings and lead troopers into battle. I believe I would be a great fit as I have gotten my Engineer Training and know how to do RP with things like Turbolasers, Torpedoes, ETC.

    Why should you be trusted with this position?: I think I should be trusted with this position as currently I haven't been striked or warned recently and I most if not all of the time follow rules set out for me. I should be trusted with this position as I want to help out with Gunnery Officer as it is a very amazing sub branch like all of the others but barely any gunnery officer is on. I don't want this to seem like I am desperately trying to get your trust but if you trust me you do and if you don't you don't.

    Why do you want this rank?: I want this rank because Gunnery Officer is something that I think is very cool as the lore like tenn graneet is fire as hell. I also want to join a Sub Branch as a PO2 as early as possible so I don't miss out on very special things. I also want to rank up within Naval as a member that everyone can trust. I don't feel pressured to get Gunnery Officer, I just want to get into it as soon as possible so I can help out.

    Do you understand that if you receive a strike you will be stripped of this rank?: Yes.

    What is your purpose within your assigned branch?: To be able to man Turbolasers on the ship, Run the Regimental Engineer Sub Branch, To make sure all offensive weapons are up to date and standards. They also get experimental weapons to use and act as a Combat Engineer while Flanking on the battlefield. They also are the most serious with Passive RP seeing as they man Offensive weapons, Repair things and oversee the Regimental Engineers.

    • Gaminglight Love 1
  6. Name-Crayola
    Steam ID-STEAM_0:0:236455376
    Discord Name-C.R.A.Y.O.L.A#3857

    Rank and branch (Nu7, E11, CI, Security)- CI PVT Crayola

    List any punishments you have been given (warns, bans, Strikes, ect)-Fail RP / RDM | LTAP / FailRP / NLR / Fail RP. The RDM | LTAP was not fair (Also was banned for that)

    Why do you want to join Delta-5? I want to join Delta 5 because I am curious about what this MTF Unit does. Instead of trying to join Nu7 I decided that I wanted to join Delta-5 because I want to see what it's like in Delta-5 and to meet new people. I would also like to be a member to represent D5 and to be able to help keep it active.

    Why should we let you into Delta-5? I am a Respectful Person but I also make jokes from time to time. I feel like my fighting capabilities are good enough to keep CI at bay and I hold standards that are given to the standard that is Required. I also want to make Delta 5 into one of my lives to play on to show my devotion.

    Do you promise to uphold any and all community, server, and SOP rules and RP values?. Yes.

    If accepted be sure to contact an FTO or command in-game or on discord for training!

  7. 1. Steam Name: Chaos Insargency

    2. Ingame Name: Janitor Bill/MC PVT Insargency 6346/Purge PVT Chaos SW05

    3. SteamID: STEAM_0:0:236455376

    4. Ban Length: 2 Days

    5. Admin that Banned you: Pheonix

    6. Reason for Ban: "LTAP"

    7. Dispute: So I don't know why I'm banned for LTAP I may have done funny stuff but literally no one made a staff sit about me or at least until I hopped off. I don't even know what I was even being banned for other than LTAP. So uh can you hit me up on discord explaining the other reason I was banned for LTAP. Chaos Insargency#3857

    • Dislike 1
  8. In Game Name: SEC LCPL Popper

    Steam ID (STEAM_0:0:236455376)

    Discord Name (Chaos Insargency#3857)

    If you have any SCP-RP warns, please list when and why you got them here (If you don't have any, exclude this from your application.): 3 warns. NLR, Not listening when in cuffs, Fail RP.

    When did you start playing on SCP-RP? (Approximately): About 2-3 Months ago

    Why do you want to join Nu-7? (125 word minimum): I want to join NU7 because I wanna join MTF and Nu-7 Is in my opinion a good choice because you don't need to donate or do something specific and Nu-7 seems like something I'm up for. I've always been a fan of the MTF in the SCP series if you are to call it that, and I've even started learning the lore on some other squads other than Epsilon 11 and Nu-7. I already have experience on doing things like containing SCPs, Defending against CI and Catching D-Class in HCZ attempting escape. Another reason is because I've been trying to rank up in Security to purely just join Nu-7 but I don't think that is going to work out so I am applying here. I think I am a hard working individual, I am not hard to get through to, I do what I am told and I don't ask for handouts and I actually work for promotions, positions, etc. My last and final reason is Toasty is a cool guy and I'd like to work under him. I look up to toasty and I just want to join Nu-7. 🙂

    If you've been in any other branches, list them and what your ranks are/were. This counts for all servers. (If you haven't been in any branches, exclude this from your application.): CI, Security, Utility, research

    Do you understand to get on at least every other day and keep yourself up to date with Nu-7? We don't treat it like a job here - but we do expect you to be notified and enjoying your time:  Yes.

    Did anyone recommend you to join Nu-7?  (If nobody did, exclude this from your application.): Toasty

  9. In-game Name: Rubber Ducko


    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:11101


    DiscordID: Rubber Ducko#3857


    What division do you want to join (Military or R&D): Military.

    How would you rank your knowledge of the lore?: I know the basic knowledge of how they formed and when, Who are some notable people in Chaos Insurgency, How they act in the lore, and some theories about them.

    Why should you be in Chaos Insurgency? (75 word minimum)

    I should be in Chaos Insurgency because D-Class need people to help them escape from the clutches of the SCP Foundations and SCPs need to be utilized in a way that fits the Chaos Insurgency. I should be in Chaos Insurgency because I've managed to at least make it to HCZ and even the Entrance a few times so I know the layout and I plan how I am meant to escape or at least try to. I also believe I should be in Chaos Insurgency because I am a hard working, I believe in teamwork and I do what I must do with no questions asked.

    What is something that sets you apart from other applicants:
    I already have the requirements that are needed without having to be asked to download it, I work well with teammates, I don't give my higher ups and other fellow members a hard time trying to work with me.

    How active can you be?


    Do you have both Teamspeak and Discord:


    *Please note you can get removed at anytime if violating the SOP or being inactive for 3-4 days
    I understand.

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