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[GL] Spoon

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Everything posted by [GL] Spoon

  1. I know this post will come as a shock to most. So, I warn you at the beginning that this will be a long post as there are just so many people, I have to thank for making USMS the way it is. The United States Marshals Department was originally founded on Gaming light as the Drug Enforcement Agency for those of you who are that old. That was about 3 years ago. We then converted to USMS at the end of our first year as it would be better and more interesting to Gaminglight PoliceRP members. Like Crack Cocaine, the switch was a hit. SO many people flooded into USMS. At one point our activity even rivaled those of departments that had been around longer than us. Unfortunately, due to the fact that I have graduated college and now going on to my career, I find that I have little to no time for USMS anymore. For those reasons I am resigning from my post as Head Marshal, and it would be the first time someone else is going to get Head Marshal in the history of USMS. So now the moment everyone really reads these posts, brace yourself for a long ass list of shoutouts for just the absolute dime these people have been in aiding USMS an getting it to where it got to. My Shoutouts: Zeeptin and Jimmy James- Both these individuals have been crucial in the development of USMS. They have been patient, understanding, helpful, never one moment were they ever against anything regarding USMS and they always found a way to just make it work even when the odds seem stacked against them. My FBI Directors, Juan, Phil and Lime King: Without these Directors USMS would not have been such a successful and important Sub-Department as it is today, they worked day in and day out to ensure that USMS had everything they needed to be able to grow. Cars, Uniforms, even the switching of DEA to USMS came from these Directors. DrDuck: Although he's a fat minge now, this man single handedly ran USMS in my absence and did one good ass job at it as well. I never appreciated his work while it was happening, but he made it happen. To my Deputy Marshals, Kale, Cade, Slasher, and Clarkie: You guys are some of my best friends and honestly made playing on PoliceRP and USMS the best it's ever been. You guys always made sure to have my back no matter who we were facing. To my brother Fork, who is the primary reason I was able to continue to afford providing quality updates for USMS so that our members could have awesome times on the Job. To my first Command team of DEA, y'all made it possible to get even started. We spent nonstop hours writing and contemplating different SOP's just trying to figure out what would be best. To my current Command team, you guys have been a pleasure to work with and I hope you don't give the next Marshal a hard time. And Last of All, Soup95 for being a good friend and just always being available to talk anytime anywhere. PS. King you were going to get a shoutout, but you didn't give me one so now I'm petty. PS PS. Although we aren't talking anymore small shoutout to Travis Sandman who at one point was the reason I was able to keep going with USMS. With all that being said, I would never leave USMS in the wrong hands, after speaking with Jimmy James and other PD High Command we have come to the conclusion that Slasher would be taking over my position. I have faith Slasher will continue my vision for USMS as well as incorporating his own ideals into the department and yet again make it a top dog department on the server. Thanks for everything, USMS Marshal Spoon 1K97 signing off.
  2. Bro imagine not getting a shoutout
  3. PLEASE FILL OUT THIS FORMAT BY THE END DATE OR BE REMOVED! Name: Rank: Activity 1-10 (be honest): (please respond to this roll call by commenting on this post)
  4. +Support -Active -Mature -Has been a monumental part of other departments so I think he'd be a good fit for our command. -Gets on a trains people.
  5. So, I'm sure that most everyone saw this one coming, but I am officially putting it into writing. For more reasons than one, I am going to be resigning from FBI following the resignation of my brother in arms, Kale. It has been an honor to serve but given light of recent events i have decided to go into reserves for FBI. Me and Kale have gone above and beyond for FBI, and I'd argue with anyone who says otherwise. With that being said here's a couple mentions. @Kale_: The true G, monumental efforts for change in FBI that severely increased FBI's output. Sorry you didn't get the appreciation I know you deserved. @Slasher: Another homie, I'll still see you around in USMS of course, another monumental figure to maintaining FBI. @ClarkieNew to FBI nevertheless the homie. @Big Gunther: Biggest Opp known to man, @Justin: @Lime KingA true homie, thanks for being a mentor, hope we served well. @hobochickenbob: Welcome back to FBI Command???????????????????????????? And to anyone who I didn't mention you guys are also monumental to FBI's success. Mini shoutout to USMS as the department itself made tremendous sacrifices for the success of FBI.
  6. It is a shame to see such a MONUMENTAL figure for the FBI and FTO program have to go in reserves. I appreciate all the work you have done for FBI and FTO and the work that you will continue doing for USMS. See you on the flip side.
  7. Not much to say here just closing in on the departments I am going to put time into, and this one just fell short, of the others. Hopefully I will get reserves for CPT. Good luck HRT! Yes I will be active for the 48 hour period.
  8. Name: Spoon Rank: PFC Date: 8/9/2022 Reason: I'd rather not go into the depth of my resignation but it has been nice being apart of the department thank you boys.
  9. Give them nothing, but take from them everything.
  10. In-Game Name: Spoon SteamID: STEAM_0:0:516348201 Current Rank: Captain How long have you been in your current rank?: 5 Months What timezone are you in?: EST How many Warns do you have?: 3 Permission: Chief Tactical Why should you be promoted (200 words Minimum): There are many reasons that I believe I should be allowed to obtain the rank of Major. For one, I've spent a long time as a PD Captain, which has really allowed me to hone in on my skills as a leader. Over my time as a Captain, I can say that I am someone who is easily reliable, trustworthy and active on and off the job. I believe this meets the qualities of a leader in a department. When it comes to experience, I am far from a Nobie, running my own department, being a Chief of Staff for FBI and a Captain in HRT, and an Ex-CPT in State, I have really had the time to increase my potential as a Command Member. If I am offered the rank of Major, you can expect me to continue the qualities I am already displaying and more. I understand that me not attending every meeting is somewhat a turndown for others, but I do not believe that meetings are the only thing that justify a promotion. If we exclude the meetings, I believe that this community would agree that I am beyond ready for the rank of Major and that I would be a fine addition to the higher ups. Hopefully you all agree, thank you for your time. Leadership is the capability to turn vision into action. You agree that disobeying any rules set by High Command will result in an immediate demotion (Yes/No): Yes
  11. I agree 100% with Cammy here, while i do feel exhausted of constantly seeing Rockford, if we use the old version of Great Lakeside it could minimize the impact of the brand new updated map.
  12. I get this but there's no reason that a Faction Inventory upgrade should cost more than a couple grand lmao not 50 mil
  13. What you want to see? - I would like to see the Prices of the Faction upgrades be decreased as they are outrageously expensive. Alternatively, if this is not possible then, Printers and Bitcoin should be generating a significant amount of money. Why should we add it? - It is understandable that families like SL who have 35-40+ active members are able to easily take advantage of having multiple printers out, but smaller factions who have fewer active members have 0 chance of affording any of the upgrades as it would take weeks if not months to be able to get the upgrades. Some of the upgrades are pointless such as more unit space and they cost upwards of 30 million, there is no way to skip them. What are the advantages of having this? - Gives Smaller Factions to ability to make their faction actually interesting. Most people leave to families that have the bigger upgrades because there are more benefits. IF smaller factions have the same ability as the bigger factions, they'll be able to grow to be a big faction. Who is it mainly for? - Smaller Families/ Overall everyone on the server Links to any content - No
  14. +/- support While I do agree that more people play Tac than PD I don't think your solution works. I would rather you suggest ways PD could be more entertaining to players so that they feel more inclined to play PD instead of storming the ranks and leaving the moment they can.
  15. +Support -Given the Price of Platinum I believe there should be more benefits such as adding more cars
  16. Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:516348201 Reason for Resignation: Not as much time to play on the department, taking up a position that could be given to a much more active and deserved individual. Notable Mentions: @Cammy: thanks for being a good mate, from PD command to State Command, serving with you has always been a pleasure. @Dry : One of the top dogs of state, continue to voice your opinions as 99% of the time they are good ones. @Slasher: Thanks for being a good mate! My time in state has been a pleasure, and I hope those who are currently in it, continue to demonstrate State's amazing RP.
  17. +/- Support -Although this was harmless, had it been someone brand new to the server this report section would look very different with many people begging for a Blacklist or ban. -Mini is someone who is an admin himself and knows the MOTD through and through. Is there a time period that rules are free to be broken? if so please tell me what hours those are.
  18. It sucks to see you go Jog Hanson, you are always welcome back to USMS at any time. A great supervisor and a great friend.
  19. In game name: Spoon Discord: Spoon#0087 SteamID: Spoon's Steam ID Rate your activity 1-10 (1 being lowest 10 being highest): 9 Anything we should know?(If your activity is below a 5 this is a good place to explain why):
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