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DIO Brando VR

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Posts posted by DIO Brando VR

  1. 1. Guns such as the Thompson Contender, Intervention, ETC have missing textures on the lens of the scope when not zoomed in. the zoomed in lens is also missing textures if 3d scope is turned on. please fix this its so annoying and painful for my eyes.

    2. PLUS the Desert Eagle is invisible and when held spams the console with errors nonstop.

    1. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2168308217

  2. DIO's Chaos Insurgency Captain Application


    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:230345729


    DiscordID: DIO Brando#3047


    What division do you want to join (Military or R&D): Military. I'd pick both if I could.


    How would you rank your knowledge of the lore?

    If its according to SCPs then from 1-10 id say a 6.5 to 7. If its about the test logs and stories id say a 4.

    If its about characters like specific researchers like Bright and other people then id say 2.


    Why should you be in Chaos Insurgency? (75 word minimum) 

    Since I'm bored of being a Security branch member i want to join Chaos Insurgency to spice things up. Since my type of game is FPS fast paced shooting I'd probably like this. shooting things to shreds is my style but the only weakness here i have is my ability to KEEP myself alive. I'm good at killing but not at preventing getting killed myself. Well, at least in games with a mechanic where you gotta make your one life worth it like a Battle Royale or stuff like that. I can aim fairly well if the gun does not have TOO much recoil. It would be great to be in Chaos Insurgency cause it will most likely be fun for me to capture SCPs and sell them for BIG profits, and maybe rip some foundation members to shreds with some fresh out-of-the barrel heated and propelled lead.


    What is something that sets you apart from other applicants?

    have not seen anything really about them that pushes me away from them yet.


    How active can you be? 

    Mostly active but i take breaks sometimes and sometimes go away from playing for a day or two on the server.


    Do you have both Teamspeak and Discord: Yes I do have Discord AND Teamspeak.

  3. What are you suggesting? -  Researchers to be able to shoot 076-2 if he looks at the said researcher.

    How would this change better the server? - So researchers can defend themselves since 076-2 kills anyone on sight.

    Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - Maybe a bit of confusion if it gets implemented at first.

    Who would this change mostly benefit? - The researchers.

    Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - 


    why i added this is because he killed me twice while i was trying to go test and i wasnt able to defend myself because of the rules

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  4. Lore Name: DIO
    Rank: Associate Researcher
    SCP: 012

    Question / Idea: Can Class D Finish Composition?
    Background Research: Have Class D Die From Blood Loss To Finish The Music
    Hypothesis: Try To Get Class D To Complete It.

    Observations (What Happened During Test): Subject Died From Blood Loss.
    Evidence/Visual Stimuli: Subject Ripped Open His Wrist And Attempted To Write On It With His Nails.

    Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): 012's Memetic Properties.
    Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: No.

  5. Lore Name: DIO Rank: JR Researcher SCP: 294 Question / Idea: What effects will random drinks have? Background Research: have class d either die or live and be administered amnestics. Hypothesis: mainly the effects of the drinks.

    TEST 1: typed in "Amnesia" and made them drink it. machine made screeching noises and dispensed drink. the cd drank it and commented rhh.. mnsadnaisnitno... and then collapsed to the floor with no pulse and died.


  6. ooooooooooooooooooof

    how is it copyrighted?

    people would really like to see those models

    did andrei duksyn copyright it?

    8 minutes ago, [GL] Inaccurate said:

    we can't use these models due to copyright laws.

    did that russian guy copyright it?

  7. What are you suggesting? - SCP-173 Skins

    How would this change better the server? - Players Can Use A Model 1 Of 3 173s Of Their Taste!

    Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. 

    Who would this change mostly benefit? - Anyone who likes the OG 173 From SCP:CB Or The Pre-Redesign Unity Model/

    Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1350884815


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  8. Lore Name: DIO Rank: JR Researcher SCP: 294 Question / Idea: What effects will random drinks have? Background Research: have class d either die or live and be administered amnestics. Hypothesis: mainly the effects of the drinks.

    TEST 1: typed in Igneous and made them drink it. machine made rumbling noises and dispensed drink. the cd drank it and started coughing and commented it tasted like a manager. subject coughed up blood that started to turn greenish and there were sloshing noises coming from him.

    TEST 2: typed in death and made cd drink it. machine made screeching and machinery sounds. when class d drank the liquid they instantly died and their organs spilled out from their body. autopsy shows the bone structure completely shattered on consumption. further examation showed lethal amounts of chemicals [REDACTED], Potassium Cyanide, Arsenic, Sulfuric Acid, [REDACTED], And [REDACTED]. even though these chemicals would interact with eachother they somehow didnt by anomalous means.

  9. Lore Name: DIO Rank: JR Researcher SCP: 294 Question/Idea: Testing The Effects Of Fluids Background Research: See what kind of deadly effect occurs Hypothesis: see how the class d dies how slow, how it kills them, etc.

    Test 1: Typed in doomslayer and made cd drink it. result was player said it tastes like guts, huge guts. rip and tear? and then burned to death.

    TEST 2: typed in metal and made cd drink it. before we made him drink it the machine made a horrible grinding and screeching sound before pouring the molten metal in. somehow the paper cup didnt burst immediatley after the metal was poured.  subject drank the liquid metal and instantly died. innards were melted and the spine completely dissolved.

  10. 30 minutes ago, Hope said:

    This is branch suggestion and not a server wide suggestion. And this doesn't even follow the format.

    As the chair professor though, I appreciate the feedback and will think of a plan to keep RRA active.

    idk what you mean this is my first time on the forum


  11. We need yall to get more people to be able to train people as researchers cause there barely is any! if yall dont have trainers we wont have researchers. if we dont have researchers d class cant test! IF WE DONT HAVE TESTS THE GAME IS ONLY MTF GUARDING THE SPAWN! please get more researcher and maintenance trainers its boring as class d!

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