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Posts posted by GarGar

  1. 8 hours ago, Kieran ♡ said:

    In-Game Name: Event Team Leader Kieran

    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:156724399

    Rank: Event Team Leader & Administrator.

    Reason for leaving (If Private, Fine): I got a life and I can't be doing this anymore, Work and relationships take priority and this just doesn't fit into my schedule anymore.

    Do you agree to stay active for 48 hours after this post? Yes

    Do you agree to contact your Head of Staff once your 48 hour notice is up? (NOTE: Failure to do so will result in a staff restriction) Sure.

    I ain't gonna put names cause I guarantee this won't be my last resignation forever, I'll list a few tho who are dope.

    Cba putting loads:

    Bop: u a real one.
    Cosmic: u a real one.
    Alexx: u a real one.

    Jayden: u a real one.

    if you aint on this list... well... fuck you respectfully, I either didnt know u or just cba typing it since i kjust woke up at 2:26pm UK Time

    My final words: Zeus gaming.


  2. 1 hour ago, PlantBruh said:


    thank god a shotcaller buff also the landmine looks sick 

    But I gotta agree with mango here, the "better" sub-branch classes just seem like downgrades, the only real difference for the Inferno unit is having a riot shield, which most people have anyways, I think there should be something better about these enhanced sub-branch jobs. 

    We had custom adding lined up but we got a addon restriction now

  3. 5 hours ago, Mangoo said:

    +support for all, save for the two Subbranch job additions and the bouncing betty's. Its not even because they are good, sure the new hotshot inferno job would have 200/200 but its weapons are mid or equivalent to the current ones at best, and the new deadshot job is just way worse than you're current deadshot job. I feel these classes just add clutter, they'll get used for maybe all of 2 days, then people will realize they either arent good or just are not worth playing on. 

    Bouncing betty's are also just worse than slams and is another thing for SMT to add. Overall your changes are good just like half of these changes feel pointless 

    We adding a landmine not a bouncing Betty 

  4. CI Military Branch Update

    Job Update



    CI Trap Expert 

    HP: Staying the same

    Armor: staying the same

    Adding Weapon: angry_swep_infantrymine (x3)

    Removing Weapon: weapon_slam

    Job Addition


    CI Hotshot “Inferno” Unit
    Inferno Units are Hotshot Operatives chosen for their bravery up in the front lines, they are extremely specialized in CQB Combat and will stop at nothing until their path is cleared. Ravagers and above are eligible for this unit.

    Job slots: 3


    HP: 200

    Armor: 200


    Weapon Loadout: weapon_m9 , weapon_policeshield , weapon_cuff_elastic , tfa_csgo_frag (x3) , weapon_hdevice_pro , tfa_csgo_mp7, tfa_m3.
    ^ Restrictions on when it can use shield. Example= Can’t use the dropping feature in Echo5/Mech Raid/Generator Raid


    Job Addition



    CI Longshot “Hawkeye” Unit


    Just close your eyes and let it happen…That is all you can do once you’re in the sights of one of these Units who have excelled in their sniping skills. Deadeye and above are eligible for this unit

    Job Slots: 3


    HP: 175

    Armor: 175


    Weapon Loadout: weapon_m9 , weapon_cuff_elastic , weapon_hdevice_pro , tfa_vikhr , tfa_csgo_nu_7_smoke , tfa_sl8.

    Job Update


    CI Longshot

    Slots: 10 -> 7

    Job Update


    CI Hotshot

    Slots: 10->7

    Job Update


    CI Delta Command

    Description Update:
    The CI are led by defectors from the facility. These leaders are ruthless and will stop at nothing to get what they need. They are the CI Delta Command. They will Kill anyone who get in their way and will free every D-class and SCP to cause pure Chaos

    CI Delta Command are known to have rankings ranging from PD to CPT.


    Job Update


    CI Shotcaller

    HP: Same

    Armor: Same

    Adding Weapon: tfa_intervention , tfa_f2000

    Removing Weapon: tfa_m4a1

    Ability to press Mech Raids and Echo 5 button


    Job Update



    CI Shades Task Force E4
    HP: Staying The Same
    Armor: Staying the Same


    Adding Weapons : tfa_l85 ,  tfa_psg1

    Removing: tfa_f2000 tfa_csgo_mp5

    Access to /eoi


    Job Update


    CI Shades Task Force Venatoris

    HP: Staying the Same

    Armor: Staying the same

    Adding Weapons: tfa_l85 , tfa_psg1,tfa_csgo_smoke

    Removing: tfa_f2000, tfa_csgo_mp5

    Access to /eoi


    Pay raise from $150 > $250
    normal SF pay
    Job Addition



    CI Senior Delta Command

    Slots : 8



    CI Senior Delta Command are experienced command members of CI who have gained trust and moved up through the rankings. They are like mentors to the lower Delta Command but at the end of the day their goal remains the same…Chaos. 

    CI Senior Delta Command’s rankings range from MAJ to COL

    Health: 225

    Armor: 225

    Weapon Loadout: tfa_l85 , tfa_aw50 ,tfa_vikhr ,  weapon_m9 , weapon_cuff_elastic , weapon_hdevice_pro , tfa_csgo_frag , tfa_csgo_smoke


    Ability to whitelist for CI Trap Expert(CI Trap Expert 65+) and CI Deadshot (Lv. 75+) and Delta command


    Ability to press on Echo5 Button and Mech Raid Button


    Job Update



    Access to /cmd



    Approved by the all of the following HCMD and Site Admin

    Mind, Goat, Kevlar, Ozzie, Starstep, Sixx, Alexx, Hoovy I think, Toasty, HexG kind of, Soul, Cecil, and Piller






    • Heart-Eyes 3
  5. 2 minutes ago, PryingTree said:


    Imma keep this simple, and to my opinion. But please no, I understand and I am all for it, but then the TTK is gonna get nerfed, then all the other combat jobs are gonna get buffed, then D-class are gonna complain, CI is gonna complain and buff their stuff even more. I prefer better weapon changes, and not this.

    i accepted it and already stated thats not gonna happen...


  6. 30 minutes ago, Snarlax said:


    I'd start here if you're having trouble reading the english language.


    Once you're done with that, this is a great guide for literary analysis!

    https://www.goshen.edu/academics/english/literary-analysis-guide/#:~:text=Discuss what happens in the,the meaning of the passage.

    that joke sucked

    5 hours ago, Sparkle said:

    You come to learn pretty quick that it isnt what is "justified" or "warranted". Just be loud and hurt feelings and you're just gone with a click of a button.


    • Skull 1
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