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Scythes of Paradise
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Everything posted by Piemp

  1. Yes ik where not supposed to give sides until snuts does so this is like a neutral comment that i will edit later i assume he made the mistake of tping to that sit instead of clicking the X to close it but thats my guess cause I know that snuts knows he cant do that.
  2. -support staying still in cuffs aint hard (i aint been staff for a bit now are mods allowed to warn other mods?)
  3. Piemp

    Dr crime family

    i recommend a spread sheet for a roster
  4. -support as much as i want it a swep does not revolve around one person would be cool though (dont think they can change the name of a addon though)
  5. Piemp


    Joke lol
  6. Piemp


    Shhhhh his mom ain’t gotta know
  7. Piemp


    tell em to meet me in the lot
  8. Piemp


    Are you grounded every week??? Damn son tell ya mom you love her and ur sorry to try and get out of it(tell her I said hi and she is a very pretty women and a nice person tell her I am also 6 foot seven with a perm and huge arms, also tell her I am above the age of 18 and I said hi again)
  9. This is what I have wanted to see less go dude. Thanks eternity well needed for crims lol
  10. +support kessel is a nice guy and takes time out of his day to make GL art and stuff. I think maybe a kessel chill out in a pm would have been valid
  11. petition to ban plus/minus supports for warn ban requests
  12. well the current models are kinda bland but no need to change em
  13. me and magic next?!?! magic si papi chullo
  14. "Pimp I cant get SS Director I am never leaving ems"
  15. man of culture i see
  16. fr? -support gaminglight staff does not need that.....
  17. Sup my fellow chads(chow) What do you think is best sport? We all know its hockey
  18. D snuts is better prove me wrong
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