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Scythes of Paradise
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Everything posted by Piemp

  1. Piemp


    ummmmm k.... i guess. pog?
  2. Piemp


    thats cool in all but my signature doe
  3. I dont play imp rp but I'am into dat map
  4. i did not even know the perimeters
  5. I assume you are referring to policerp and because it was un used and just caused lag
  6. yea -support got doxx people somewhere else. No one wants someone like that in our community
  7. +support hits requirement for a ban. (remember if your gonna quote people add on to it, Just quoting someone makes it seem like you are just trying to get forms posts up)
  8. Piemp

    Prada LOA

    $100 bucks you wont gag during covid test. just jokes hope you get better soon
  9. gtr was so last year. lel. scam magic for 80 mil thats how I got mine
  10. no links to content on what they could use for it?
  11. dont got enough time due to school o7
  12. I just don't have much time anymore to be holding events, event team was really fun thanks for the amazing experience. I will be hosting my last event later tonight. o7 In-game name: Pimp SteamID: STEAM_0:1:460522813 Rank: Senior Event Team
  13. Hammy you have had plenty of time to reply so +support
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