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Rose Monroe

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Everything posted by Rose Monroe

  1. I'm gonna comment more :trollface:
  2. Don't the TLs already work? or is something wrong with them
  3. I would like to implement these HP buffs and changes for IF... _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Job Name: Agent Changes Wishing to be Made to this Class: Increasing the HP from 300 to 500 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Job Name: Senior Agent Changes Wishing to be Made to this Class: Increasing the HP from 400 to 600 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Job Name: Squad Lead Changes Wishing to be Made to this Class: Increasing the HP from 500 to 700 I also want to add the tfa_dt12 to the SL job, I don't know why they don't have because every other IF class has it. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Job Name: Del, Hask, Iden (Command) Changes Wishing to be Made to this Class: Increasing the HP from 600 to 800 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I want to make these changes because I feel like the HP that IF has right now is too low for the role they provide. These HP boosts will make us equal to other Special Forces Battalions like DT and IC, This will help out IF a lot because this change would attract more players to the battalion. I have always felt that IF was just a tag along to DT in events whenever special forces are needed due our relative strength to them, but with this change IF could act more independently and expand more. Lastly IF's size have grown quite going from 1-2 IF a couple week ago to around 4-10 on the server at a time and I think IF deserves this change to be equal to IC and DT and have the same pull as them. This was approved by NHC (P.S) IF doesn't have the increased job slots even though it says complete on the forums and it has been like a week.
  4. Accepted Talk to me or another member of Command to get trained
  5. Accepted Please contact me or another command member to get trained
  6. What do you want to see? - I would like to add more slots to IF jobs so that more people can use them, Agent = 12, SNR Agents = 8, Squad Lead = 6 Why should we add it? - I want to increase the slots so that more IF can be on the job and because we made changes in our roster size we can have everybody on the correct job when we have a lot of people on. For example we have 6 officer slots but only 3 spots on the job What are the advantages of having this? - More slots mean we can have more people on, Makes the slots on our job about the same size as other battalions like DT or Havoc Who is it mainly for? - IF Links to any content - N/A
  7. Gaminglight podcast Who will say the N word first? :blushed:
  8. Accepted Talk to me next time you are on
  9. Get GMOD and play gaming imperial RP Get to high level and can't level up fast anymore Family share GMOD Get on the server with ALT and level up ALT cause it is faster give levels to main account profit -support
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