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Everything posted by jackyman21

  1. -Support Warn Bans Aren't Appealable, You had FORTY chances and threw them all away.
  2. +support BLATANT break of fearrp rules as the car wasnt moving
  3. +support but i enjoy when people bury themselves instead of a bot deleting it
  4. -support textex your heart is in the right place but your actions aren't 11 warns in like 10 days is more than i have with 6 weeks on the server when i'm one of the biggest minges around you spammed the fourms to get 25 posts. both questions seem VERY rushed -support at this time I think you are FAR from being ready for staff.
  5. State Troopers must fill out the below form within the selected time frame selected above. THIS POST WILL BE LOCKED AUTOMATICALLY AT 12 AM ON THE 14TH!! For the 1-10 questions, 1 is the lowest possible activity, and 10 is the highest level of activity Name: Jacky Rank: Trooper How Active do you consider yourself to be? (1-10) 5 How active do you believe others view you to be? (1-10)4 If you answered below 6 to either of the above questions, is there a reason for this? Do you still want your position in state? IRL stuff happening, (i.e. a move, school starting, and death in the family) Yes i still want my position in state
  6. SMT cause they run a great server Non smt: jimmy, will,zerg hard to pick a favorite
  7. Says he read staff guidelines- Yet I’m not staff and can see a breache of the staff guidelines in his description of what he would do 1: he’s gonna give the guy 2 warns at once Secondly, application looks rushed and low effort with grammar mistakes throughout. 3rd: I have never seen him on, ever. Really? -Support
  8. You were distracted taking the other PT's and I seized my oppurtunity to try and run/make your job harder cause i obvi didnt wanna get arrested. No hard feelings here mike but this was abuse and im gonna quote the MOTD "If the police officer gets distracted and leaves you alone, you may attempt an escape." i.e. you were doing other pts and didnt notice me walking at first. when you saw me i stopped and talked to you for a sec threatening to jump in the water as a joke and thats when you physgunned me to my stuck point and abused powers no hard feelings mike but this is unacceptable
  9. Heres my side, first i tried to run from the guy cause he was distracted putting the other PT's into the jail, I was first physgunned from WHERE I WAS NOT STUCK and he couldve RPed it out to handcuff me and then drag me, accidentally sticking me in a wall. He did unnecesarily alter an rp situation with his staff powers, but I dont think its a very big deal TBH. I think at max a talking to is necessary. i told him dont do that thats abuse and i threatened to make a report, which he pmed me later asking if i was gonna make a report to which i said no (didnt screenshot that) but soul made a staff report i guess so a reluctant +support cause i think mikes doing a good job otherwise
  10. Eggplant parmesan (inside joke) imma miss you crease come back soon you’re in the top 10 best attitudes ever (globally) thanks for being such a great guy to hang out with.
  11. +support i havent known you but for like 2 days since you came back but youve been fine +support
  12. MAJOR +SUPPORT -Mature -Trains Cadets - good Leader -takes charge of difficult situations and handles them well -good friend -approachable -Good Rper -knowledgable -active -high warns, but from what ive seen you've recently greatly matured so this is a non issue for me -only 4 weeks as SM but i think you're ready
  13. -support as warn bans aren't able to be appealed. you had 40 chances to correct yourself and unfortunately for you you didn't.
  14. jackyman21


    ive stopped like 5 cc's at once raiding my base with a fubar BUT i dont wanna buff the negev fuck the negev
  15. I mean you didnt actually wait for him to start an RP with you before shooting him, so IMO its a valid warn unfortunately I mean i get your side and I think it's also somewhat valid, but like I said above you didn't wait to RP. Now, you did not know if he was coming to shoot you or responding to another call. I would really like to hear jimmy's side before I +/ -support though
  16. I would like to know Jimmy's side as well as more info from you. Here is what I am left wondering Was jimmy just driving past or did he actively try to come up and take you out? that what i need to know before i make a +support or -support After Jimmys side: -support
  17. Playtime is a non issue for me hes a upstanding member of the community and very cool and collected +SUPPORT
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