Going off what Hoovy said, it's a 30sec difference we can just try it. Lately with the nuffs gensec has been getting and the new D-Block, D-Class don't stand a chance. All they have to do is call partial and BOOM D-Class and D-Class CC's are no more. A lot of people pay around $150-$250 on a D-class CC and the fact we're only aloud pistols and still have to wait 90 seconds pisses me off. I don't even think we even need NLR for a D-Class CC's, the only reason why I'm able to kill 5 OFC's and LCPL's is because they suck. I remember one time it was like 3am and it was only me and this LCPL on. He kept complaining that D-Class CC's we're to OP cause I killed him 90% I fought him. Bro I was using a kinfe or a pistol, you have a SMG.
It's not my fault some poor OFC can't kill a man in a green suit running at him with a knife.