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Everything posted by Shark-Kaboom

  1. Lore Name: Shark Steam ID: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198267771123 Rank: AR Activity Level: Mid
  2. All instances of 096 raging had his face being view sometimes LESS than 1 second. That was why Project: Scramble didn't work
  3. Researcher Shark Rank: AR Hypothesis: SCP-457 may attempt to melt or attack SCP-173. We are going to figure that out. Result: After SCP-173 was introduced to testing chamber, SCP-457 attempted to melt the sculpture. SCP-173 proceeded to respond with [REDACTED] and seemed to reduce SCP-457's size moderately. SCP-457 regrew in size and made no further attempt to attack SCP-173. The test was then ended. Notes: SCP-457 seemed hostile to the statue. But I never thought that SCP-173 would do THAT... It was something I did not expect. The statue is more dangerous than we expected. I think we need to increase the security on SCP-173. End Log
  4. Wouldn't course take it apart and rough destroy it?
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