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Everything posted by TheCasualManiac

  1. Lore Name: Liam Renolds Rank: Junior Researcher SCP: SCP-294 Question / Idea: Is it possible for SCP-294 to dispense parts of other SCPs. Background Research: Continuation of the prior test made by thyself. Hypothesis: It is able to dispense any SCP. ------------------------- Subject: One D-Class Input: SCP-914 Output: One (1) Empty Cup -------------------------- Subject: One D-Class Input: SCP-106 Output: One (1) Empty Cup -------------------------- Subject: One D-Class Input: SCP-173 Output: One (1) Empty Cup -------------------------- Subject: One D-Class Input: SCP-294 Output: One (1) Empty Cup -------------------------- Subject: One D-Class Input: SCP-173 Juice Output: One (1) Empty Cup -------------------------- Subject: One D-Class Input: SCP-173 Liquid Output: One (1) Empty Cup -------------------------- Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): Perhaps SCP 294 has to restock every once in a while. Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: Unable to confirm.
  2. Lore Name: Liam Renolds Rank: Junior Researcher SCP: SCP-294 Question / Idea: Is it possible for SCP-294 to dispense parts of other SCPs. Background Research: Seeing as SCP-294 is able to dispense any liquid, would it be possible to dispense something like SCP-999 in a liquid form? Hypothesis: It would not be able to dispense any SCP. Observations (What Happened During Test): Subject was instructed to get one instance of "SCP-999 Liquid." Subject got said drink and promptly drank it. Immediately after drinking the cup, subject turned into a small duck then 5 seconds later disappeared. Test ended. Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): More tests required, it is unknown why the subject had turned into a duck and disappeared. Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: No, it is possible for 294 to dispense other SCPs.
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