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John Newsom

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Everything posted by John Newsom

  1. In-Game Name: John Newsom Steam Name: [GL] Zombieman2024 SteamID: STEAM_0:1:493870318 Are you a Staff Member Within Gaminglight? Yes How often are you on TeamSpeak? Every day Why would you want to join our Support team (Word Count 150+)? I want to be in support for many reasons. First I have been in gaminglight for about a year now and I would like to help out the server even more. Next I always see people sitting in the requesting support section for 20 minutes or more, and I would like to be able to help them. Third I staff in game so I can help them in game if needed or I can help them through team speak. I am also a SMOD so I am very trusted in the gaminglight servers. Fourth I don't have a bad temper. So I won't get mad at the people. Fifth I am very active on the Police role play server. I have over 5 weeks on the police role play server. Also sometimes I get onto the SCPRP server. Sixth I have read the rules to team speak and in game rules. All in all I just want to make the gaminglight team speak a better place and also help out players even more. Thank you for reading. -John Newsom How do you think you could affect support staff in a positive way? I can affect support staff in a positive way by being on every day and helping out people with their question. How would you greet someone that has a problem in one of our support channels? I would say this "Hello this is John Newsom and I will be your support. How can I help you?" Have you read our rules and do you promise to uphold all those rules to the best of your ability? Yes
  2. +Support -Active -Nice -Good app -Medium Warns
  3. +/- Support -You said you did MRDM in spawn I believe that you should not have been banned for perm. I would say a 1 month ban for MRDM in spawn. But its always up to SMT to decide.
  4. @ScruffyPlays @Mag1c Btw its still illegal to open carry a gun that's loaded, so the cops can still done something about it. Also @jackyman21 you can get a automatic gun but it takes lots of paperwork
  5. What you want to see? - All semiautos are allowed to have. Also with a gun license you can have up to a class 3. (All class 4 semiautos do not change) Why should we add it? - To add more RP. With this map being based in the US it would add more. What are the advantages of having this? - To be able to defend yourself and not get arrested when you have a gun Who is it mainly for? -Crim Links to any content - N/A
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