Let me say some things,
First off you shouldn't even be adverting on Staff for police to have time limit to raid something, they can sit there as long as they want until they are all dead. Also that rule is for criminals not government if you have read that rule.
Second off, you shouldn't be intervening with something has relations with your family members. This is in the staff handbook as stated, you can read it for yourself if you would like.
I don't know where you got this from but if this was rule then money silos wouldn't be thing, also i have seen a police raid take 2 hours without staff intervening.
Third off, Just to quote something from SMT that was said "The staff job is used to make sure people are not breaking the rules/taking sits, you shouldn't be interacting with players while on the staff job, lets not interrupt RP."
You should have just brought him to a roof and explained what was going on expect for adverting and speaking infront of 3 players a raid.
Thank you for understanding, have great night.