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Posts posted by David

  1. 4 hours ago, Bailey Zappe said:


    You didn't bother to deescalate, you just took the bait and kept going, and this is really lowkey disrespect to begin with. A warn is totally unnecessary and this didn't even happen on the server, it was on Discord.

    I forgot to mention that this happened in a Gaminglight criminal faction Discord. Which technically is a Gaminglight server.

  2. Your in-game name: David

    The player's in-game name: N/A

    The player's steam ID (required): My tools.gaminglight.com is slow, once I figure out the Steam id, I will edit this post. I am reporting Reserve Colonel Billy.

    What did the player do: His was too disrespectful.
       The context before his first message was that I told him that if he acted disrespectfully, it would make him and his family look bad. After I sent the message, I changed my mind and deleted it not to cause beef. However, he saw the message.

        I can ask the Blaze command team for a screenshot of the logs if confirmation is needed.

    Evidence (required): spacer.png

    What should happen to the player: His toxicity should not be left unchecked. I recommend that he receives a formal warning.

    Any extra information:

    Edit: Now he is in my DM's talking more crap.

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  3. On 6/23/2023 at 5:05 PM, HuntR said:



    I would like to see a rug mod added to the server, but they have had drugs in the past that were removed. Most of these drug mods are very large and cause a decent bit of lag. If they can find one that doesnt cause too much I would love to see it added.


  4. 14 hours ago, Ecott said:

    - Support

    Multiple reasons:

    1. Your Post is useless and you have not clearly followed the "Suggestion Format" for your suggestion you are trying to suggest for the server.


    2. There was a casino we had in the past back on Rockford with a slot machine of being able to play different games and what not, but its sadly been removed now, I think because at the time of when it was added within a week everyone checked it out and were playing on the machines but after a week or so you'd hardly see anyone use it anymore and which then potentially leading to removing the addon altogether after which is a shame but it is what it is. 


    As much I would +support the idea for the casino to come back or a different style of casino I would agree but overall now its going to be -support. 


  5. On 6/29/2023 at 6:37 AM, Mr_Blaze said:

    What you want to see? - I would like to see the president ransom price go up. It is only 60,000 and its the president. Same price as a PD MS/SM. Should be atleast $200,000.

    Why should we add it? -  Everyone always wants to kill the president causing them to stay inside the whole time based up. This keeps any rp from happening with the president. Most of the time they base up inside away from people raise taxes so they can watch people try to raid the town hall. This is because they are worried about being killed and losing the job. Also 60k aint worth the hassle but 200,000 is. 

    What are the advantages of having this? -  This will bring more rp with kidnaps and hostage negotiations. Also president will be more willing to go outside and if they get kidnapped then they can be saved by gov possibly. Could get more people on the job bringing more activity and players to SS and HRT possibly.

    Who is it mainly for? - Crim/Gov

    Links to any content - N/A

    Agreed, the president should be worth the most.

    + Support

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