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Posts posted by David

  1. What do you want to see? - I want to see players be able to sell the ores on the void cases market.

    Why should we add it? - It would add something new to the economy and allow players to buy ores if they don't like grinding. It also gives the grinders a job to do.

    What are the advantages of having this? - Helps everyone make money and get ores

    Who is it mainly for? - Criminals

    Links to any content - 

  2. What do you want to see? - I want one perk given to factions if they hold a capture point, just like how it is on the SCP-RP server. The perks are not permanent and only grant the faction that holds the point the perk.

    SMT adding perks like more damage, speed, armor, gun accuracy and stability, magazine size, health, jump height, etc, would be preferable.

    Also, adding some way for the code to recognize that a player is on a government or criminal job would be necessary so then government players in the same faction do not get the boosts.

    Why should we add it? - It would add more flavor to the server.
    What are the advantages of having this? -  Gives criminals a boost and more reason to play.
    Who is it mainly for? - Criminals
    Links to any content -

  3. What do you want to see? - I want to see SMT adjust the coding for the keypad cracker and make the sound have a max radius of around 5 meters.
    Why should we add it? - It would allow criminals to raid without worrying about Meta-Gaming players.
    What are the advantages of having this? - Reduces Meta-Gaming
    Who is it mainly for? - Everybody
    Links to any content -

  4. Your name: David

    Your Discord ID name (EX: Igneous#3706): david_binkydog

    Your Discord ID code (EX: 204661777512923136): 689645392232579091

    Which discord server were you banned on? Premier Club Discord

    What was the reason for your ban (if you know it)? N/A

    Why do you deserve to be unbanned? I want to be able to join the Discord server, and I'm sorry for whatever I did to get banned.

    Edit: I was banned over a year ago.

    Edit2: I’m sorry, Snar, for being rude. I take it back.

  5. 4 minutes ago, Trumpo said:

    Hunt Hunt Hunt...

    Sad to see you go man. You were a huge part of SL and you will be greatly missed.

    Best of luck with everything and please come chill when you have time.


  6. What do you want to see? - I would like a tab in the F4 job section dedicated to jobs people favorite.

    Why should we add it? - It should be added so then players that would like quick access can have that option.

    What are the advantages of having this? - It improves the quality of the F4 menu.

    Who is it mainly for? - Everybody

    Links to any content - GL ImperialRP has this option.

  7. 2 hours ago, Calamity said:



    Im not staff but I can easily tell its annoying that staff spawns in the open. Staff handles so much mass rdm at spawn the mass rdmer could easily kill them. Maybe spawning them near the tac base which is mostly the middle of the map is a better idea in my opinion.


  8. On 7/3/2023 at 7:18 PM, Leaky said:


    • Well liked in the community
    • Calm/professional and overall, very friendly.
    • Active
    • Definitely knows what he's doing and is always ready to learn more and improve.

      Nothing but good things to say about jack honestly.

                                                                                                         Good luck!




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  9. 1 hour ago, Calamity said:

    - Support

    Phil was hosting a fun little event in the early morning giving everyone something to do and trying to raise population count. He was cloaked giving people Halo weapons just having fun. Jay was being spawn killed, I was being spawn killed, everyone was, it was fun. UMC Killed me quiet a bit too and I found it funny, I personally do not find an issue with this. There is context which not many people stated here. This could have just been a quick DM to Jay and he would have stopped killing you. This stuff happens every morning and night!


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