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Alex Veira

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Everything posted by Alex Veira

  1. K1LLER is a simp

  2. Evidence 1 : https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1017197106700110252/98F1DCB68AC6721D3BE02FB424AF8E71145BFC47/ Here you say "I rammed him like twice". When in reality you rammed him 7 Times on video. http:// https://medal.tv/clips/25034780/NIMNbq1ptR4V (Literally the video you are using as evidence) Evidence 2 :
  3. +Support Reading this makes me uncomfortable
  4. +Support Clearly didn’t attempt to kill him. it was one shot, would show that in logs too.
  5. I think it’s really unique tbh. Pretty impressive if you made that yourself.
  6. +/- Support -Did not comply with staff - To be completely fair, Kinky got warned for NCWS. NCWS was caused due to spamming in the crash chat. In the screenshot above provided by Duncan, it shows that Zeeptin confirmed that spamming on a restart screen is not against the rules. Therefore I feel the warn should be thrown out due to that reasoning. If kinky was spamming explicit and vulgar things then I would understand why you would ask for him to stop, but I feel like almost every restart screen becomes cancerous and full of spammers almost instantly. ps, in the future don't respond to your own appeal and let it play out.
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