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Everything posted by Dagger

  1. Grade: 80/100 Efficiency: 15/25 Insight: 20/25 Presentation: 25/25 Writing: 20/25 Additional comment: I know its your first test log, but It seemed quite short (I understand that not everyone has the time to make really long logs). On a side note I would suggest not giving your name to the hostage, this won't have any real RP impact, but realistically the hostage could then give your name to MTF, which would leave a paper trail. Overall: B -IIN Ender
  2. Grade: 75/100 Efficiency: 15/25 Insight: 20/25 Presentation: 20/25 Writing: 20/25 Additional comment: This test seemed quite short. I know there are certain RP limitations holding you back (049 can't hurt 527), but I feel you could have had them interact longer and asked more questions. Overall: C+
  3. +Support Seems silly to have to ask a Lead Admin to /demote a few D-Class miners.
  4. 1. Name of the SCP you would like added: SCP-7000-GL "The Brain Scorcher" 2. Link(s) to player models: SCP-7000 model: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=107665572&searchtext=mutant SCP-7000-2 model(s): https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1112617194&searchtext=monolith 3. Link(s) to SWEPs: Modified version of SCP-035s SWEP, increase the range of left clicking seeing as SCP-7000 does not need to directly touch an individual to transform them. Give a large red alert at the center of the players screen with the following message: "YOU HAVE BEEN CONVERTED INTO AN SCP-7000-1 INSTANCE, FOLLOW ITS ORDERS AND DEFEND IT WITH YOUR LIFE", after a few seconds this message can be shrunken and moved to the top of the players screen. This ability should have a cooldown of 2 minutes 30 seconds or a bit higher. If possible SCP-7000-1 instances shouldn't die after a certain amount of time like 035-2 and 049-2 instances do. 4. How much health/armor do you think it should have? 500HP, 200 Armor 5. Why should we add this SCP? I think the addition of a "collective conscience" SCP will bring about some interesting RP situations. Perhaps if SCP-7000 manages to get a good amount of people it might choose to take its loyal soldiers to surface and set up camp inside one of the houses in the woods, occasionally sending a group of soldiers into the facility or CI base to bring back hostages that can be turned into more soldiers. I know this SCP might just be marked off as a copy of SCP-035, but I think it would be pretty fun to play. 6. Basic summary of the SCP: Discovered at the center of Chernobyl, SCP-7000 has the (somewhat) unique ability of controlling people that get close to it using psionic powers. By using its SWEP, SCP-7000 can take permanent control over a person. A person that has been transformed will be designated as SCP-7000-2. SCP-7000-2 will blindly follow the orders of SCP-7000 and will die defending it. SCP-7000 has no limit to how many people it can transform. SCP-7000 cannot use weapons and can only use its SWEP. 7. Extra information: This SCP is based off a monster from the S.T.A.L.K.E.R series. To be honest if you can find a model of "The Controller" from the stalker series then I would highly suggest using that rather than the "Snork" model.
  5. Finally, a new challenge for CI! It shall be interesting to see this new job in combat. Side note: Bro Jayden is broke
  6. Your in game name: Ender Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:441649770 The player's in game name: Krusader The player's steam ID (required): STEAM_0:1:95111812 (I got this from the Security roster as he had left before I could get it ingame.) Date and Time This Incident Occurred: 7/9/2022, 9:30 PM EST What did the player do: Metagame. Followed around a disguised EOI upon seeing EOI in the job name, attempted an I.D check for no reason, using the excuse that 8286 is breached, but as seen in the tab list there is no 8286 online. Upon the EOI mentioning that there is no SCP-8286 on site he seems to get frustrated. (I had no previous interactions with this individual before this incident, I have no idea why he said "have I seen you before?"). Evidence (required): https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/rI8ngoSMs1eZh/d1337uUg7mPT?invite=cr-MSxBZUgsMTk1MDg4Mjks What do you believe should happen to the player: A warn for Metagame Any extra information: I made a report a little while after the incident occurred, but since it had been awhile since it had happened combined with staff taking a pretty long time to claim the sit (one even claimed it but then disconnected immediately), Krusader had already left the game. When a staff member did claim the sit (ItzGray), he said to make a forums report due to the player no longer being ingame.
  7. Grade: 90/100 Efficiency: 15/25 Insight: 25/25 Presentation: 25/25 Writing: 25/25 Additional comment: Although kind of short, you got the right answers out of him. Great work! (You posted this almost a month ago and it was never graded, sorry mate) Overall: A -IIN Ender
  8. Grade: 100/100 Efficiency: 25/25 Insight: 25/25 Presentation: 25/25 Writing: 25/25 Additional comment: This was a very well made log and I can tell you put a lot of effort into it, even including things like you saying "uh". Great work! (Apologies it took so long to be graded) Overall: A+
  9. Grade: 95/100 Efficiency: 25/25 Insight: 25/25 Presentation: 20/25 Writing: 25/25 Additional comment: This was a cool log to read, my only comment would be to put space in between the sentences since it makes it kind of difficult to read when they are all bunched up. Overall: A
  10. Grade: 90/100 Efficiency: 20/25 Insight: 25/25 Presentation: 25/25 Writing: 20/25 Additional comment: You got a lot of good and interesting answers from this researcher, great work! (Apologies it took so long to be graded) Overall: A
  11. *STATIC* ---------START OF LOG---------- Hello, my name is Dagger Deranged, also known as Ender. I currently hold the rank of Supervisory Agent, My call sign is SVA02. This is the first audio log for Operation “Heart of Chernobyl”. So uh what happened today, well first we bribed Ukrainian border guards, who allowed us to enter for a price. We then entered a town in an area known as Cordon, we briefly spoke with a woman who claimed her name “Hip”, she didn’t elaborate any further on that. She could only speak Ukrainian but luckily Private Poukov is fluent in that language. She gave us details on the surrounding area and warned us of “bandits” that will shoot you on site should they see you. We encountered multiple uhh “anomalies” that appear to break the laws of physics, one of which appeared to be a cluster of air swirling around in a sphere-like formation, it would suck anything that got to close into it and then seem to implode, obliterating the object (or person) that was unlucky enough to get to close. We also *pause* God damn its raining hard. Anyway as I was saying we encountered a pack of what appeared to be canines, we ignored them a first, to our surprise they seemed to have been using hunting tactics and trailed us for quite some time, they managed to get close enough to Private First Class Daniels and bit him pretty hard in the leg, he is currently being checked for rabies by Chief Agent Dimitri. Anyway we terminated the dogs and upon further inspection these animals appear to be heavily mutated due to the radiation, these dogs were entirely blind and had elongated teeth for hunting. After everything I’ve seen today I’ve come to the conclusion that Chernobyl and the area surrounding it has what I can best describe as a Fractured Ecosystem. We are currently staying in an abandoned building near a military controlled bridge, seeing as that is our only way to further enter the exclusion zone we are going to have to either bribe or if things go wrong, eh terminate the guards. This concludes today's log. END LOG *STATIC* ---------START OF LOG---------- Fractured Ecosystem.mp3
  12. *STATIC* ---------START OF LOG---------- Hello, my name is Dagger Deranged, also known as Ender. I currently hold the rank of Supervisory Agent, My call sign is SVA02. This is an overview of multiple logs that take place over multiple days, these logs go into depth on Operation “Heart of Chernobyl”. The purpose of this operation is to discover what is at the center of Chernobyl, study and eventually weaponize the entities that reside there. The total number of agents participating in this expedition is 14, I will list them off by rank order from highest to lowest, first we will start with the RnD side of things. We have Chief Inspector PryingTree, Supervisory Agent Ender, Chief Agent Dimitri, Senior Agent Carrots, Office Agents Pablo and Tangerine Baker, and finally Junior Agent Hollywood. On Military’s side we have First Lieutenant Pure, Sergeant Major Yohan, Sergeant Jack, Corporal Cee, Private First Class Daniels and Ezekiel and finally Private Poukov. Each branch has a commanding officer overseeing things, those overseers being Chief Inspector PryingTree and First Lieutenant Pure respectively. You shall receive audio logs of this expedition over the course of the next few weeks, interactions with locals will be logged as well as incidents such as the injury/death of an agent. This concludes the overview of Operation “Heart of Chernobyl”. We will be boarding the transport vehicles shortly. END LOG *STATIC* ------END OF LOG----- Heart of chernobyl overview.mp3
  13. I think me and a lot of other people would love the option to be able to revert back for obvious reason. The new HUD is obviously good for a few reason but the old one had its merits too.
  14. What are you suggesting? - Change back the HUD How would this change better the server? - It looks kind of ugly in my opinion and takes up a lot of your screen, not to mention when its double XP it takes up even more. The resizing doesn't work. It doesn't show your entire name anymore. Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - None that I see since the old HUD worked just fine Who would this change mostly benefit? - Everyone Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion -
  15. https://docs.google.com/document/d/111gEhVFQeHT4lhJj_VYXT2MbSslK4rSRoX54AODqwrQ/edit
  16. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1a91mHsEM4K4p7Q7IVQA1jt1n6hzabbtgA82FZyHBOyM/edit
  17. The only person that even had prior knowledge of me making this report is Sixx, I told my superior that I would talk to Sixx, not make a report. The people commenting are simply people looking through the forums. I will not be commenting any further unless asked to as to avoid conflict.
  18. Your in game name: Ender Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:441649770 The player's in game name: HexG The player's steam ID (required): STEAM_0:1:95403088 Date and Time This Incident Occurred: 6/29/2022 What did the player do: Combat healed. It would be understandable if this was simply a mistake while he was switching weapons but when I mention it to him a bit later in the clip he says "First of all he didn't hit me for a few seconds", this is not how combat healing works, he was actively being shot at and was being hit while he was healing himself. Him saying "First of all he didn't hit me for a few seconds" means that he intentionally healed himself and it was not an accident. Evidence (required): https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/qp0Z2DMVvX1Br/d1337mRmJnZA?invite=cr-MSxJaGMsMTk1MDg4Mjks What do you believe should happen to the player: A warning or something, whatever yall think it best. Any extra information: The reason a report was not made in-game was because I asked my superior in RnD what his opinion was and he told me I should go to Sixx rather than make a report, so I informed Sixx and he told me I should just make a forums report.
  19. Agreed, if Gensec don't want their boys to die then tell them to keep moving and train them a bit better. Besides, as far as I know the Desert Eagle can 2 tap Gensec enlisted if you hit both headshots. Gensec snipers also get the Barret, which can one tap even D-Class CCs with a body shot.
  20. What are you suggesting? - Adding cooldown timers in the upper left/right for the following SCPs SWEPs: -SCP-8286-GL's primary attack (the one that can kill people, left click). It is not enjoyable to hide in a corner and wait until you get a message saying you can use your SWEP again, if a player knew they had lets say 20 seconds left they could begin getting themselves into a position to attack someone rather than being left in the dark on whether or not they can attack. -SCP-682's secondary ability (when you right click it gives you a speed boost and you make a loud roar, when attempting to use this ability after it has ended it will tell you that it is on cooldown but not for how long. Potentially there could be a separate timer telling you how much time you have left to use the speed boost, like how long it is active, and then a different timer for how long its cooldown is). -SCP-106's primary attack (the one that sends the player to the pocket dimension, left click), upon using the SWEP on a player it will send the person to the pocket dimension and the SWEP will enter a cooldown where you are unable to grab another person. Although the SWEP prevents you from being able to grab another person, it would be nice to know exactly how much time you have to wait to use it again instead of spamming left click on a person until it eventually works. How would this change better the server? - It would make certain SCPs slightly more playable. Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - None I can think of, this is just a few quality of life changes. Who would this change mostly benefit? - Certain SCP players. Thanks for help with testing Weiss!
  21. What are you suggesting? - ALL cloaker units can no longer enter D-Block for any reason (This includes weird MTF groups like Zeta-6). How would this change better the server? - I play D Class quite frequently and my number one complaint is being insta killed by a person I cannot see who has a very powerful sniper rifle. D-Class are unable to buy thermals to deal with cloaker units and that is even if they make it to armory, the only D-Class that has much of a chance of killing them is a CC, and they are restricted with NLR as well as they simply don't have weapons powerful enough to quickly kill them. Gensec are allowed to buy thermals but I'm gonna be honest (I mean no disrespect when I say this) I don't feel a majority of them are trained enough to be capable of dealing with a good Infiltrator, not to mention to cost of buying thermals every time you die. The main point of this argument is the fact that neither side are very equipped to deal with cloaker units, an Infiltrator VS MTF is a fair fight because MTF have thermals as well as the coordination to deal with them, a group of Gensec privates who don't have thermals VS an Infiltrator is not a fair fight. CI VS a Stealth Operative or Wardan is a fair fight because they have access to thermals as well as the weapons to deal with them, a group of D-Class VS a Stealth Operative or Wardan is not because they don't have the weapons or the ability to use thermals to fight back. Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - D Block will be a bit harder to contain. People might have less fun playing cloaker jobs. Who would this change mostly benefit? - D-Class as well as Gensec.
  22. +Support Always had the idea of Sarkic being able to summon the Scarlet King if they sacrificed a bunch of people at the same time, this is even better.
  23. It appears both you and Box have resigned, this is a sad day. Goodbye my friend, and may the force be with you. -Ender
  24. +Support This seems like a great way to bring back a bit of RP to the server, I mean what is the level 12 d class that is running around LCZ gonna do against Gensec. Plus while that D-Class is cuffed and being given amnestics, that is one less D-Class that is able to riot.
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