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Everything posted by Dagger

  1. MTF when the powerful Keter class SCP is dangerous +Support
  2. I'll +Support this, but only if Sniper rifles are somewhat nerfed. Yes, it's realistic for someone to die when they get shot in the head with a sniper, but it wouldn't be fun to be insta killed by Pablo Gonzales 2004 who's playing Zeta-6 and bought the longbow. Then again this is more of an issue with Cloaking classes as a whole.
  3. I've been called out for a lot of dumb stuff as EOI, but I've never encountered somebody that literally checks the god damn roster to try and call someone out. This is a whole new level of stupidity lmao. I'd expect much better behavior from an Expira, which is practically Securities "SF". +Support -Ender
  4. In-Game Name: Ender Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:441649770 ULX Rank (Donator Rank/Staff Rank): Gold How long have you been playing on the server?: I have been a member of Gaminglight for over 3 and a half years, and have played on SCPRP for 2 and a half years. Have you read the SCP-RP Event Team Guidelines: Yes How many warns do you have? (Screenshot): 12 I'd like to explain myself regarding this. As stated before, I've been a member of Gaminglight for a very long time. A good amount of these warns were gained in 2020 when I was 13 years old and admittedly rather mingey. Please consider the fact that I'm a few years older, and not quite as childish as I was back then. Why do you want to join event team? I want to join Event Team because as it stands, the server feels incredibly stale in terms of roleplay. Far too often will the same three events pop up, whether they be some end-of-the-world SCP suddenly popping into existence and trying to kill everybody, a random very powerful GOI showing up and deciding to raid the foundation, or the dreaded "weapons seller" event whereas an ET will simply give people good guns based off of a roll. I want to try and break the trend of generic "everyone dies" events, and bring more roleplay into the server where I can. Why should you be trusted to be part of the Event Team?: Yes. Are you familiar/experiences with ULX?: Not particularly so, but I'm a fast learner. Describe an event you could create (Be specific): As it stands I've created three written down events that I've folded up into three neat little files and submitted in the "Event Suggestions" tab in the main discord server. https://docs.google.com/document/d/10SZ6zMqJgpGjbIcsuX7L01-xL7Ef3reRwVS54cSdwLM/editusp=sharing https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OnxRp3YUnHVLhiRKrvuDYmmPl5sZGAxYiZ-mgg8S-0E/edit?usp=drivesdk https://docs.google.com/document/d/1A5M63pZU_DlVxwq2qEMo32G87_Et6mjSfgw8FrroLAY/edit For the sake of this ET application not being painfully short, I'll make up an event right now: I like to think that events don't always have to be really big and involve a lot of people, or even be anomalous. For my example event, it will be quite simple. A prisoner transfer. We'll need 5 people total. I'll ask in an OOC advert for three D-Class volunteers willing to roleplay, upon getting these three D-Class, I'll then ask for a regular event actor and proceed from there. Me and my event actor will RP as Department of Correction agents transporting three Class-D to Site-13 for general usage as D-Class. We'll start off in the town of Cloverfield [RPing that we arrived via boat], then make our way to Site-13 upon notifying them of our imminent arrival. Upon entering we'll make our way to D-Block with the D-Class, drop them off, then leave. Bonus points for notifying an MTF command member beforehand so they know what to do and look smart in front of their enlisted. This probably seems simple, but it's realistic. The Foundation can't exactly just will D-Class into existence, they need to be delivered. A small event like this would make the server feel a bit more "alive" if that's the right way to put it. Too often will I see events that have no real planning beforehand, just "have [INTERT GOI] raid foundation and kill people. Instead of having them just be some random GOI, how about have them be Anderson Robotics androids! Then have those droids be raiding the site with a purpose, that purpose being to capture a random command member that's online at the time so they can interrogate them! Hell, buddha one of the droids and let them be captured when they reach 1hp. The have them be interrogated for a bit before they automatically activate their kill switch. With a bit of simple pre-planning like this, that generic GOI raid can be turned into something cool and unique. I'd like to admit I'm rather tired while making this, so if it's bad or it looks like I'm going on a rant I apologize.
  5. Honestly it never made sense why all factions randomly have an agent that can go invisible (well I mean It does since it makes the server a lot of money by offering players a direct advantage in combat in exchange for donating). Anyways these jobs are annoying as hell, and cloaking should be restricted to SCPs or special jobs like CI Mech Dolos. Utilizations would be more powerful since they offer players cloak. Overall +Support
  6. +Support I just don't understand why this wasn't done BEFORE the new map was released. I mean cmon now, a bunch of powerful and vastly different SCPs with different containment measures all thrown into the same area, only separated by a single GLASS container?
  7. I've always disliked the idea of Site Admin being able to give themselves stuff they don't spawn with on the fly just because they feel like it. +Support
  8. What are you suggesting? - This has been on my mind, as well as what I assume is a lot of people's minds for a good while. This post is particular concerning the "Nobody" CC, although concerns all CCs that have decided to identify as "Neutral". I'm going to put it very bluntly, there is no place on SCPRP for a DarkRP Hitman. The idea of a job that is neutral to both the Foundation and CI is certainly quite intriguing, and if done right could definitely enhance roleplay, key words being "if done right". As of now, the "roleplay" introduced by the Nobody CC is as follows: Get paid by someone to do something, mostly involving killing a fellow Foundation member. Kill this Foundation member as well as any witnesses, then proceed to go on an RDMing spree once an AOS/KOS is inevitably called before dying. Then respawn and do it all over again. Why is this an issue? Because they will then proceed to immediately go back to being a hitman once NLR is over. This isn't roleplay, this is RDMing people with extra steps. So many times I've seen newer players get randomly killed by a Nobody CC, report them to staff, and ultimately be told that there's nothing the staff can do. And that brings up another issue, as far as I'm aware there are no rules in the MOTD regarding Neutral CCs. How are staff supposed to enforce rules on a job that doesn't have any rules written down to begin with? I am suggesting the immediate suspension of all "Neutral CCs" and have them be repurposed into D-Class CCs for the time being, at least until an actual set of guidelines and rules are put into place. What would these new rules be? I've got a few ideas. For one, they would now spawn on surface. Secondly, just because they neutral with the Foundation, it doesn't mean security personnel aren't going to freak out if they see some random dude in a trench coat running around. So realistically, if they are seen onsite without proper authorization Foundation personnel can AOS them at their discretion. This would go the same for CI, believe it or not a literal terrorist organization isn't going to like some random guys poking around in their business. Lastly, give them access to /open. This would allow them to RP their way onsite and gain actual clearance to be there. How would this change better the server? - Literally just make it so people don't have to worry about being randomly gunned down by a job that is supposed to be "Neutral". Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - It would make Neutral CC members sad they can't do whatever they want. Who would this change mostly benefit? - Everyone except Neutral CC members. Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - N/A
  9. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1F0yhGqLJZeRGoIgYiEgQdkC9-g1AxTIbPO1YV7H03UM/edit?usp=sharing Due to a request being made for a Research led inquiry into this mysterious case, I will be submitting this here. NOTE: Do whatever you like with this, I'm just a resident medic. I was hoping for a Research Grade since I worked kind of hard on it, and perhaps maybe an actually theory on what's going on if you so please. None of this happened ingame.
  10. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1F0yhGqLJZeRGoIgYiEgQdkC9-g1AxTIbPO1YV7H03UM/edit?usp=sharing I am unsure where to put this if I'm honest, nor if these things are graded. But I like how it turned out. NOTE: None of this occurred ingame.
  11. Only issue of I can think of is everyone's favorite kind of players, CLOAKERS. Other than that just make it so SCPs can't activate it and it'll be perfect.
  12. This is already partially in place regarding SFs stealing other SFs weapons (Example: E4 nabbiing a D4s Volk) Otherwise +Support
  13. I've been using /ooc for 3 years, now I'm suddenly forced to use // unless I want to suddenly be talking in open comms. Please change +SUPPORT -Ender
  14. EYE OF INTELLIGENCE GRADING Grade: 93/100 Efficiency: 22/25 (Normally I would deduct points for learning almost nothing, but since that's as a result of a chance based roll system I'll let it slide. By your own volition, you mentioned how nobody changed uniforms, clueing the interrogatee in on the fact they were being interrogated and not at a job interview.) Insight: 25/25 Presentation: 23/25 (I'll give you credit for creating your own format, but at the same time it just looks... basic? I don't know how else to describe it, good work regardless.) Writing: 23/25 (Looks good for the most part, and a lot of effort was put into it. Although one little thing I have with it is the fact that you put the "Gamma Eyes only" message at the top, I mean, wouldn't that technically mean that I would have to be executed despite being D1? Overall good writing though.) Additional comment: N/A Overall: A Test quality: Meets Expectations 93% - Above Average Extra Notes: I told you I'd get to it eventually -D1 TF2 Spy I
  15. EYE OF INTELLIGENCE GRADING Grade: 100/100 Efficiency: 25/25 Insight: 25/25 Presentation: 26/25 Writing: 24/25 (Misspelled "Signal" as "Singals" in the line "Researcher: Oh Yeah? **Singals to the CI Military to begin showing aggression**") Additional comment: N/A Overall: A+ Test quality: Meets Expectations 100%=Exceeds Expectations Extra Notes: Jesus Christ... in all my time working in EOI and RnD as a whole, I've never seen someone put THIS much dedication and effort into an interrogation log. Normally I wouldn't give someone a perfect score for an EOI grading, but I think an exception is warranted here. Outstanding work agent.
  16. What are you suggesting? - This is a pretty small change but one that I think needs to be done. As of now there is a command you can type into console with a specific number that I can't remember off the top of my head, but the gist of it is that it changes where you are looking. No big deal right? Well this command can be used, with the right number, to know the way out of SCP-106s pocket dimension, every time. What I am suggesting is that either SMT simply swap the exit with one of the death doors to throw people off, or preferably, make all of the doors locations change on an hourly basis. How would this change better the server? - Prevent what I would consider either Metagame or FailRP from happening, and prevent people from easily countering 106s only way of indirectly killing people. Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - Would take a bit of work from SMT to change the TP routes. Who would this change mostly benefit? - SCP-106 players. Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - N/A, although here is an example of someone trying to use the command :
  17. +Support She gave me health and armor on bioengineer. Overall a chill and funny lady who knows what's she's doing. Best of luck! -Ender
  18. +Support Chill dude who knows what he's doing and has done his dues when it comes to being the head of E4
  19. Ain't no way you just said that Jokes aside he's a chill guy who knows what he's doing, +Support
  20. AS LONG AS THIS THING DOESN'T GET THE BATTON THAT STUNS PLAYER LONG ENOUGH TO CUFF THEM For real though, this thing very quickly turned into a job that would make it incredibly unfun to play as on D Class and could very easily capture CI.
  21. 1. Steam Name: Dagger 2. Ingame Name: Ender 3. SteamID: STEAM_0:1:441649770 (Discord ID: Dagger#5885) 4. Ban Length: (Despite this removal log claiming I am banned from all discords, I am only banned from the SCPRP Discord. I was never spoken to by anyone from staff after the ban, I'm guessing the ban is Permanent though.) 5. Admin that Banned you: Most likely Zeeptin 6. Reason for Ban: "Inflammatory Remarks" 7. Dispute: If I'm honest, I never expected or planned to ever have to make a ban appeal, let alone for a permanent one. I'm going to go into depth on the situation that occurred to defend myself properly, prepare for an essay. Many of you know of the video made by a certain Youtuber heavily criticizing Gaminglight PoliceRP for their usage of microtransactions among other things. On Monday I unintentionally found this video a few hours after it was posted by sheer luck, and decided to watch it. I admittedly agreed with a few of the points but overall thought it was pretty funny, and decidedly posted it in SCPRP General chat and commented on how "PoliceRP is in some shit lmao" as I put it. Another person commented on the video after I posted it and we began having a conversation. Within a few minutes both the video and the conversation were deleted by a moderator (I'm guessing it was Zeeptin). As a response to our conversation being snapped out of existence, I made a comment on how it "Doesn't look good to hide criticism of your community". Zeeptin promptly responded to my message by simply saying "stop". A little while later a good friend of mine named Dutch (currently a Captain in CI Military) began talking about the video. We talked for a little while and eventually came up to the topic of how an individual by the name of Ecott had donated a total of almost 50 thousand dollars to Gaminglight over the course of a few years. I would like to bring up the fact that I am 16 years old, so I haven't exactly ever had a large sum of money before. So naturally, someone spending this much money on a videogame seemed absurd to me at the time. To comment on how this seemed absurd to me, I mentioned how it simply didn't seem natural for someone to spend this much money on a videogame, and that "It has to be money laundering or something lol" as I put it. I would like to point out that at the time I didn't even know how money laundering worked, nor did I really care since I had said it in what I had assumed came off as a joking manner. The conversation ended shortly after that, with Dutch admittedly winning the conversation with his final point on how some people have a lot of money and can spend it how they like. A short while after all this happened, Zeeptin replied to the conversation I had had earlier with Dutch, specifically the bit where I mentioned money laundering. In his reply he questioned me about how someone could even realistically commit money laundering through PayPal. In an attempt to emphasis the fact that I was joking about the money laundering comment, I replied to him "The trick is I'm spreading misinformation on the internet, the kids these days call it trolling". I was almost immediately banned from the SCPRP Discord server. Naturally, this was a bit distressing. I spent a few minutes talking with some friends of mine in another discord server. Fearing the worst, I then proceeded to check the roster. I had been removed from CI Military by HCZ Manager Ozzie (2LT, spent 3 months getting there. I have been a member of CI on and off for 2 years. I have been a member of Gaminglight for a total of over 3 years). Due to my removal reason mentioning that I was supposed to be banned from all discords, I began panicking since I realized that I would effectively be unable to join any branches on any Gaminglight servers. I messaged a member of SMT on Discord asking if they were available, I was met with no response. About an hour after I messaged them in Discord, I joined TeamSpeak and messaged them while they were in a class, unmuted and undeafened asking if they could please check DMs. I was again met with no response. I little while after this I was pinged in the ImperialRP Discord by the name of Guinea. This is the conversation that followed: I did not respond to Zeeptin as I was quite frustrated at the time and knew that I would most likely only make my situation worse. That is the conclusion to all of the events that happened that day. Throughout the following 2 days I spoke with multiple members of CI and they collectively agreed that it was quite harsh to not only remove me from CI but to also Permanently ban me from the Discord. Overall, this seemed like quite a harsh response to a simple joke. I love the server and I love CI, its been a major part of my life since I joined over 3 years ago and I sincerely hope my time here doesn't get cut short over a small incident. I am requesting that my ban either be removed or shortened, hell I'd be willing to be banned for 3 months, just not permanently. As for my Rank in CI that was taken from me over this incident, If I am ever unbanned I'll leave that up to CI General Pills to decide.
  22. What are you suggesting? - If I'm honest this is just something that has kind of annoyed me for a while. Despite D-Class Supplier (Level 35) and D-Class Smuggler (Level 75) having a 40 level difference in requirements, they are fundamentally the same except the smuggler gets a kind of weak revolver and a medkit. Now, the name "smuggler" implies that they are good at sneaking things inside the facility (this is made apparent considering the fact they have a revolver at the ready), wouldn't it make sense that they are SO good at sneaking things inside that they have the luxury of selling things at a decreased price? What I am suggesting is that all items Smugglers can buy (Guns, melee weapons, etc) have their price decreased by either 25% or 50% depending on what SMT want to do. For example, an SMG that costs 5000$ will now cost 2500$. This will essentially make them a Tier 2 D-Class Supplier, with the added benefit of them being able to sell things at a more affordable price for new players (I don't think a new player with 20K is going to want to spend 5K on a shitty weapon they will die instantly with). How would this change better the server? - Give a slight buff to D-Class, and make it a bit easier for the very few people that like to roleplay. Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - Believe it or not, buffing a singular D-Class job that not many people play on will make it a bit more difficult for Gensec. But considering how difficult its been to riot over these past few months, I'd say yall will be fine. Who would this change mostly benefit? - High level D-Class players. Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - N/A If you leave a -Support, please give a genuine reason other than "I don't like D-Class, therefore I don't want them slightly buffed"
  23. Annoying riot shield person that gave D4 a stereotype.
  24. "O5 can't play on High Command jobs" -No sit -Admin should know the rules -Free my homie +SUPPORT
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