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Dwayne The Kid

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Posts posted by Dwayne The Kid

  1. In-Game Name: Dwayne


    SteamID STEAM_1:0:245566338


    What is your ULX Rank?: Bronze


    What is your RP Rank?: (Nu7 LCPL)  (E11 PVT) (Research Researcher) (Janitorial Jr Janitor) (Technical Jr Tech)


    What is your timezone?: EST


    How would you rate your knowledge of the SCP world? (1-10):  7-10


    Do you have any experience as a Gamemaster or Event Planner? (If so, explain it):  I have No experience as a Gamemaster.


    How Active are you? (1/10):  8/10


    How many warns do you have? (Across all Gaminglight Servers): I have 3 or 4 on SCP RP but on all GL servers is 11 BUT this was from a while ago and I have matured.


    Why should we allow you to be an Event Team Member (150+ Words)?:  Why I should be allowed to be a Event Team Member is because I am mature I like SCP RP and I like to play SCP RP a lot. I play it almost everyday. I am active on the server, Discord, Teamspeak and Forums. I am very good at making events in my opinion because of my creative mind. I can come up with events every 5 days. I am very respectful to everyone on the server. I will try to bring joy and happiness to the server with my events I will make some events that are exclusive to only certain branches and jobs, some of my events will be more focused on for Security, Research and MTF so there could be a event where there is a weird and scary virus in D block that has infected most of the d class and turned them into fast creepy zombies so that would only be for like Security and MTF. The security can either save the rest of the d class or get out of d block and lock it down until MTF gets there and goes in with hazmat suits and kills all the d class. I will make my events the funnest I can by making lore friendly events. My events will be very thought out to make sure it will work and make sense.


    Describe an event you could create (The more specific the better): A event that I would create would be about SCP-008 where a rogue researcher would go and spread 008 through the gas and ventilators in the facility making the facility turn most of the personnel into zombies and the rest of the survivors would have to risk their lives to turn the gas off and the only person that knows how to is the researcher that started it since all the Tech are either dead, infected or injured they need to find the researcher that has either got out of the facility or died. The survivors would have to find out who did it by looking at the security cameras and they would have to identify him by his face then they would have to see if the any of the survivors look like him if none do he would most likely be dead from the virus or he is out of the facility, if he is dead then they would have to find his body and get the missing peace to fix the missing peace to turn the gas off.


    Have you read the Event Team Guidelines?: Yes


    What is your favorite SCP? Why? I like all the SCPs but the most is SCP-096 reason is because of his lore and how he became a entity which I like it a lot.



  2. Lore Name: Dwayne
    Rank: Researcher
    SCP: SCP-966

    Question / Idea: Can you see SCP-966 when you spray him with a Fire Extinguisher.
    Background Research: 

    SCP-966 are creatures that resemble hairless humans possessing an elongated face with a mouth lined with needle like teeth.

    Hypothesis: My hypothesis is that I will see him when I spray him with a Fire Extinguisher.

    Observations (What Happened During Test): Me and two MTF went into 966s cc and then I grabbed my Fire Extinguisher then started to spray every where I know that I definitely sprayed him at least a few times. When I was done spraying I looked around and saw nothing so I got out of his cc and the MTF closed the door then we left and went back to our normal duties.

    Evidence/Visual Stimuli: N/A

    Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): SCP-966 Moving to much.
    Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: No

  3. Lore Name: Dwayne
    Rank: Researcher
    SCP: SCP-066

    Question / Idea: 

    What if I write the word Eric on a wall when SCP-066 is with me will he do the sound thing.
    Background Research: 

    SCP-066 is an amorphous mass of braided yarn and ribbon weighing approximately one kilogram.

    I think he will look at me then be like really then he will do the sound thing. Sorry I don't know what they call it.

    Observations (What Happened During Test): 

    I found SCP-066 then I told him to follow me then when we were alone I wrote Eric on the wall he say it but did nothing. I think he did not see it maybe I should of wrote it more bigger.
    Evidence/Visual Stimuli: N/A

    Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): Maybe he did not see it because of how small it was
    Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: No

  4. Lore Name: Dwayne
    Rank: Associate Researcher
    SCP: SCP-131

    Question / Idea: What will happen when I pore acid in SCP-131s eye.

    Background Research: SCP-131-A and SCP-131-B are a pair of teardrop-shaped creatures roughly 30 cm (1 ft) in height, with a single blue eye in the middle of their bodies or face.
    Hypothesis: My hypothesis is that it will damage his eyes a bit.

    Observations (What Happened During Test): Me and 131 went in a room and I put the acid in his eye I asked him first does your eye hurt he nodded yes then I asked him is your vision blurry he said no I could see that it was red so I expected it was a little damaged so I let him off and said thanks for taking your time.
    Evidence/Visual Stimuli: N/A

    Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): Too much acid in the eye
    Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: Yes.

  5. In-game Name: Dwayne

    SteamID: STEAM_1:0:245566338

    DiscordID: Dwayne#2073

    What division do you want to join (Military or R&D): R&D

    How would you rank your knowledge of the lore? My knowledge of Chaos Insurgency lore is about a 5-10.

    Why should you be in Chaos Insurgency? (75 word minimum) Why I should be in Chaos Insurgency is because I think I got what it takes to be R&D and I hope you guys will think the same. I am pretty good at making stuff, I got some good secrets that the foundation might not want the Chaos Insurgency to know. I am good with SCPs I know how to test them and what to test on them, I know how to make stuff that will help the Chaos Insurgency take the foundation down.

    What is something that sets you apart from other applicants? What sets me apart from the other applicants is I make stuff that can take the foundation down and kill them all. I will figure out how the SCPs became the entites they are today. I will try to figure out how to make breaches more effective and more frequent.

    How active can you be? I am on almost everyday.

    Do you have both Teamspeak and Discord: Yes.

  6. Lore Name: Dwayne
    Rank: Jr Researcher
    SCP: SCP-999

    Question / Idea: What happens if I inject SCP-049-2 Blood into SCP-999?
    Background Research: SCP-999 is a sentient orange slime that is extremely friendly to all human beings.

    My hypothesis is that SCP-049-2s blood will make 999 feel different or maybe even turn him into a zombie.

    Observations (What Happened During Test): I brought 999 into a room and then I injected him with 049-2s blood that I got from med bay 5 to 10 minutes ago then I asked 999 does he feel different he said he feels fine then I asked him does he feel angry at all he said no so then I gave him some candy and let him move on with his day.
    Evidence/Visual Stimuli: N/A

    Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): Maybe I injected him in the wrong place or I got the wrong sample which I doubt.
    Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: No it was not.

  7. Lore Name: Dwayne
    Rank: Jr Researcher
    SCP: SCP-049 

    Question / Idea: What will happen if I give 049 amnestics, Will he lose his memory?
    Background Research: SCP-049 is a humanoid entity that resembles that of a medieval plague doctor. 049 is general cooperative with foundation staff, but becomes irritated when in the presence of 'the pestilence.' 049 will then proceed to 'cure' anyone determined to have the pestilence.
    Hypothesis: My hypothesis is that SCP-049 will lose most of his memory not all but most.

    Observations (What Happened During Test): 

    During the test I gave 049 Class A amnestics I then asked him does he remember anything from today and from your last test subject or from the past he was confused where he was and he did remember his last test subject but he seemed to forget everything else.

    Evidence/Visual Stimuli: N/A

    Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): The Class A amnestics.
    Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: Yes It Was

  8. In Game Name:  Dwayne

    Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:245566338

    Discord name / Tag ( EX: starr#9999 Dwayne#2073

    How Many Warns do Have?: I have some on other Gaminglight servers but only 1 or 2 on SCP RP

    Why do you want to join Alpha-1? What will you bring to the regiment? (150 word minimum): I will bring Protection/Security to O5 and all foundation members to the best of my ability. I will bring Respect to the branch. I have always liked MTF but Alpha-1 I have liked the most out of them all I think they are one of the best branch on the server in my opinion. I like how they role play by writing on a piece of paper since they cant talk it just makes them even more interesting to me. I like how they help Security at D block because of D Class that helps a lot most times another reason I want to join is because they are active I don't like being the only person on I see Alpha-1 more than any other MTF branch. This is what I will bring and why I wanna join this branch of MTF. If I get accepted I will do everything the best I can.

    Imagine you are supervisor in A1, you have a Private who is minging and disobeying all rules stated within the SOP. Briefly explain the actions you would take and who you would talk to about this situation?: I would go up to him and tell him to follow me and we would talk privately about what I have heard and I would ask him why is he doing this, When we are done talking I will tell the Commander if he did not know about it.

    Have you ever received a strike from any department? If so, answer below when you received it and the reason for the strike. If not, please enter N/A: N/A

    What Departments are/ Have Been in?: Security, Nu-7 and MTF E11

    Do you agree to be active and put forth dedication into the department?: Yes

    Did anyone refer you to Alpha-1? Put N/A if none.: N/A

  9. Name: Dwayne

    Rank: CPL 

    FTO Rank (If Applicable, SGT+): N/A

    Why should you retain your rank (WO+ must respond | 150+ words): I am having a blast in Security and I would like to stay in this branch of cool people.

    Any Notes, Questions, or Concerns?: Nope.

  10. In-game Name: Dwayne


    SteamID: STEAM_1:0:245566338


    DiscordID: Dwayne#2073


    What division do you want to join (Military or R&D): R&D

    How would you rank your knowledge of the lore? I don't know that much I do know that CI where MTF and just people that were in the Foundation so about a 5-10

    Why should you be in Chaos Insurgency? (75 word minimum) I think I have what it takes to be in CI I know what CI does and who they are I am good with weapons and I am good with Research I know how to develop stuff that will work and help us take the foundation down 


    What is something that sets you apart from other applicants? I am good at killing people like MTF Gensec I am good at rescuing D Class I am usally on a lot almost all day so that will show activity I don't see that many CI on I don't know why


    How active can you be? I can be on everyday unless something bad is going on in my life


    Do you have both Teamspeak and Discord: Yes


    *Please note you can get removed at anytime if violating the SOP or being inactive for 3-4 days

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