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Everything posted by Orca

  1. Orca

    Discord ban appeal

    It says it is invaild or maybe that im using the wrong sever link
  2. Orca

    Discord ban appeal

    What i put should answer it
  3. Orca

    Discord ban appeal

    Your name: Square Your Discord ID name (EX: Igneous#3706): Square#2589 Your Discord ID code (EX: 204661777512923136): 622182951949697030 Which discord server were you banned on? SCP Discord What was the reason for your ban (if you know it)? "Making light of the about George Floyd and other things about BLM" Why do you deserve to be unbanned? Its has been quite awhile since I have been on the sever and I have gotten time to reflect on what I did that day, and I know what I did was bad and I regret it and I hope I be forgiven for the situation, and I hope the people that were offended knows that I'm sorry and I hope I can start to play with you people again and I know I will not do the same thing I did that day
  4. +Support -Active -Very nice -good app
  5. Friendly and Helpful Active Respectful known throughout the community over all a grate idea for TM
  6. -Support -He is Mingy at times and can be sometimes inpatient Ok App witch could be better He needs to be more active +Support He is chill at times and he is nice
  7. And to add onto this this would make typing easyer so man its a good idea
  8. + Support I think this is good for a quicker way to change to diffrent area more effectivly
  9. The app is ok but i know you can have good judgment so i say +support
  10. You are cool and i respect that so +Support
  11. Ok thank you i looked it up and couldn't find it and also that that's fair but i was told it would be a month but i guess not well gg then
  12. Security not e11 and nu7 i know im perma blacklisted for that 2 but not security
  13. Steam Name:  [GL] Meme Overlord Ingame Name: Sqaure SteamID: STEAM_0:0:526569795 Job Blacklisted From: Secerity Reason for the Job Blacklist: Bad post on discord Dispute: My one month is over and would like to play security again and im wondering if i can be whitelisted/ unblacklisted please (Also can i be un banned from the discord that is over to)
  14. He is a nice guy and i see him alot and amazing staff app so that a all good for me.
  15. Orca

    Security Officer App

    well thank you for bringing that to my attention and yes i do
  16. Orca

    Security Officer App

    i say Battle strats because i sometimes see in a offensive we as shock don't do that well and trying to help in that would benefit shock much in off map events and sims also i dont say push them to the edges "I learn how far I can push them and use that info to my advantage in helping out with shock" i did not say that i would push them i ment that if i know there boundary's i can help with that and use what i have to my advantage to be there best while not pushing those to much if that makes it better. mind i say that if you know me im not that stricked and i would like to say that since i know what happeneds in the batton im in i know how to coordinate with others and mind i add you have it seems no expericene with shock so how would you know anything about it and our saturations and help us? BTW: Your submition looks and probly shorter than mine so dont complain that mines like this.
  17. What is your ingame name?: Sqaure What is your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:526569795 What is your rank on the Naval Roster?: Ensign What specialty are you applying for?: (SO) Security Officer What Naval HC (Admiral +) gave you permission to apply?: Cool Admiral Ducks What can you do to improve the branch you will be responsible for? The majority of my responsibilities involve helping my NCO. I can do that by helping enlisted troops to understand their jobs and giving them battle strats that will help them in the long run. I think that trying to be a better side commander, I will do some good things for my branch. Why should you be trusted with this position?: I'm a shock NCO already and have experience with these things. I know what to look for in the troopers and know what they can do. I learn how far I can push them and use that info to my advantage in helping out with shock. I always try to help with everything I can in the ship as fast as possible to speed through any problems shock or DT have. Why do you want this rank?: I want to help my fellow shock and to better understand my roles in the game. I think this rank will also help me with DT by giving me more practice with responsibility in a different place. Also I like that since I am already a part of shock, this rank will let me connect to my favorite battalions and give me a position to help out my fellow battalions in their work. That would make me happy and also make me a better leader and help me achieve my ideal vision of helping with the battalions the best I can. What is your purpose within your assigned branch?: I look over RFAs by shock and train security. I make sure they know how to keep the ship locked down and safe. Overall, I supervise the ISDs and evaluate them on how well they are securing and protecting.
  18. Tip dont Massrdm and dont let your soul say feach me there souls dont let that happen ok
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