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Posts posted by Kodaㅤ

  1. Name: 


    Current and former RP ranks:

    Current: Nu7 CPT | HTF Harbinger | Nu7 DHFTO

    Former: Nu7 MAJ | HSU Commissar | Nu7 DHFTO | OH7 | ET | MOD | CI CPL




    Ages#0001 | 425747172785520651

    Why do you want to be an Officer?:

    I want to be an Alpha-1 officer to use my skills to the best of their ability and show how I can make the branch better by putting in my best effort possible. I want to be able to bring back old traditions and discipline from the old Alpha-I Branch that were the basis and foundation of the branch. I want to bring proper training procedures to the branch, ensuring that it is difficult to be selected for the branch and even more difficult to get through the tryout itself. The branch needs to have the most skilled people possible, and it should not be stealing many members from other branches. I feel as though I could play a very strong and important role in overseeing command and ensuring that procedures are followed and done properly. I want to be able to play a large role in recruiting and sustainment when the branch starts off to assure that the branch is able to stay on track when it does start. The main reason is that I want to be able to see the branch succeed, I want to be a part of its success, and I wish to play a large role in it. I also want to use my SF experience to its fullest and hope I will be able to do so.

    What makes you competent enough to be an Officer?:

    I am competent enough to be an officer, as I have the necessary experience and am mature and disciplined when it comes to being competent. I always listen to others, and I am always looking to do better for everyone. I take suggestions into account; I listen to others and don't just ignore them as other people have told me to do. I am always looking to learn new things and take responsibility for the things that I have done. I have a lot of experience SF-wise and know how training works, how to get things done within the branch, and how to assure that only the best candidates get into the branch. I like to assure everyone that they are doing their jobs and what they are supposed to be doing, and I assure myself that I am on track. I have a good understanding of what my job is, and I decide to do what's best for the branch. I have an understanding that the branch is very fragile and needs a careful hand from leadership to assure that it stays secure during the start.

    How will you maintain strong relationships and communication with other branches?:

    I will maintain a strong relationship with other branches by doing PTs, checking in, and talking with other command members of other branches. Luckily, I have multiple contacts within other branches, most of which are HCMD and SCMD. Other branches I am in good contact with are CI, Nu7, D5, E11, and Maintenance. I know people within these ranches well, and I intend to use that as an advantage in keeping our relations good and ensuring that everyone is happy and there are no troubles between branches. PTs will consist of combat, role-playing, and many other types to ensure that everyone gets their fair share of learning and time to communicate with each other. This will also allow enlisted and command personnel to meet new members of other branches, which will increase branch relations even more. I also intend on doing game nights with other branches to ensure that our branch keeps good relations with others outside the server, as that happens to be one of the most important areas for meeting others and maintaining strong relations.

    Note: I have decided that I may be better off with a position other than CMDR or LTCMDR however I will still leave it up.




    2. Current and former RP ranks:

    Current: Nu7 Captain, HTF Harbinger, Nu7 DHFTO

    Former: Nu7 Major, HSU Commissar, Nu7 DHFTO, RRH OH7

    3. SteamID:


    4. DiscordID:

    Ages#0001 | 425747172785520651

    5. What position are you applying for?(CMDR/LTCOM):


    6. Why do you believe you are the best candidate for the Commander position?:

    The reason that I believe that I am the best candidate is because I have experience, and discipline, and a motivation to be ahead and learn. I like to assure that I am always ahead and know everything about my branch, and my best ability as a candidate is learning from my mistakes, which is what many look past. Everyone messes up but I look to learn from those mistakes and make the branch one of the best on the server. I also have experience weather on this server or others I've been high ranking staff on large servers before along with branch lead positions in my time, however I see that as the past and I'm looking at the future. I like to think that nothing is ever perfect and can always be better the branch will always need work and there is never time to do nothing I like to be proactive and always look for what can better the branch in itself what could better the personal, and look for fluidity with other branches whether it be CI, Nu7, or Maintenace I like to assure that things are not stolen and our branch is Unique. One thing that is also notable is that not too many people know me from outside of my branch, however I use this fact as an advantage as I would be able to learn my commands traits and ability's and be able to task with specifics. I've been around now aswell and have seen A1 grow from a branch, to OH, and now to the red right hand we have today, I would like to use this knowledge of the past and incorporate the history of A1 and uphold what it has been and possibly surpass and show its true potential. Most importantly I want to make sure that the branches command and enlisted get along to ensure fluidity among the ranks, and I will assure this branch flourishes and survives unlike past branches such as Omicron, and the old A1. I am motivated to stick with this branch for aslong as possible and I will.

    7. What specific skills and qualities do you possess that make you competent enough to run the branch?:

    The skills that I possess is leadership qualities, discipline, maturity, responsibility and a strong motivation to succeed. I have many other traits that would benefit the branch however these few I have listed to me are some of the most important that I have to show. One of my most important traits among these is my leadership traits I strive to show others how to get things done when help is needed, I will always be open to helping others weather new or old to the branch it does not matter I am always a source of information, and a person to talk to no matter the situation. I take things seriously no matter what comes to me, among this I also want to assure that others have a chance to lead aswell to assure that there is a chain of command which is needed in every branch and I will assure is in my branch. I want to make sure that people have a chance to go places in the branch I want to assure that everyone has a future and follows my lead and someday gets to my position.

    Discipline is another trait I have whether it is being able to do things that others won't or assuring that everyone in the branch is behaving, I for one like to make sure I am always on task and getting done what is needed of me. I like to assure that I take the blame for mistakes made and, I assure that other will be able to be up to the expectations of High Command. I feel that if the branch is not disciplined it will lead to a fall and it will affect activity, and many other important aspects will fall. Therefore I will make sure that all of my command stand, enlisted and High Command are doing what is expected of them, in my opinion it does not matter your rank, all actions have consequences and that is something all branches will follow and this one will undoubtedly. I will assure that punishments wil be handed out for misconduct and it will not be tolerated within this branch.

    Maturity, Maturity is one of the most important traits of a leader. A person who is immature should not be a leader as the enlisted and command will follow the leader, therefore I will assure that everyone maintains a maturity that is expected of them, and I will do the same. I like to make sure that I don't act like a child or abuse my powers at the rank achieved, I feel that this is how I will show others that I am a person who can be talked to and can be communicated with. Without being mature it would be impossible to get my points across clearly. Maturity shows that I can be fluid and to the point with others it gives others a sense of respect to me which is very important and it also leads to my next skill and quality, responsibility.

    Responsibility, this is by far another highly important trait and skill of all weather enlisted, high command, or command. Taking responsibility for one's actions are highly important and are a show of being a leader without it there is no leader. I assure that if I mess up I will take sole responsibility for the mistake I have made and would face the consequences of that action. Lying is something that will only lead you into a downward spiral and lead to guilt. I feel that being able to take responsibility is only something a true leader can do. Along with this taking responsibility only shows your branch and other branches that you are a leader and makes you a respectable command member. I will always take responsibility for my actions no matter what weather good or bad. I want to show myself as an honest person who is respectable as that is what I am. And I want my command, enlisted and High Command to follow behind and take responsibility for their actions as well.

    My last and final trait and skill is a strong motivation to succeed and assure that the branch succeeds with me. I will assure that I will put my utmost effort into the success of the branch as that is what my job is and I am motivated to stay with the branch as long as possible and make sure that I do right by the branch and do right by others. I want to make sure that others also succeed and put in effort this is one of the most important characteristics of a successful branch the strive and motivation to succeed assuring that your enlisted, command, and high command can have fun and enjoy their time is highly important as it will keep up motivation and will lead to success with it. I will assure that this branch as a proper DHFTO and HFTO that can grow the branch well and will be able to put in great effort and I will put in effort as well into the body of the branch and assure that it strives and thrives with its command and high command. These some of my traits that I believe are highly important for a High Command or, Command or, Enlisted member.


    8. How do you plan on running the branch?:

    The way that I plan on running the branch is running it with integrity, and a strong chain of command. I will assure that everyone is doing the jobs assigned to them which will be an important task I will complete in uniformity with the other High Command members assuring that each command member has a job and is doing it correctly. While doing this I plan to learn about my command and enlisted about their traits and skills to see what would be the best for them and what they would be the best at. Along with this observing their skills to understand what they would be best at to give them the position they should have. I also want to assure that FTO is pushed strongly upon the release of the branch as it will be fragile and it will need enlisted to booster the ranks and maintain the branch as a whole without training it would take a hit. Mainly I have to assure that everything fits together fluidly because if this are carelessly put together it would nother damage and hurt the branch and cause a negative effect to how fragile the branch will be at its new state. I plan on have PTs hosted with other branches to improve relations and assure mainly that we can work together in uniformity with other branches no matter the branch, which is another ability I have as I know many HCMD from other branches from the past or now so I can work well with them and talk to them fluidly and get points across well with good understanding. I will also assure that all of the documents are put together with the other High Command as fast as possible, mainly the SOP, FTO guide, and training SOPs. I will assure that all of these get done under supervision and by me or other Command or High Command. I also would put together a Deputy Head application to get someone to run each of the the subdivisions. Along with document work I would like to make sure that the roster is always up to date with the new fragile status of the branch to make sure confusion about rank, or other statuses are not confused. Along with this I want to manage my Command and Enlisted assuring that activity is kept up and punishments are handed out to those inactive and assuring that they go on a LOA if they must be inactive for a little.


    9. How will you maintain strong relationships and communication with other branches?:

    I will assure to always be on the same page with other branches by talking about changes they want or we want to assure that no jobs are stolen from others. I always will talk to other branches to get permission for a specific change that could affect them as well. Luckily I have contacts within other branches HCMD that I have good relationships with and I will always speak with them whenever a change is to occur. Along with this plan of growing my connections with the other branches and getting better communication with not just the HCMD but also the Command I already have many command contacts as well but I would like to get along with as many people as possible to assure that everyone is on the same page and we have good relationships. Just asking can go a long way when it comes to relationships with other branches and I will always ask before I do something that could affect the other branch. I also want to speak with other command and high command about cross PTs to assure that our enlisted, and command can make contacts with the other branches command and enlisted, I also want to make it to where we work closely with other branches such as when another branch has low activity on the server when its low pop their enlisted can always come to our channel and talk with our enlisted and command. I will assure that we are open to other branches to make sure that we have good relationships. I will always take suggestions from my Enlisted, High Command, and Command on what I can change. I want to make sure that we are seens as on the same level with other branches and I always want input from others. Other high command input would help greatly aswell from other branches. I want to assure that we have conversations with other high command frequently. Mainly I want communications within the branch to be fluid and clean. I want this branch to succeed and I will assure it does to my fullest ability.

    Thank you, I look forward to any input, good or bad.

  3. 5 hours ago, Zack / Zarl said:

    I know you’ll do great too, best of luck to you

    Thanks for that!

    5 hours ago, Zack / Zarl said:

    It’s been Ages since you’ve been back, get it?

    This, this right here is why I changed my name. You're a good friend but still a pain in the ass. Mostly because of these jokes...
    Also, more Nu7 Activity???

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