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Matrix Demon

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Posts posted by Matrix Demon

  1. On 6/22/2020 at 3:41 AM, TAlila | Tay Keith! said:


    Cares about IC
    Made an entire doccument relating to problems within IC and how to improve them, also being promoted by HCOM all the time
    Honestly a Chad dude

    I see you on all the time and i think you're ready for IC, Good luck man! 
    sorry its short i really hate writing stuff lol



  2. 1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) :

    Vice Marshal Matrix

    2. What Regiment are you applying for?

    Starfighter Pilot Corps.

    3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch?

    since Omega left Marshal, i am sad about it but right now some one have to take over SF, i will do my best let SF grow up more beter as Family, you can trust me, i am most active on SF, i will do more training of SF and i will make few changing on SF make it more beter, Allot things just happend on SF like allots SF crashing or bad things happend, i will do PT or Strike them or kick them out SF, SF is best RP Ever, during rate i lost hunt and RJ, but i will continue on, SF has grown bigger when RJ changing some stuff, also i want SF Team speak Operation in password change, like really we want old password back, RJ did something towards it, i dont accept that.

    4. How much game time do you have on the server?

    since i joined at December 2019, i played server for 6 weeks

    5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch?

    Lead SF, train them how to fly a ship, and keep eye on Enlisted if they follow SF rules and do really well, i will promote them, if they do not follow Rules, they get PT or Strike, Marshal make more Roaster Update, make moreSF RP Sim, make more fun like flight combat and more Transport training, how to pick up troopers and drop them off to a ship or a Planet, make more few changing of SF Tryouts, Update few Rules of SF, rules and Documents more Updates, Command and watch over Officer, if they know what they  are doing, if they dont know what they do just explain and talk few things what are promblens, mabye we change new plans and more new Ideas.

    6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? : when Mashal Omega Left, he believe i should take over Marshal so i will do my best to get it, i will do my best make SF Grow, and make it better, you saw me much Active on SF and do my best to do update Roaster, i will help out more Officer if they need me, anyway i will do my best make SF stay alive, i will make few changing on SF Tryouts SOP, allots Training will happen on SF flight training + Transport training + Dog Fight, i will make more SF hop on Team Speak, i will make few old and new rules, SF is grow in better but it needs to be improve, documents and Rules needs to be better, i saw few officer lacking leadership or promblens, i will try my best talk to them what kind promblen, and ask what kind promblen mabye we should make new Idea how to fix it.


    7. How often can you be Online? :

    4-6-8 hours per day

    8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) :

    i have no warns, thats good so far

    i have update App so i hope you understand now.

    • Like 2
  3. 1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) and your SteamID

    Vice Marshal Matrix 

    2. What Regiment are you VCMDR+ in?

    Star Fighter Corps

    3. Why do you want to stay as a (vice) commander of this branch?

    i want to stay and make big changes of SF, make things on Roaster and help things out to Marshal Plans, some times my own plans for SF new Rules.

    4. How active are you on the server (include timezone)?

    Active 4-6-8 hours each day 
    Timezone CEST+2

    5. How active would you say your battalion is? If it is inactive, what are you doing to fix this?
    i al ready start roll call and make sure they do sign it, if there not sign in right on time, they will be removed, if they are LOA i leave it alone.

  4. On 5/27/2020 at 11:18 AM, TailoredBadger said:


    Pretty simple but nice-looking weapon.


    As Alpha says, it will increase the variety of weapons.

    If added, I'll attempt to have it given to Medical Officers+ so they have a bit more weaponry than just an E-11.


  5. 1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) :

    Purge COL Nidus 6676              Matrix got PK

    2. What Regiment are you applying for?

     Purge Trooper VCMDR

    3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch?
    I want to help and Support CMDR and VCMDR Update Roaster and SOP, and Take Lead of Purge Trooper and do some Training, i want to make Purge Grow as Familly, i dont wanna Disspointed on them, and keep eye on Purge if no minges about to happen, i left ST VCMDR for reason, i am sorry Bakka why i left, Minges just happend on ST was too much, allots Headache from them. but i dont wanna give up on VCMDR, i wanna Support Purge Trooper with my Life.

    4.  you have on the server?

    i start at 2019 December  29 so, some were at 5 months 2 weeks.

    5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch?

    1. Follow IQ and Command Purge Trooper to hunt Jedi, 2. Training to hunt Jedi, 3. Respect each other and Leadership, 4. Roaster and SOP Update it, 5. help out Each other and Explain how job works, 6. Show responsibility not be Minge on VCMDR, 7. Show respect to all and follow rules and SOP, 8. if we fail Missioan we have to do PT or Pk who on command on Purge Trooper.

    6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? :

    i was ST VCMDR before, so i think im going try out on Purge VCMDR, so i could help out Roaster Update and SOP, and some allots Training of Jedi hunt, i wanna make Purge Trooper grow and make good Familly, and shows what Purge RP looks like, we team up with Inquisitorius to hunt down Jedi and Capture there holocrons, and make Purge Trooper Grow shows might of EMPIRE!, what we can do, to Destroy Rebbels.

    7. How often can you be Online? :

    i got to say Everday, moday to Friday 3-6 Hours, saturday sunday 5-8 Hours.

    8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?)

    i have none.

  6. no what, i give a shot for you Reaper

    + Good Support

    +No Officers so he stepped up as NCO

    +Active and Wants to Rebuild SF, so dont dissipoint me, but you never did that to me, you always Good.

    +Deserves a shot at Vice marshall

    -SF FL Matrix 1307 

  7. +Support

    +work along side him Frequently & shows the traits of a vice Commander,

    +good at air combat as he's equal to the Marshall

    +Good at Leading troops with /comms imagine what he could do with the radio

    +Friendly but also Strict guy

    +He's best soldier & follows orders to the max

    +Best SF pillot i ever seen

    ~ST Vice Commander Matrix

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