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Matrix Demon

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Posts posted by Matrix Demon

  1. On 3/18/2021 at 2:49 AM, EdgyDabz said:


    -I've spoken with Steel a good amount out of character and in character as well in the last few weeks, and he is very passionate and serious when it comes to his role and responsibility in the Royal Guard ranks.

    -Is active on the Royal Guard roster, and I see him online all the time.

    -Even though I am not at all active or engaged with this regiment, I think that Steel is the most qualified person I know for this rank.

    Good Luck Steel!


  2. 1 minute ago, SilentCall_01 said:

    -Nebel is a long time player and knows how things run
    -Knows the logistics of what it take to be a VCMDR
    -Nice person
    -Great leader
    -Dedicated to 501st
    -Has held the position of LTCOL for as long as I can remember and is ready/deserves a position like this.

    Good Luck Nebel! -EX. 501st ARCL MAJ Katie


  3. On 3/19/2021 at 10:10 PM, Nimo said:


    Has been in Naval for a very long time now.

    Has a lot of experience as Naval and as High Command.

    Leads Naval very well (Broke the record of 25 Naval on at once)

    Great Leader and Competence

    Amazing Effort, really shows what he has accomplished as his time as Grand Moff Tarkin and Naval High/Senior Command in general.


  4. On 3/19/2021 at 10:07 PM, Kieran ♡ said:


    - RJ has done a lot for not only Havoc, But Gaminglight as a whole, He has worked his way up to Command in most servers and has worked amazingly in all,
    - He is Active & Dedicated for the Server'(s),
    - Been here longer than most,
    - Does the best he can to improve Activity in any battalion necessary,

    - Excellent Candidate

    = Good luck RJ ! | Keep the Work up! =


  5. On 3/18/2021 at 12:45 AM, Don Jon said:


    -ROSA is like always on.

    -Good App.

    -Keeps SF fun and interesting.

    -One of the nicest people on the server.

    -Well known in the community.

    -Most passionate SF I've met.

    -Deserves this positions.

    -Goes above and beyond for SF and I know she will continue to do so.

    In all ROSA is kind active and dedicated to SF and would make the perfect Vice Marshall maybe even Marshall one day 👀. I hope I'm around to see you move on to greater things if you get this position you're going to do great things I just know it.


    ~Senior Squad Lead Don Jon


  6. On 2/26/2021 at 12:13 PM, not Jeff [GS] said:


    -As an SO you are expected to make sure ALL shock not dependent of their rank you should always help them, and work with them.

    -not active (Do i know you?)

    -As an SO you are olso expected to "overview" shock/DT you aren't a leader you are there to help both of the branches. Your responsibilities as an SO are to help people, promote, and make sure people are having fun!

    -Olso you only mensioned DT once in the application.




  7. On 2/13/2021 at 1:36 AM, PTOB said:

    + Support

    - Active 

    - Dedicated to SF

    - Helps command, During meetings taking activity, helping us in decisions on apps and other things

    - Good bridge between lower SF and Command

    - Decent application.

    - Friendly with everyone


  8. On 2/13/2021 at 7:02 PM, soph said:

    - Support
    I feel like you need more time as a VCMDR instead of just going for CMDR seems like a power hungry move, also I don't see you on much.
    You also skipped multiple cooldowns in shock even tho you knew they were on cooldown.

    No hard feelings 😄


  9. 22 hours ago, Deaky said:

    +/- Support
    -Has been in SF for a long time
    -Does a decent amount of tryouts
    -Works well with the rest of SF
    -Hosts fun sims

    -Banned not that long ago 
    -Has 2 strikes on SF.

    -Is currently a LTCOL in purge so 
    idk how you are planning on 
    balancing the time on the 2 battalions,
    you seem to be way more active on your other life.
    -I wish you would communicate with SF more
    as well.

    No hard Feelings Destiny, Good Luck!


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