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Tai Lopez

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Everything posted by Tai Lopez

  1. -Support If someone is willing to put in the effort to learn the rules, go through the application process, and improve through experience, then they should not be denied the opportunity to be a staff member solely on their age.
  2. You guys are acting like blocking off one or two roads will immediately cause the worst traffic jam in history and cut off access to all parts of the city. In all likelihood cars would probably decide to not waste their time and take an alternate route. And if they decide to minge than at least it won’t be right in front of the scene.
  3. I’m sorry, but I really don’t remember leaving during any situation. And you haven’t explained why I wasn’t brought to a sit or even notified about my fearrp warn.
  4. Your In-game: Tai Lopez / SGT Lopez 1C32 Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:90796375 The admin's name in-game: Jimmy James / Jimmy James UMC The admin's steam name (If you know it): I don't know What warning did you receive: FearRP and LTAP Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED): Why do you think this warn was false: I literally don't know what these warnings are about. For both of these warnings, I was not brought to the sit, and I've never seen Jimmy James ever on my time on the server. In fact, I only found out about these warnings after I decided to randomly type !warns in chat. Any extra information: No
  5. I disagree. Cars are a big annoyance/distraction even with only one lane blocked. If both lanes are blocked off, I agree cars will probably still be a nuisance, but at least it will be redirected away from the scene.
  6. They could go around. There are multiple roads that lead to every part of the city. They don’t need to just take the road by the bank or gen store. And if it’s a dead end, oh well they would have to wait outside the perimeter until the situation is over. That’s what would happen IRL.
  7. What you want to see? - Allow PD/gov to block off all lanes of traffic during major crimes, such as Bank raid/gen store, without needing command approval. Why should we add it? - Currently, PD are only allowed to block off one lane of traffic during a bank raid or gen store robbery. This is completely unrealistic. Does it make sense for cars to just casually drive around the bank when there are multiple armed suspects with hostages raiding it? No. It clutters up the scene and distracts gov away from the bank raid to deal with cars either trying to go around the perimeter or cars that stopped right in front of bank wanting to watch. In real life, PD would block off all roadways and intersections leading anywhere near the scene. What are the advantages of having this? - It would improve the realism, as blocking off both lanes of traffic would be what police in real life would do. It would allow gov to focus on the situation rather than crowd/traffic control, and it would remove the cluster of cars and civilians around the scene. Who is it mainly for? - PD/Gov Links to any content - N/A Note: Maybe it is unnecessary for PD to block entire roadways in all situations, but I highly suggest PD be allowed to block off all lanes of traffic during all bank raids and gen stores/situations involving hostages.
  8. +support Active, friendly, and very supportive to new officers. I think you would set a great example to the rest of PD if you become command.
  9. Your in game name: Lopez Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:90796375 The player's in game name: Bugs Chungus / Big Boi Chungs / Steam name: Pvt. Bull [29ID] The player's steam ID (required): STEAM_0:0:121686490 What did the player do: (1) Stole a police car twice (2) failrp by pulling a gun out while tazed and in the process of being handcuffed. (3) Attempting to deceive by changing his name right after the incident. No staff was in game to deal with this. Evidence (required): (1) https://streamable.com/4cec8 (2) https://streamable.com/17f4c (3) https://i.gyazo.com/9c2e220f175a4b4d9b7600d65cbd6a4f.jpg shows that he changed his name after. His name was Bugs Chungus before, and he changed it to Big Boi Chungs right afterwards in an attempt to get away with it. His profile picture in the second video matches his changed name (3), as well as his steam profile picture: https://i.gyazo.com/28c9d4a18c05f8356163ae53cb86829b.png / https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198203638708 What do you believe should happen to the player: 3 warnings for stealing a police car, failrping, and copbaiting by being in PD AOS zone for no reason. Trying to get away with it by changing his name could warrant a ban. Any extra information: He's a VIP with 3 days of playing time. Hes definitely aware of the rules mentioned above, which means that he intentionally broke them.
  10. Lore Name: Lopez Rank: Researcher SCP: 049 + 096 Question / Idea: Will SCP-096 try to kill SCP-049 if he looks at him? Background Research: SCP-096 is a Euclid class SCP. It is a 2.38 m tall humanoid figure with major deformities, little muscle mass, and very disproportionate arms. His jaw is capable of opening to four times that of a regular human. It is usually very docile, but when someone looks at it or a photograph/video of him, it experiences MAJOR emotional distress and will stop at nothing to kill them, capable of running at extremely high speeds. It's unknown if SCP-096 is blind or not, and there's no evidence of higher brain functions. SCP-049 is a Euclid class SCP. He is a humanoid entity who resembles the appearance of a medieval plague doctor. He wears black robes and a ceramic mask. He is usually cooperative with Foundation personnel and can be subdued by armed guards if necessary. SCP-049 is capable of killing people by ceasing their biological functions through direct skin contact. He sees other individuals as being infected with the "pestilence" and wishes to "cure" them. If an individual dies through direct contact with SCP-049, he usually gets frustrated and shows remorse, but afterwards he uses some chemicals on his person to perform surgery on the corpse. Those that are "cured" by SCP-049 are classified as SCP-049-2, which are hostile reanimated corpses that obey all orders from SCP-049. SCP-049 can be re-contained by eliminating all instances of SCP-049-2 and ordering him to return to his chamber with two armed guards. Hypothesis: Given that SCP-096 kills anyone that looks at him, I have no reason to suspect that he won't try to kill SCP-049 if he looks at him. Observations (What Happened During Test): SCP-049 was transported from his chambers to SCP-096's chambers. A bag was placed over SCP-096’s head, and he was restrained while I set up the experiment. SCP-049’s restraints and blindfold was removed. After this, SCP-096’s bag and restraints were removed, and the chamber door was shut. Once the chamber was secure, SCP-049 was ordered to stare directly at SCP-096. He complied. Instead of SCP-096 immediately trying to kill him, he stares back at him. No signs of aggression, hostility, or emotional distress were present in SCP-096, which was completely unexpected. After nearly thirty seconds of staring, SCP-049 was restrained again and transported back to his own chamber. Evidence/Visual Stimuli: Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): It puzzles me why SCP-096 did not kill him. Anyone that even remotely looks at him, nevertheless directly stares at him, immediately induces immense emotional distress in SCP-096, who then proceeds to kill him letting nothing stop him. SCP-096 did not enter a distressed state, and he did not try to kill him. Hypothetical possibilities involve maybe SCP-049's mask having an effect on SCP-096, or perhaps SCP-049 eyes are different and unfamiliar to SCP-096, or maybe SCP-096 was aware that direct contact with SCP-049 ceases bodily functions, so this could be the first instance SCP-096 does not attack someone that looks at him out of fear for his own life. The most probable conclusion I can draw from this is that SCP-096 does not experience emotional distress when a non-human looks at him. SCP-049 is a humanoid entity, but since his appearance without the mask and robes is unknown, he is not confirmed to be human, thus showing that a possibility for SCP-096’s lack of response is that he’s aware SCP-049 is not human. Regardless, the results of the experiment contradict the nature and known behavior of SCP-096. Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: My hypothesis was incorrect. SCP-096 did not kill SCP-049.
  11. Ok nevermind my bad. You're using the correct format.
  12. Lore Name: Lopez Rank: Researcher SCP: 049 Question / Idea: Is it possible to create an effective vaccine against SCP-049 using a blood sample from an infected Class D (SCP-049-2)? Background Research: SCP-049 is a Euclid class SCP. He is a humanoid entity who resembles the appearance of a medieval plague doctor. He wears black robes and a ceramic mask. He is usually cooperative with Foundation personnel and can be subdued by armed guards if necessary. SCP-049 is capable of killing people by ceasing their biological functions through direct skin contact. He sees other individuals as being infected with the "pestilence" and wishes to "cure" them. Those that are "cured" by SCP-049 are classified as SCP-049-2, which are hostile reanimated corpses that obey all orders from SCP-049. SCP-049 can be re-contained by eliminating all instances of SCP-049-2 and ordering him to return to his chamber with two armed guards. Hypothesis: I predict that a vaccine composed of a direct blood sample from SCP-049-2 would be effective against SCP-049's "cure". Observations (What Happened During Test): To start, I took a single Class D and placed him inside of SCP-049's chamber. After he was "cured" and became an instance of SCP-049-2, I transported him to the medical bay for examination. From there, Dr. Thaddeus Xyank drew a blood sample from SCP-049-2 and created a vaccine from it. He handed it to me, and SCP-049-2 was incinerated. After that, I took three Class D's and transported them to SCP-049's chamber. I used three Class D's because I planned on running the trial three times; there were plenty of MTF standing by in the event of a breach. Inside SCP-049's chamber, I injected them all with the vaccine, and observed how they will react to SCP-049's "cure". The vaccine did not work. After one of them was turned into SCP-049-2, I aborted the experiment and transported them back to the cell block after they were given amnestics. Evidence/Visual Stimuli: Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): The vaccine was ineffective against SCP-049's "cure". A possible explanation for this is that since it's unknown why direct skin contact with SCP-049 is so deadly, a vaccine using the blood of SCP-049-2 might've been pointless. SCP-049's deadly skin could be the result of anomalous means rather than his blood. And, since SCP-049 does not directly transfer his own blood to SCP-049-2, a vaccine using SCP-049-2's blood would've had no effect. Overall, I believe a vaccination against SCP-049's cure is possible but not through samples of SCP-049-2. Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: No, my hypothesis was incorrect. The vaccine did not prevent the Class D's from turning into instances of SCP-049-2. Note: If SCP-049's is invisible to you, his playermodel is this: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1355143637
  13. Lore Name: AR Lopez Rank: Associate Researcher SCP: 096 + 999 [Permission granted by H.O.R. Weiss through discord] Question / Idea: To what extent does SCP 999's abilities suppress SCP-096's emotional distress when someone looks at him? Are they enough to prevent him from killing someone that looks at him? Background Research: SCP-096 is a Euclid class SCP. It is a 2.38 m tall humanoid figure with major deformities, little muscle mass, and very disproportionate arms. It is usually very docile, but when someone looks at it, it experiences MAJOR emotional distress and will stop at nothing to kill them. SCP-999 is a safe class SCP. It is a large mass of orange slime. Its intelligence is similar to that of a cat or dog. SCP-999 has a playful attitude whenever it encounters someone. Direct contact with SCP-999 induces mild euphoria, and SCP-999 is known to have calming abilities similar to that of anti-depressants. Everyone who encounters SCP-999 is happier than before. In one instance, SCP-999 was able to induce extreme happiness and laughter in SCP-682, a Keter class SCP that hates all life. Hypothesis: Given SCP-999's extreme calming abilities, I predict that SCP-999 will be able to fully suppress the emotional distress SCP-096 experiences when someone looks at him, thus preventing SCP-096 from killing them. Observations (What Happened During Test): This experiment was supposed to be conducted by three D-Class, but one of them disconnected. To start, I had SCP-999 use his abilities to attempt to calm SCP-096. At first, it appeared to work, as SCP-096 became calm and even petted SCP-999. The first trial involved me bringing a blindfolded D-Class into SCP-096's containment cell. SCP-096 completely ignored the Class-D's presence. I removed his restraints and blindfold and ordered him to look directly at SCP-096. Despite SCP-999 using his abilities on SCP-096, he immediately shifted his focus from SCP-096 to the D-Class staring at him. SCP-096 lunged away from SCP-999 and killed the D-Class that was staring at him. I conducted a second trial where I asked SCP-999 to calm SCP-096 again. I then proceeded to bring another blindfolded D-Class into the containment cell. Just like the first trial, SCP-096 completely ignored the Class-D entering the room. I removed his restraints and blindfold, and ordered him stare at SCP-096. SCP-096 slowly shifted his focus from SCP-999, and he just stared at the Class-D for a while. He hesitated for a few seconds and then killed the Class-D. 1ST TRIAL: Evidence/Visual Stimuli: 2ND TRIAL: Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): The trials did indicate that SCP-999 does have an impact on SCP-096 to an extent. When SCP-999 uses his abilities on SCP-096, he completely ignores everyone else. Without SCP-999's presence, SCP-096 would usually immediately become alerted to anyone that enters his proximity. However, SCP-999's effects are ineffective when someone looks directly at SCP-096. As shown in the second trial, SCP-999 may be able to make SCP-096 hesitate for a couple of seconds, but after that SCP-096 kills the person that looks at him, ignoring SCP-999. This suggests that while SCP-999 calming abilities are extremely effective, as previously shown by the cross test of him and SCP-682, SCP-096's emotional distress when someone looks at him exceeds SCP-999's capabilities. Therefore, using SCP-999 to calm SCP-096 will not protect others if they look directly at SCP-096. Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: My hypothesis was incorrect. I predicted that SCP-999 would be able to prevent SCP-096 from killing others if they were to look at him, but SCP-999's calming abilities are not enough.
  14. Lore Name: JR Lopez Rank: Junior Researcher SCP: 066 Question / Idea: What will happen if people aggressively yell "Erik" to SCP-066, but SCP-066 is unable to harm or deafen them? Will SCP-066 become apathetic and give up or continue regardless of how futile his efforts are? Background Research: SCP-066 is a Euclid class SCP. It is a mass of strings and eyes, and after an incident back in 2008, he gets extremely agitated whenever someone says the word "Erik". He is capable of generating sounds greater than 140 dB, capable of instantly deafening and severely injuring people off of the sheer loudness alone. Hypothesis: I predict that if someone yells Erik in front of SCP-066 while wearing soundproof headsets, SCP-066 should get extremely agitated and try to deafen them, but once it realizes it can't harm them, it will become apathetic and give up. Observations (What Happened During Test): SCP-066 was placed in a sound-proof box and bound to the wall. Two Class D's were bound a safe distance away from SCP-066, so it will not be able to reach them. I put special sound-proof headsets on the Class D's, myself, and everyone else in the testing room. I removed SCP-066 from the soundproof box and ordered the Class D's to aggressively taunt SCP-066 while yelling Erik right at his face. SCP-066's deafening sound was unable to penetrate our sound-proof headsets. The Class D's taunted and yelled Erik for a solid 60 seconds. Still, SCP-066 continued to try to deafen or harm them, despite the fact that it was bound to a wall and its sounds had no effect. It persisted for the entire 60 seconds. Evidence/Visual Stimuli: Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): It appears that SCP-066 persistence is a result of his extreme agitation towards anyone saying Erik. Usually, if someone does something to make us angry, we get agitated for a little while, but once we realize that there's nothing we can do about it, we become apathetic and give up. However, SCP-066 became extremely agitated when he heard the Class D's yell Erik, and despite not being able to do anything to harm them, every time the Class D's yelled Erik seemed to agitate SCP-066 more and more, which made him persist and ignore the fact that his deafening attempts are futile. If this was any other human, once they realized that they couldn't do anything to harm them, they would become apathetic since their anger is pointless. SCP-066 did not give up or become apathetic throughout the entire 60 seconds. "Erik" appears to add fuel to his anger indefinitely. Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: No, my hypothesis was incorrect. I predicted that SCP-066 would give up as soon as he realized he couldn't harm the Class D's, but he REALLY becomes agitated every time he hears the word "Erik". SCP-066 does not experience apathy.
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