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Everything posted by Coltable

  1. Think you fail to understand that the Generator when turned off doesnt even breach any SCP.... It opens all doors but doesnt open SCP containment doors.
  2. I suggest making it a situation like the nuke: CI will need the CI General perms + an O5 Council members perms to destroy the Foundation generator. There is no roll needed and is to be issued in cases where MTF heavily out number CI/SCP's. The O5 Council will call the shot as they are a trusted member of the foundation while still over looking and monitoring CI. Keep in mind it would most likely result in a nuke event happening and so a RP Reset, Knowing this I'm sure the O5 Council will only give CI/SCP's such power in rare cases example being maybe a MTF meeting day. Overall I quite like the idea and it adds a major new Role-play event such as the nuke event to our server.
  3. Armor Kit overhaul, Job buff's/nerf's and Server Quality of life changes! 07/02/21 Changed SCP-8286 Swep Cool-down: With the new addition of SCP-8286 on the server we have decided to increase its cool-down rate to use its swep from 1min > 3mins. We hope this leads to more Role-play opportunities and less “TF2 Spy Game-play”. SCP-5208 Buff: SCP-5208 has received its much needed HP buff, changing from 150HP > 300HP. Do us proud little soldiers! Do us proud! SCP-194 Buff: SCP-194 has had a DMG buff to its swep, Increased from 67 > 97. We have also decreased its run speed from 650 > 500 to help with Hit-Reg. Demo Expert Buff: Looking at jobs in dire need of a buff we have Demo Expert who is receiving a HP and Armor buff. Changing from 125HP > 150HP and 100AR > 200AR we hope this change allows Demo Export mains to finally fit in within the facility. Staff Reports “Other” option: We have moved the option to select “Other” for “Player to report:” to the top of the reports list of names. No more scrolling needed! Armour Kit overhaul: This update to the server today is by far the most impactful and useful! Armour Kits can now heal to the max of any job on the server, this means all jobs can now heal up to their max Armour allowing for more survivability! On top of this, we have Increased the recharge rate from 2 > 4 and its healing ability has increased from 15AR > 20AR. Fixed Maintenance Command Comms: Maintenance Command now has access to /cmd Comms… yay.
  4. You would currently go off of this rule in the MOTD section of 939: "The player of 939 must respond to requests for their HP status, however, if 939 is in active combat they may get to a safe location before responding." This does not state in what manner you respond in just that you must give the MTF/CI some sort of indication to what your health is like so either the actual numbers or a tranq-able etc will do just fine.
  5. Theres no such thing as silent rules, MOTD is what you go off of for rules in relation to SCP's, all branch SOP rules are only related to such branch and come after MOTD rules. SOP rules are extra rules set by HCMD ontop of the base MOTD rules.
  6. By changing what, be more specific....
  7. I actually prefer for scps to simply do "/advert Tranq-able" or "/advert Not Tranq-able" This method allows players to just use a bind instead of having to type out their HP every 2mins, A good 70% of the time SCP's cant type out their HP because some twat is shooting them while the rest of the team is screaming in adverts for the scp's HP... - Support
  8. @Demon Dice Your statement please.
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