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Jack II

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Everything posted by Jack II

  1. Yes, this is actually a very good idea.
  2. Another pillar of the SCPRP community gone I will miss you chief
  3. Yes join me on my expeditions + support
  4. + Support yea he was spamming chat a lot with nonsense too when I was on
  5. Man this sucks, research wont be the same without you, good luck on whatever comes next for you
  6. Bruh anyway ill miss you walter you were one of the pieces to security.
  7. goodbye cat, you were a pretty cool guy.
  8. What you want to see? - Adding SCP 860 to the server Why should we add it? - It adds a lot more RP between Research and CI What are the advantages of having this? - OK so I propose we add SCP 860 into the server, the door that leads into the forest would be placed in the empty room near janitorial bunks, the door to exit the forest could be back into one of the safe class containment rooms. The only way to open the door of course is picking up the key which will also spawn in one of the safe class containment rooms too. You can only enter through one door and exit through one door. Benefits More RP with research and tests to be done Server benefits: Could add SCP 860-1 to the server adding more jobs to it. Links to any content -
  9. the 5 months Ive been in GenSec, Ive never met someone with great leadership and such positivty of sinnik, hes showed maturity and is dedicated to his job. Hes been improving GenSec even more ever since he became DHOS.
  10. On the RFA job /f doesnt work, i dont know what other comms rfa has but the only thing they see are foundation adverts
  11. + support hes super trustworthy and dedicated
  12. Theres no doubt about it He 100% deserves command, Good luck Jay!
  13. Name: Jack II Current Rank: Lead Researcher Time in Research (Approximate): 2-3 months Why should you be research command, AKA what can you bring to the table that the rest of command can't? (100-word minimum); If I get a research command, I'd actively seek players that have been doing a good job and contributing a lot to Research. I would hold mass tests a few times a week and I would always make sure that people enjoy, and have fun on Research. I will be on all the time, helping players, supervising tests, or just playing with other members of the Research branch. I love being a part of Research, I take it very seriously and I decided to apply for RFA which was accepted. Now I feel like it is time to move up further in Research and finally become a Supervisor, I don’t have any experience in other branches with being in command but I will try my best. I am on all day which is also very useful because I will be able to see who is doing a great job throughout almost the entire day. I understand that being in command takes a big part of responsibility and I feel like I am ready to take that step and become a member of the Research command! What will you do to make research more active and better? (100 word minimum)(Tangible items like activity, expertise or the ability to run trainings, etc)?; Something I would do to make Research better is to let the members have more fun, hold more mass tests, do more interesting tests, my main goal is to make sure people have fun and enjoy research. I will also start holding mass trainings to bring more people into this wonderful branch. When it comes to doing tests I would say I am pretty creative, I also would really like to show low ranking researchers especially JRs really fun tests/test ideas.Research is one of my favorite branches, I joined this server on January 1st and I have been active everyday on this server, I have join Research 2-3 months ago and it made the server a lot more fun for me, anyway I hope I make command and good luck to everyone else applying! Revision: Yes I made some embarrassing mistakes, and called someone an insult which was immature for me. I deeply regret it and feel bad that I would say something like that to anyone. I was very annoyed at the time but understand. I love Research and I love playing, I really enjoy playing in this community and hope that all my positives overlook the negative controversy that occurred last week.
  14. Your in game name:N/A Your Steam ID:N/A The player's in game name: Orange The player's steam ID (required):STEAM_0:0:121830468 What did the player do: Combat heal Evidence (required):https://streamable.com/6nlqds What do you believe should happen to the player: at most a warning, hes a LTCMDER, he should know the rules by now and deserves a punishment Any extra information: Player is seen instantly starting to heal himself during combat.
  15. Your in game name: Not my evidence, Rig Unit 4232 Jack Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:127963272 The player's in game name: Morgan Freeman From Halflife The player's steam ID (required):STEAM_0:0:81732935 What did the player do: Buy a gun from armory on SCP 343, he knew what he was doing but he still broke a rule from MOTD. Evidence (required): What do you believe should happen to the player: Warn Any extra information:
  16. + support blacklist from gmod is deserved too : P
  17. What you want to see? - 076-2 not being able to be lured back into containment with a "challenger" Why should we add it? - its really annoying and unfair to the people who self breach for a total of 20+ minutes as 076-2 just to be recontained in 2 minutes because theres a d class at their CC. What are the advantages of having this? -Makes recontaining 076-2 a bigger challenge and it can probably make the SCP more played. Who is it mainly for? - SCP 076 Links to any content -
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