Name: Magma
Rank: VI
Length in RG: It's been a while about 5 months I used to go under a different designation which is why most people will be turning their heads when they see this.
Are you Shadow Guard: Yes
Activity Level?: Weekends, however I am always always always available on the Forums and Discord!
Why do you want to try for Trial Senior Guard?: I wish to become a Trial Senior Guard because I have served in the RG for a very long while all in preparation for the day I am eligible for T Senior. I have a massive dedication for RG and always attempt to help in any way I can. I have shown this continued dedication through hosting dueling practice, Staying on for very long periods to make sure people who get on later in the day get the appropriate attention they require and to make sure RG is running full speed through the night. I have also shown this strong dedication by making new documents such as training guides and new guidelines. I plan to revamp more documents of the older variety to eliminate confusion or anything among the ranks. My goals for Trial Senior are to do much “behind the scenes work” such as documents and things in the forums and discord I am always quick to respond to issues. I am able to do these things while being informative so the question does not arise again. Another goal I have is to eliminate the struggle and concern people have shown of not being able to get promoted even after hours of work and dedication. This apparent problem is something I plan to solve. As such I plan to hopefully pull out of the weekends activity not only for RG but for staff as well :). I should be accepted also due to fact that I feel I live up to and beyond the regular standards of RG and always strive to make a difference within RG.
How many warns do you have?: 2 on imp
In memory of @Stage whos computer drank bleach and died (won't let him go in the server)