Statistically makes sense 55:9 ratio
Site-05 had a much better d block comparatively had more cover and was more open making it harder for gensec to spread out at the same time allowing gensec to advertise classes like sniper and riot control so there was stability
Now in site-gay there's not much moving around and not much (NATURAL) cover like smt had to put this (honestly) stupid looking barricade to make it fair for d class. Then you have this fuckin pop tart sizes elevator.
Shooting range, organized , good size for PT's and good for d class to get a foot hold.
Small as fuck and claustrophobic , no range and just baby shit compared to 05 the only good thing is sixx's beautiful chat message.
There's also the fact site 05 was big but easy to manage unlike 10 where everything seems to be a maze.
admittedly site 05's surface was pretty bad , lag , small CI base ETC. but these are all fixable such as not having 50 trees per square inch and putting the CI base in the old white building.