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Some Weeb

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Everything posted by Some Weeb

  1. This app is very lackluster for a commander app.
  2. That and truthfully Azir you can be pretty rude and not mean it. That can have its own negatives.
  3. Barrett ultimately is the best option out of everyone
  4. Yeah and I would like to say that the Contender should stay like this because GenSec has gotten a better arsenal. That and when I am on usually the way we counter it is just one riot shield and one shotgun easy.
  5. I am the Owner of CI E3 task force And the Zero model out of nowhere has become complete shit. My hitbox issue is the exact same as with @MexicanGuy
  6. Omg i think i just might come back for this
  7. That wasn't a suggestion... Who said anything about suggestions. of course i do believe patrols are not as actively happening as you make them to be. (At least when I am on) and again there is no intent to say it is easy or simple...
  8. THE POINT BEING not that its easy that's just immature to think and not what I am implying in any way. a big flaw in gensec in my opinion is already stated in their which is there is not enough activities issued to the gensec branch.Most of the time it is simple as just look in front of the barricade and shoot anyone that goes past the line. (discounting PT's) GenSec need more activities. Now this is where you can decide I am saying its easy, or whether I am just trying to give you something to think about. which quick hint I am not saying its easy. in fact it can be as simple as every 5 minutes switch the barricade formations every 10 minutes assign a LCZ patrol. keep your people in the game.
  9. Spamming dislikes also is not helping gensec sorry if my opinion is something you don't like
  10. Some Weeb

    Bye bye PT.2

    Mainly for ST''s @Wesss Cringe alright thats my resignation bye!
  11. *cough* *cough* he is like a decade younger than you *couch* however what OWNED said is still 100% true and your age is no justification Its all good man you just gotta learn the rules more they aren't -supporting cause you are a bad person its just before they let you back on they have to 100% make sure you are equipped to play the SCP
  12. @Protege @Sprink @whoeveerelseislonewolf You can count the Lone Wolf gang in
  13. +support I Get gensec losses d block a lot but that's because y'all never seem to develop new strategies all it is, sit behind barricade # and look forward you wouldn't lose d block of you did not train gensec to basically be half afk zombies cause you don't give them enough to do Your resolution to that was basically making riot control a cc with a op shotgun instead of just adapting I think a guideline like riot control can only flag on if more than 4 people are rioting and CCs count as 2 people
  14. TBH 1 soft n word aint mass racism >_> (not tryna nit pick)
  15. -support am i the only one that does not like this (._.) sad times
  16. -support Insufficient forum activity
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