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Some Weeb

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Everything posted by Some Weeb

  1. -Support I have absolutely no idea who you are in the slightest No picture of warns While you do only post for gensec that isn't a excuse. If you want to be a Staff member you have to get out in the forums and make yourself known.
  2. Dude... there is literally ZERO point in adding a 30 or 45 second nlr. That is how long it takes to call the elevator down and go up. If it ain't a minute there is no point in adding it. It would especially be a annoying for staff since the time to break nlr then call a sit then for someone to respond would surely be over a minute. I don't necessarily think it's effective for staff members to have to process videos and other stuff over a breakage probably a few seconds under the nlr This is one huge -support
  3. I have seen you on more and I will go with +Support
  4. +Support The man has been everywhere with me staff,et,branches. Honestly RP is really good. Wait 2 warns absolutely unacceptable -1-1-1.
  5. Raaaaaandom. Mingy security ofc lookin headass
  6. Operation:Shattered Shield is now in affect
  7. I think we can cut some slack cause he doesn't have in game experience +Support Was in my event and performed fantastically
  8. I guess I am uncool now, just for you're info I put a ant's in you're bed.
  9. Wait who are you? nah jk. fr this is a big F hope to see you around.
  10. This test was done in lore already idk if that makes a difference but just saying.
  11. Yoooo you waited a year like me too? Sweet +Support
  12. Conclusion I tested the models on ET and the d-class limb damage literally does MORE than headshot damage. So this is more than likely what's referred to as a "Skill issue" This suggestion therefore has been falsified however a headshot hitbox does need to be added. -Support for limb damage increase as it is completely false +support to a new d class headshot hitbox Edit: We dug a little bit further and found that this was a specific d-class model that had the issue models/player/kerry/Class_D_5.mdl
  13. Nobody is comparing anything to CSGO. I will conduct a investigation later on today with gensec concerning the D class models.
  14. Not entirely sure who you are but a lot of people are +Supporting +/-
  15. Changing to +Support I have seen more from you in game and you have my support.
  16. I know you barely if not at all. However multiple nu7 vouch for you so I will say +/-
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