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A Fallout Marine

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Everything posted by A Fallout Marine

  1. +Support Assassin has put in so much work and effort into all of Gensec, especially the FTO Program.
  2. Thank you for what you've done for Gensec. Just visit us sometimes,alright?
  3. May the road you follow be fun and relaxing. Have fun wherever you go, Turners.
  4. +/-Support I get what the blue line is trying to solve, but it's causing more problems than it is being a solution. But there are some good points to keep it, so let's give it a week or so, eh?
  5. Name: Ashton Rank: MSGT Date: 4/16/2020 Reason: It was a matter of time before I found myself writing this. I would like to say this have been a thought of mine for months now. I've slowly been getting not as happy to be on the server. At the same time, I don't want to hog this spot just to get on every now and then. I getting off the server for a long while. Whether I return or not is not clear,but I do know I don't want to do this anymore. I'm sorry. Mike-A HCMD Minge,but a good person and will help you if asked. Giovanni-Took Ghopit's spot and was a different HCMD member,but a person who would steer you right. Zerk-The person whose callsign got mixed up with mine and witness my ranger tryout B-Hop. Shaw-A good person and acquaintance to see.Say hi to him for me. Ghopit- The E11 Commander since the first time I was here. When he comes back,tell him I said, "thanks for the terrific branch you helped create." And everyone else,thank you for making E11 what it is and make sure to keep it in a tip-top shape!
  6. Name: Micheal Rank:Lead Engineer Date: 4/16/2020 Reason: It was a matter of time before I found myself writing this. I would like to say this have been a thought of mine for months now. I've slowly been getting not as happy to be on the server. At the same time, I don't want to hog this spot just to get on every now and then. I getting off the server for a long while. Whether I return or not is not clear,but I do know I don't want to do this anymore. I'm sorry. Doggo-A no mic good guy who made it to AHOT. Congrats and good luck the branch. Beanz-A role model and legend for me. Keep doing what you do,Beanz. You're great at it. Pure- One of the strangest HCMD I've met,but a great person nonetheless. Mike-A minge and now E11 HCMD. A great person and would help when he could. Infamous-A good person who cared for this branch.Got to Lead Engineer and definitely deserved it. $10 he's the next Tech Manager. The Engineers- Yall are doing great jobs. Keep being faithful to technical. Tommy- WHAT DID YOU BREAK NOW,TOMMY!? And everyone else,thank you for making technical what it is.
  7. LOA extended a week due to a family situation that arose.
  8. Name: Micheal Rank: Lead Engineer Branch (Medical, Technician, Janitorial): Technician Length (MM/DD/ - MM/DD): 04/06/-04/13 Reason (If private that's fine): Need a break to settle some things.
  9. Name :Michael Rank :Lead Engineer How would you rate your activity? (1-10) 6 Any notes or questions? N/A
  10. After thinking about it VOID THE RESIGNATION. It took me a bit,but Nu7 really is my resting combat branch. Sorry to waste anyone time to who read the resignation.
  11. Name:Ashton Rank:Sgt Reason for leaving:Long story-short,I don't feel a belonging here.I've been traveling through combat branches to find one to settle in,but to no avail yet. My hopes is I can find one to settle in,but I always have a level of uneasiness when I'm in.I will say though that I am glad to meet the people of Nu-7. Will you stay active during your 48 hour notice?:Can and will.
  12. I would like to add that I'm more or less focusing on the RE-45 auto pistol.The other two are probably alright,but an auto pistol just seems unnecessary unless it's a D class CC.
  13. +Support I may be on LOA,but D-Class shouldn't have auto pistols unless it is a CC. At this point Holding D-Class will become next to impossible as D-Classes strength in numbers were bad enough,now they all can buy automatic pistols and destroy GenSec and MTF. If the Falcon 2 Pistol can't be used by D-class,the Titanfal weapons shouldn't be exempt from that same treatment.
  14. Name:Michael Rank:Lead Engineer Branch (Medical, Technician, Janitorial):Technician Length (MM/DD/ - MM/DD):(02/24/-03/09/) Reason (If private that's fine):Private
  15. Name:Ashton Rank:CPL Reason for LOA (You can put Private if needed):Private Duration:2 weeks (2/24/20-3/9/20)
  16. +Support The Alpha Operative have needed a weapon change. The Madgul PDR is good, just not fit for CI.
  17. +SUPPORT I feel that some of the guns have needed nerf/buffs.
  18. Darn man,this is a really interesting backstory.
  19. Full name: Full name never given,only his first. Height:6'4 Weight: 121 Lbs Age: 26 Bio: Prior to Foundation employment,Ashton served 2 years as in the U.S. Marine Corps, fighting in Iraq. In 2011,He enlisted into the CIA as a GRS member for the CIA Outpost in Benghazi,Libya for 1 year before resigning from the CIA,stating,"Benghazi was a craphole no wanted to be in." At this point,Foundation Agents picked him up and offered him a position in Foundation Security. Instead however,Ashton signed up and joined MTF Epsilon 11 "Nine-Tailed Fox".He served but resigned from E11 as CPL due to issues with his family. In 2019, He returned to the Foundation employing as a Security Officer. Currently, Ashton is a Nu7 Private with the callsign 79TC. Note: For some apparent reason, photos taken by Ashton within Foundation employment have always been with a gasmask concealing his face. Whether this is coincidental or an actual anomalous event is up for debate.
  20. I going to resign due to the fact I get bored killing D-class and can't get used just killing D-class.I hope you guys can understand.
  21. I would like to say that CI was a one heck of an experience for me.However, I feel like I don't really belong here in CI. Ci will be something I won't regret doing.Goodbye you guys and I hope to see you kick butt raiding on other branches. Ross-Someone I met in his Alpha days.For me, it was competition to get to Beta first,and you beat me! Thanks for the times man. Boozle-A person who deserves his rank in CI. Ritz-A funny guy in general. Corner-answered many questions I had and steered me right.Gonna miss you man. Skela-The Commander.I will never forget that sneaky promotion you gave me when you acted as a RCT. Enuz-Someone I happy to work with. Rabbit-An ambitious person.Always ready for the next thing. And the rest of Chaos Insurgency-Thank you for making CI what it is.Keep up your doing and CI will prosper! That's it,thank you,goodbye,and good luck.
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