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A Fallout Marine

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Everything posted by A Fallout Marine

  1. Name: Fallout Rank: Maintenance AMM/CI LCPL/CI RND SR Date: 03/04/2021 Date I will return: 03/11/2021 (1 Week) Reason: Got mass amounts of school work to sort out as well as take a break for a bit.
  2. Your in-game-name: Fallout Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:79678088 Are you in CI Field Expert?: Yes Are you in CI Sleuth?: Yes Are you in CI Bio-Engineer?: No Are you an FTO or a Senior FTO?: No
  3. +Support -Great activity -The lad is great. He's a nice guy whether he's on Maintenance or Nu7. -Is currently command in Nu7.
  4. +Support Very Active Has had highly detailed logs A very good lad
  5. +Support - Active - Good logs - Been in Maintenance for a while, is an MP, deserves it - Quite a bruh though
  6. +Support This is definitely the thing Nu-7 needs right now.
  7. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UBRXCvb-3Ms_Ak3P_X29Oj1KfSK8PKUu6_4L9yji4LI/edit?usp=sharing
  8. Document Files - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_k-ynZbmCU73cD249RUMKTqDf_FBQY7kPT0AGG78RcM/edit?usp=sharing
  9. You bet I will. Farewell and Good luck in future endeavors, my friend. If you want to play any games together, you know where to find me.
  10. Good luck on future endeavors, comrade! You were a great person on the server.
  11. Name: Fallout Rank: Operations Supervisor, PVT (E11), and LCPL (Nu7). Branches: Maintenance, MTF E11, and MTF Nu7 Length: 1/21/21-1/28/21 Reason: Need a break as well as sort out some school projects.
  12. In Game Name: Fallout Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:79678088 Job applying for (O5 Logistics - MEDIC +/ADEPT + | Red Right Hand - ANY MTF/CI RANK OR GENSEC COMMAND | O5 Research - Research/CI RND Researcher+): O5 Logistics How many Warns do you have?: I have one, but it's not active. For details, you click here. Why do you want to join the O5 staff team: The secrecy of the O5 has always been a wondering factor for me. I am very much interested how these [DATA-EXPLUNGED] operate with facility. On O5 Logistics, however, I also get to keep doing my RP-ing maintenance as an O5. As such, I very much would like to see how the RP of Maintenance can be combined with an upmost redaction of the personnel performing. Does it create an area of mystery, where an [REDACTED] personnel is maintaining the CC's of Site 10, or rather a stunned value to witness one. There's only way to find, so here we are. Finally, It would also enable me to do much bigger maintenance RPs, such as assisting Lvl 4+ Tests if something breaks or we're testing an experimental weapon [REDACTED] created. Why should we accept you: I've been on this server for a very fair amount of time, back to Site-05 with old surface. I know the ways of this kind of RP as well as the rules placed to ensure a good experience for everyone. I've been in many of the branches on the server and have respect for them all. At the end of the day, this is a game and people just want to have a good time, and I will try to make that time here more enjoyable. I've done it back as a Lead Engineer in Technical, 1LT in Security, SGT and SFC in CI, PVT, CPL, and SGT in E11, PFC in Omicron-9, SGT and currently LCPL in Nu7, currently Operations Supervisor in Maintenance, and would continue to do so as a [REDACTED] Staff member part of Logistics. Thank you for your time.
  13. In Game Name: Fallout Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:79678088 Discord Name: Fallout Marine#1182 If you have any SCP-RP warns, please list when and why you got them here (If you don't have any, exclude this from your application.): 1, though not active. The easy way to put it, it was a cloaked person and metagaming. For more details, you can click the link to the report: https://gaminglight.com/forums/topic/66343-player-report-ci-sgt-lee-ci-cpl-fallout-xa24/?tab=comments#comment-453506 Why do you want to join Nu-7? (125 word minimum): Out of the three branches of MTF, this is the one I had the most enjoyment in. The branch had so many great qualities that I just really good. Back when I usted to be in Nu-7, there many things that kept you around and some are the reason I wanna head back. One reason was the folks. The folks during my time in Nu-7 were always respectable people, and some were really funny. Another reason was how they operated. You were always doing something even during defcon 5s, where nothing was really happening. The biggest reason I wanna join back, however, is to see if this where I wanna settle one of my lives. The last time I joined Nu-7, I was really burned out on the server. As such, I don't think I ever got to really think about that decision before resigned from Nu-7 followed by everything else I was on the server. Now that I'm no longer burned out, I definitely wanna see whether Nu-7 is where I wanna settle a live on the server. Previous Branches: (2x) E11- CPL and MSGT (Resigned) Nu-7 - SGT (Resigned) (2x) CI - SGT and SFC (Resigned) Technical - Lead Engineer (Resigned) Security- 1st LT (Resigned) Omi-9 - PFC (Inactive) Current Branches: E11 - PVT Maintenance - Maintenance Expert Do you understand to get on at least every other day and keep yourself up to date with Nu-7? We don't treat it like a job here - but we do expect you to be notified and enjoying your time: Yes.
  14. It was fun time being in CI, but being part of it just isn't for me. I hope yall get that branch update and flourish even bigger though. Thank you for the 2nd time.
  15. Name: Fallout Rank: SGT Callsign: XR2 Date of LOA Leave/Return: 12/20/20-12/26/20 Reason (if private write N/A): Getting a new desk as well as spending time with my family for the holiday.
  16. Welp... This seems out of the blue, doesn't it? So yeah, I'm resigning from Security. I'm once again getting burned on the server as I did in early 2020 in Technical Command. I will say that this was a great experience and the folks in Gensec are amazing, but I don't think I can keep doing this at the current time. Maybe another time, I'll try it again, or maybe I'll actually leave for good this time. I don't know at this point. But I do know the people I will give some recognition to: Sixx- This lad derserves HOS with all his money placed into Gensec (especially Wardens) Mind- The furry king of Security. A chill guy who knows when to step up and take action. Owns a Oculus Quest. Jameshi- STARS. Knew how to do his job and more. The gent is a really swell lad. APE- A complete madlad. Whatever you are doing, don't stop. Be sure to bring up another Gensec Choir moment sometime, eh? Assassin- The person who trained me for Gensec and showed me the ropes of the branch. Also claimed we thought alike and that I would be his Heir. Hawk- One of my first WO buddies. A great and calm person who is really good at his job. Still up for VRChat? Lantard- An amazing person I had the company of. We had many long conversations that I very much enjoyed. If he comes back, tell the lad I said hi. Spud- The daggum Irish Lemon. A great role model of Gensec as well as made bunks... strange to say the least ,at times. Creamey- A retired CMD member who was a legend in my eyes. You deserved the rank of HOS and hope your ventures have been good. Jack S- Man can get crazy and rowdy at times, but he knows how to handle problems. Sprink- He puts in his efforts and gets his results. I do tend to mix him up with Spud sometimes though. Also made Bunks... strange. Regardless, keep up your efforts. Comet- My original mentor for my 1st WO go. Although he may not be seen much, he does really well when he is. Thanks for the help, mate. The rest of Gensec CMD- Keep doing what your doing. Yall deserved being in CMD and I believe yall can push farther up too. The rest of Gensec- Keep Security going, you are the cogs of this machine. You are the building blocks, and Security wouldn't stand without you. That's everyone. I wish all of yall the best of luck. Will I come back to Security, who knows. Only time will be able to tell that story. (By the way, I'm still up to play other games with yall folks if you want to. If you do, you can PM on Discord. I will still be in the Discord somewhere.)
  17. Name: Fallout Rank: Security 1LT / CI CPL Date: 11/15/2020 Date I will return: 11/29/2020 (2 Weeks) Reason: Need a break from the server, got some real life problems to settle (one involving Covid and my HS Band), and just time to think.
  18. Thank you for training me for Security on the 20th of August and showing me Security in the full eyes. You pushed me to try Warrant Officer, and now here I am, a 1LT of Gensec. Thank you. “We all make choices, but in the end our choices make us."
  19. I don't know where to start, really. You were an amazing HOS and an even greater person. Thank you for what've you done. You are gonna be missed dearly.
  20. Name: Fallout Rank: LCPL Discord ID: Fallout Marine#1182 Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:79678088 Ideas for CI: N/A How do you think command is doing; if you are command how do you think you are performing?: CI Cmd is actually rather active (at least the LCMD are). They are also kind to folks.
  21. Name: Fallout Rank: 2LT Current FTO Rank (if applicable): SFTO Current Wardens Rank (if applicable): WD Why should you retain your rank (Command ONLY | 150+ words): While I just got promoted yesterday to LCMD, I think I should keep my rank because I will do my best at something to my abilities. I won't give up on anyone or anything till the very end. I take charge and put order where it needs to be put, but I don't go overboard not let folks have fun. Despite being command, I won't play the rank card unless it is my last resort and instead try to reason with folks first when a situation comes up. I'm still learning the ins and outs of low command,granted, but once I understand how to do it, I will do my best to make it as efficient as possible. I want to make this branch grow bigger and more approachable to become apart of, and being Command will help make that goal more stronger and give me more options to complete this goal. Any Notes, Questions, or Concerns?: Not at the moment.
  22. On a side note, if we can customize the ACR to our preference, then a BIG +Support for me.
  23. 1. What is your in-game name?: Fallout 2. Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:79678088 3. Current Rank in Security: SM 4. Time on the server: 3 Weeks 5. Current level: Lvl. 68 6. On a scale from 1 - 10, how active are you?: 9 7. Do you have any active strikes on the roster?: None 8. Which command members gave you permission to apply?: CPT Lantard and 1LT Jack S 9. Have you read the Juggernaut section of the SOP?: Yes sir. 10. Why do you think you deserve access to the Security Juggernaut Job? (60+ WORDS): For starters, I am fairly accurate with my shots and do my best to avoid friendly fire or crossfire. amongst D-class. I also play a fair amounts of Security Riot Control and Sniper, both follow the same rules of LCZ to ask a WO+ for permission to go anywhere in LCZ. I have never stepped a foot outside of LCZ on either class without perms. When D-block falls, I always do my best with the folks I have on, along with the loadouts I have to take it back, and Security Juggernaut would be a great thing to have when Gensec has few numbers on. 11. Which weapon in the Juggernaut load-out would you use to hit a d-class in the middle of a crowd and how would you ensure to hit your mark?: The M60. I would fire my shots in a semi-auto form and aim with my highest precision to avoid crossfire.
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