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Everything posted by Dreadnought

  1. 1. Steam Name?: Dreadnought 2. Steam ID?: STEAM_0:1:419489238 3. Roster Name?: Dread 4. Current Rank?: CPT 5. When were you promoted?: Feb-8 6. How long have you been a member of GENSEC (roughly)?: 8 months 7. Do you promise to uphold all rules en-stated by Gaming Light and by the many Security guidelines?: Yes 8. Do you promise to uphold your duties as a command member in leadership, mentoring, problem-solving, ect.?: Yes 9. Do you promise that you will listen and respect your lower/higher rankings?: Yes 10. Why do you want to become a senior command member? (150 WORDS+): I think I should become a senior command member because I am very active in gensec. I am also very good at my job and I am good at hosting meetings. I have also been on this server for a while. I have a great understanding of the SOP to the point I don’t even look at it during training. I also remember the NCO guide and Command guide very well. Due to the fact you want us to do more interesting punishments, I have already started to think of some for certain situations. I also do understand that I do not see everything and will sometimes try to ask my NCO if they see anything. I have also trained a couple of new JFTO recently. I also take certain matters more seriously when I should, like dealing with punishments and minge people. I also do like promoting people due to the fact it gets people the chance to prove themselves, once they have proven themselves for a promotion. 11. What would you do if a Security Officer was constantly leaving D Block?: I would first off tell him what he's doing wrong, then if I catch them again, org et word of it, I will make them do grammar squats and possible some other "fun" things. 12. What would you do if an NCO kept on leaving d-block with terrible reasons?: I would tell what he did wrong, then I would make him have to ask me, or another Gensec command member in order to leave for the next hour. If I catch him doing that again or he left without asking me, I would strike him. 13. What do you do if an E11 private comes into d block and attempts to take command of all of the security?: I would explain what he doing wrong. I would also tell one of the low command E11, with valid evidence. 14. Who is A1?(RP): Are you talking about a A1 steak sauce. Why. Just focus on your job.
  2. In-game Name: Dread SteamID: STEAM_0:1:419489238 DiscordID: Doomday#4987 What division do you want to join (Military or R&D): Military How would you rank your knowledge of the lore? I know a little bit Why should you be in Chaos Insurgency? (75 word minimum) I think that I should join CI because of my experience as A1, which I made it to SM. I am also a Captain in gensec. I am also Extremely active in gensec, and was active on A1. I want to join Ci because I think it would be a fun experience. I am generally active due to the fact I like playing on this RP server. I would like to also see Ci point of view as well. What is something that sets you apart from other applicants? I am a Gensec captain, and was in A1 How active can you be? Pretty Active Do you have both Teamspeak and Discord: Yes. I have to have them.
  3. Name: Dread Rank: CPT FTO Rank (If Applicable, SGT+): SFTO Why should you retain your rank (WO+ must respond | 150+ words): I should keep my rank because I like to play on my Gensec job more than any others because I find it more fun. Another reason is, because I’m also still pretty active in Gensec, and is normal the job I will hop on first because I find it fun to talk to everyone in Gensec, and work together to hold back massive waves of D class. I'm still willing to train at any time. Another reason Is I promote Gensec who do a good job. I am still ready for duty if needed, and Hockey is over, so I should be good, which means I will be able to make it to every meeting before Lacrosse starts, then I might be able to make it to meetings anyway because we don’t practice as often and as long. I also been making sure enlisted and NCO follow their SOP’s, so that why I can remove the mings. Any Notes, Questions, or Concerns?: How your day killaz
  4. I'm saying this because I just Had to chase to people as 096 and I couldn't kill them because the swep doesn't do damage. It would make the hit sound and blood would com out of them, but it just didn't do any damage. This makes it easy to survive 096, which makes him look like he nothing. Also you can click and hold 096 swep attack.
  5. I + Support because this one feels more like the foundation the other model. Second, this also does look cooler.
  6. Name: Dread Rank: CPT Date: 2/19/2020 Duration of LOA: 2/25/2020 Reason: : I'm just need a break for a while. I'll still be at meeting, just won't be in-game, which is where most of my stress comes from
  7. Name: Dread Rank: 2LT FTO Rank (If Applicable, SGT+): SFTO Why should you retain your rank (WO+ must respond | 150+ words): I should keep my rank because I like to play on my Gensec job than any others because I find it more fun. Another reason is, because I’m also still pretty active on gensec, and is normal the job I will hop on first because I find it fun to talk to everyone in gensec, and work together to hold back massive waves of D class. I also I’m still willing to trainees at anytime need. Another reason Is I’m start to promote people instead of being scared I’ll mess up. I still ready for duty if needed, and Hockey will be coming to a close soon, which means I will be able to be more active for 2 weeks, before Lacrosse starts, then I might be able to make it to meetings anyway because we don’t practice as often and as long. I also been promoting enlisted to get them out of OFC. Any Notes, Questions, or Concerns?: N/A
  8. Name: Dread Rank: 2LT FTO Rank (If Applicable, SGT+): SFTO Why should you retain your rank (WO+ must respond | 150+ words): I should keep my rank because I like to play on my gensec job than any others because I find it more fun. Another reason is, because I’m also still pretty active on gensec, and is normal the job I will hop on first because I find it fun to talk to everyone in gensec, and work together to hold back massive waves of D class. I also I’m still willing to trainees at anytime need. Another reason Is I’m start to promote people instead of being scared I’ll mess up. I still ready for duty if needed, and Hockey will be coming to a close soon, which means I will be able to be more active for 2 weeks, before Lacrosse starts, then I might be able to make it to meetings anyway because we don’t practice as often and as long. I am also ready to help make RCF great again if I get the position, because it is a little out of date. Any Notes, Questions, or Concerns?: Do I need to improve on anything in gensec
  9. Rank: Junior Researcher Clearance level: 2 List of Personnel involved: OFC Kormes. Level of D personal involved: one class D was need, but I had to grab more because of CI or them leaving. SCP: 010. If you don't know what that is here the link http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-010 Errors and/or safety hazards: CI attack us, Me not knowing Russian, but I found a English to Russian book. Question: What is the extent of 010 capability to do skilled labor. Background Research: 010 has the ability to control others and main use is to probably be used for unskilled labor. Hypothesis: The D class will be able to do it but with difficulty. Observation/Visual Stimuli(Photos/videos): The D class was able to perform each skilled labor but it was not always good at it. It did fail to back a bear statue and a chair. Analysis and Conclusion: 010 is very cable of skill labor, but it might fail to do the correct thing. Do your results align with your hypothesis?: The results did align with my Hypothesis.
  10. Name: Dread Rank: Junior Researcher Clearance level: 2 List of personnel involved in testing: Security LCPL Fry, escorted me SCP: 066 Errors and/or safety hazards: 066 could have destroyed are ear drums before we were ready Possible Safety Hazards: No other SCP near by Question: How would 066 reacted if we said Eric in sign language Background Research: Had to retake the test because previous D class didn't want to do it Hypothesis: I believe that 066 will react negatively Observation: 066 show no signs of reaction and nothing happened Analysis and Conclusion: In conclusion it is safe to say Eric in sign language
  11. Name: Dread Rank: CPL FTO Rank (If Applicable, SGT+):N/A RCF Rank (If Applicable, CPL+):N/A
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