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Everything posted by Zerg

  1. I agree, sorry but you are most likely not going to be unbanned.
  2. I agree! Good Luck, Great App btw!
  3. +support will be a lot easier for dispatch to give call outs!
  4. +support Makes it easier on the trainers
  5. welcome back, Tom and Jerry is pretty cool
  6. -Support Wrong Sections No Proof Broke Rules Banned for (Had Proof) My side : You were on top of the Garage shooting this player because he had a gun out, he was not threating you at all, so you had no reason to shoot him, plus he was half way across the city so there is no way that he could do anything to make you shoot him. Then, I brought you and was going to warn you but then you said that he threatened you, But, you were half way across the city with a gun out looking at him just to shoot him because he aimed a gun at the direction you are staying at. So I was going to warn and jail you for that, but when I went to jail you, you tried to shoot me ( Missed) so I banned you instead.
  7. +/- support It would be a custom thing to have for people who have the rank of gold and would be really cool will need to find other cars or spilt the other ones up Overall I think we are fine with the car dealers we have now
  8. If that doesnā€™t work you can always make a sit in-game and someone can help you!
  9. I agree with Jacky, he deserves the rank, his application is also amazing! Good luck!
  10. +/- support i see both sides, I feel like once that line is past to where people are breaking rules oblivious we can step in and stop it. But I fell like that even if we make them take the religion out of there name they are still going to do it the name wonā€™t change any thing. If they do restrict it it might help people not get any ideas to break any rules.
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