-Major Support
-No format
-No real counter proof
-Arguing a lot in the comments
-Although it probably shouldn't be homophobia, its close enough to fall in that boat
Plus to just put a quick note in at the bottom. It just seems like you want to stir up stuff. No I'm not a transphobe for saying that, quite the opposite actually seeing that I am trans, and I find people over preaching about stuff to be extremely annoying and harmful. But if I was staff I would have told you to take them down. There's no reason to plaster signs of stuff like that everywhere if you aren't trying to start something. You are just trying to push things onto people, which overall ruins the reputation/overall opinion on a group of people. Gaminglight is pretty accepting as a whole of people and if someone does things that could be taken as disrespectful or harmful, or break rules they get banned, like you were.