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Posts posted by CanOBeanz

  1. But guys if we go back to site 05 then I won't get to constantly run in random directions in HCZ and yell at people to tell me how to get to LCZ!


    Jokes aside, i'll be honest I kinda miss the old site too. The new site is very pretty, and has great containment cell and RP areas, but man it just never seems to get any less confusing to navigate.

    I think this could be worth considering, especially given the staggering ratio on the vote at the top of this thread. I know we've put a lot of effort into the new map but sometimes we try things out and find that the old way was better.


    • Laughing 1
  2. +Support/-Support

    It's a cool SCP idea, but there doesn't seem to be much way within GMOD to actually do much with the other whole half of his character, which is the rodents/bugs thing. People who play on this scp would be stuck with purely roleplaying this detail and it may be difficult to accomplish.

    The proposed SWEP just seems to be a standard meelee attack swep... Mechanically, this SCP wouldn't bring much variety to the server with the current design, as it is basically just another, slower version of the bird or raptor SCP we already have. 

    But apart from that I have no real reason against it. Maybe there's another SWEP out there somewhere that could make it cooler or more thematic for RP? The one I found below is a rat-themed melee SWEP, for example, which could be altered to have higher damage values:


  3. Okay i am big sad now, you've made me big sad



    You were one of the most stellar roleplayers we've ever had around here. You will be HUGELY missed. 

    You also inspired me to do so much extra roleplay in the server; we came up with so many cool and impacting scenes! And I appreciate all of the opportunities you've given to me to do director and O5 roleplay within the CNTN bot project. I cannot express how much I enjoyed myself with CNTN and feel lucky that it was around for as long as it was.

    Definitely stay in contact!! And visit us sometime!! 


    Now I have to come visit you on ImpRP I guess! 🙂

    • Sad 1
  4. Was lovely having you in the program! Thanks for all your contributions!


    Now, as stipulated in the contract-- A package will arrive at your office containing a green pill. Take it to conclude your involvement with the [REDACTED] Personnel Program. Compliance is expected.

    You will be returned to your former employers to continue your previous work.

    - O5-9

    • Like 3
  5. 13 hours ago, Kami- Amaterasu said:

    + Support from me


    14 hours ago, DooM Guy said:


    Friendly reminder to keep all discussion civil and leave comments to +support or -support with reasons listed.

    If you wish to gain a better understanding of why someone voted the way they did on a suggestion, please DM them.

  6. -Support, I can already see this being used for ERP or other inappropriate behavior if it was made a permanent addition.

    Cool idea, but certain concepts simply can't be trusted due to the semi-serious nature of our server & community. This would most likely work best as an Event SCP!

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
    • Dislike 1
  7. -Support

    I think it's cool that 999 is actually being  utilized in an important RP role for recontaining 682. 

    I understand it may be a bit annoying that there's a Meta of using 999 against 682 now, but is it actually a big enough issue to enact changes on? It seems to mostly be RNG whether your breach ends early or not to 999. (And whether a player is even on 999 while you're out.)

    A 5 minute cooldown between roll attempts still allows for a LOT of carnage opportunity on 682's part, especially with the new 682 Swep.

  8. -Support

    Too cumbersome to enforce as a regular rule over the rule of just telling them to leave the area.

    Safe class SCPs unfortunately have a habit of getting underfoot no matter where they are, and we can't keep banning access to specific hallways at specific times/conditions or else the rules will get very hard to follow correctly.

  9. -Support

    While I understand that 682 is very good as a job for combat, this SCP should not be restricted to the highest donation level possible.

    The reason for this is that 682 is one of the most prolific SCPs in the SCP universe, usually one of the first and primary SCPs that any new fans of the franchise learn about. So naturally, this is an SCP that more new people will recognize and want to play when joining our server.

    If newer interested players join and see that it costs $100 to even have a chance to play one of the most prolific SCPs they know about, then this can end up discouraging newer players and possible donators to support the server, as it would be seen as more pay-to-win, rather than supporting the server a little to unlock additional fun things you can do.

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