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Everything posted by Skipxl

  1. +Support anything simple would be good especially to just ask him to return
  2. -Support Not much of a point and would get rid of value to the medical division, a bunch of classes already spawn with infantry medkits, thats enough for healing themself and assisting others, anything beyond major healing should be done by medical division. For non specialized medics they can buy bandaids and things to heal with at the armory. (I think a better suggestion would be to make them cheaper because they're like 1k)
  3. Hello! I'm Skip, I'm new to the SCP Server and i'm loving it so far! It has lots of action compared to other servers i've played on and I love the serious aspect of the server, my only regret is that I did not join sooner. Some stuff about me is that I have 1k hours on the Revival SCP Server (When it wasn't dead) so I feel I'm joining with a bit of experience and i'm excited to meet new people and explore some roleplay on the server ?
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