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About G.Mitchell

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  1. After action Report. As a JR im not allowed into HCZ but head of foundation granted me permission to go do a single test on scp-012 I and a team of 4 [REDACTED] agents escorted me and 1 class d down into HCZ. As we began the test i could see fear shade over him and as he went to look at the note he began cutting into his wrist to use his blood as ink he began to heavily bleed blood was pooling at his feet the D class later died after 2 minutes of cutting into his wrist Cause of death loss of blood.
  2. we began the test by me asking 2 D class personel to befriend SCP-1048 and I told the D class that the one who befriends him first lives so D class Personel by the name of [REDACTED] starts talking to 1048 about Him and 1048 going to partys and drowning in Vagina and Booze Scp-1048 was not to careing of the offer. Ther other D class on the other hand didnt say a word it`s almost like they had some sort of telepathic bond the D class that offered Sex and booze was terminated the other was sent bacl to D block for later testing.
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