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Posts posted by MexicanGuy

  1. 12 minutes ago, Jack (utility one) said:

    +support for Nu7 PT's
    Nu7 PT's I can understand as security normally have their hands full in D-Block. But I think security needs to request E11 first and not them enter the site on their own will since security could have it handled.

    -Support for Security PT's
    I don't think E11 are ever really needed as Nu7 generally have things handled, but if not than that's when orange is called and we can normally enter.


  2. 22 hours ago, TAlila | Tay Keith! said:

    I would recommend being more friendly & respectful, and get yourself out in the community before you apply for Support.

    Although you are usually a good admin, I don't see you being in support, your attitude doesn't help you.

  3. 8 hours ago, Pills said:


    -"1. This would help fat fucks lose weight." is not a reason

    -"2. This would stop annoying ass Goomba Stomping." is annoying but good thing there is something called "a sit"

    -"3. Give GenSec more time to do shit." D-Class struggle enough. I would say that this would just be unfair.

    -"1. Piss babies would get angry walking eight flights of stairs each death." Main reason of why. This is just fucking stupid.

    -"Who would this change mostly benefit? - 

    D-Class victimized of getting their necked stomped on and broken.

    as main D-class I support this

  4. -Support

    They are raiding the foundation, I think they are reasons enough.


    I really feel like 912 has too much power, to be able to stun someone And capturing it is too much, I prefer that he have the old baton and more HP | Armor than the one he has now.

    Because it is bs that he can stun you with just 2 hits and that he doesn´t have cooldoown

  5. On 6/17/2021 at 8:01 PM, Jack (utility one) said:

    Although I don't see the need for the class, yall have been doing amazing stuff as of late and feel this would be an amazing way to reward the dedicated enlisted to CI for their hard work. It's decently powerful but the things needed for the class to hop on is fairly high so that weigh it out.
    I don't see any issues with the class

    I agree with Jack, I don't think it's necessary but it's always good to have something new on the server, as for hp and armor I don't see it too bad, it's a single slot job (from what I understood) and there were jobs that had a very similar hp and armor.

  6. 21 minutes ago, NeoID said:

    ¡Siempre un gran miembro del mando! ¡Sigue así, amigo!

    Good spanish ngl

    I remember when you were an EXR in RND damn that was a long time ago, but it really is a shame that you leave you were always a very good branch leader and I remember that you trained me for RND a long time ago.

    You actually made RND a much more active branch than it was before.

    Thanks for all.


  7. 8 hours ago, Pillercat said:

    If I'm reading this right, Loki made multiple reports for the same situation until he got a verdict that he wanted, correct? I'm pretty sure that is not allowed at all. Also, Loki shooting out of the armory is FailRp too and should of been warned, especially if the SCP got warned.

    +Support for the removal of the entire warn.


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