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About Samm

  • Birthday 07/06/2005

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  1. +sueport wow you will make pakistan the 100% crazy wow grape!
  2. Samm

    samms loa

    Name: Samm Rank: Experienced Researcher / CPL Callsign: XR01/XA4 Date of LOA Leave/Return: 8/25/20 - 8/28/20 (3 days) Reason (if private write N/A): Internet issues
  3. Samm


    im trying to see if it lets you type . now (p.erry) it doesnt. please let me say p erry
  4. Whenever you throw trench and/or dive knives they are stationary where you threw them instead of going through the air.
  5. jeff is the best man for the job
  6. mob psycho is my favorite too i also like steins gate, toradora, and chunibyo
  7. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-ZoBaOKmbr5nYcrA3w0f5sfAgmVy4lU2Nu3VMzHkR88/edit?usp=sharing Wasn't done in game. - AR Samm AR09
  8. Samm

    Samm's LOA

    Name: Samm Rank: LCPL/AR Callsign: XA22/AR09 Date of LOA Leave/Return: 8/4/20 - 8/7/20 (I will be back by the meeting) Reason (if private write N/A): Busy IRL, also I have been kind of sick recently (Not sure if it's allergies) and would like to take a break to recoup
  9. blind sorry i saw it on mobile so it was hard to see
  10. Samm

    Roll Call 7/24 - 7/31

    Name: Samm Rank & Callsign: PVT XZ26 SteamID: STEAM_0:0:175293679 Discord: Sam_#3176 Divisions: Military Activity: Active Suggestions: none
  11. -support Unless it’s incredibly small things that make sense in lore, i don’t think it’s a good idea It’s a darkrp concept and would not fit in a semi serious rp server imo
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