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Posts posted by ScruffyPlays

  1. Rank You are Applying For: LT

    In-Game Name: Scruffy

    SteamID:  STEAM_0:0:453649509

    Current Rank:  Sergeant Major

    How long have you been in your current rank?: I think i got Sergeant Major sometime 2020.

    What timezone are you in?: AEST [Australian eastern standard time]   

    How many Warns do you have?: 6

    Why should you be promoted (150 words Minimum): 

    I am well experienced with holding a command position in a department, with reaching the rank of MSGT [Which is a low command rank in SWAT] back in 2020.I was in command for about 3 or 4 months and exceeded the expectations of my high command. I am also currently a 2LT in HRT and a MA in USMS I took pride in training officers, holding meetings and helping the lower ranked officers/Agents succeed in their careers. I am always friendly and more than willing to help in any way I could. Even tho I'm in a different time zone I always try to make time to help out any lower ranking people to get to the stage I am at. I am somewhat active because of time zone I try to be on as much as I can. I am confident and mature enough to carry out all my duties and to make my command proud.  Plus won’t it be nice to have someone which is PD low command on late at nights. 

    You agree that disobeying any rules set by High Command will result in an immediate demotion (Yes/No): Yes i do agree with the terms.

  2. What is your in-game name?: Scruffy

    What is your steam name?: [GL] ScruffyPlays

    What is your steam ID?: STEAM_0:1:441284163

    Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) yes because I'm a mod on the policerp 

    What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly) Around July 2019 I think. 

    What date did you make your forums account?  August 5, 2019

    Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)? Platinum

    How many warns do you have on the server (Show proof with a screenshot)? 6 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2822475679

    Have you donated? yes I'm a Plat

    What rank are you applying for? SNR Mod

    Are you staff on another community (BE HONEST)? No!

    Have you read the staff guidelines at

    ? You will be tested on it: yes

    Timezone: Australian Eastern Standard Time  

    Permission (Senior Moderator+ need this): 

    Zerg [Head admin]

    Brucey [Super Admin]

    Kitty [SNR Admin]

    Masterson [Admin]


    Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum)

    I believe I should be granted Senior Moderator because I know the rules very well. I'm an Aussie and some nights we get minges which need bans but there's no one on to do said bans so it would be nice to have someone on which can do bans. So the people which play early morning don't have to worry about minges.  Not only that I want to help the long nights where there's no staff on to help all those which are still on. Also I am a very nice person I respect everyone on the server and will help anyone if I can. I just wanna be able to help the server and everyone on at the time no staff are on I just want to make it a better place for all people that are just trying to have fun on gaminglight police rp and without any minge to ruin their RP experience on the server. I hope I can see all you lovely staff members soon. I do live in Australia like Phil but I will be on as much as I can and help the people which needs it.

    How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you?

    If I were to receive the Sit of a guy Mass RDMing I would bring both of them at this point I would attempt to talk to them both  but if one is cussing at me I would jail them and mute/gag  them then at that point I would ask the guy which made the sit  for proof of the RDM if he said he had no proof i would check logs once I got the proof of the mass RDM I would warn the person for Mass RDM and Staff diss . Then tell him to not do it again then I will leave them in jail for 400 seconds  then I will return them and unmute the guy who was cussing and if he was still cussing after the sit I would keep them muted until he stops cussing or leaves the sever. I would also make a ban request if he kills more people for 2 weeks or maybe more depends on how many he/her kills/if he/her do anything else like player dis ERP etc. etc..


  3. 23 hours ago, Mewy Minge said:


    Really Active 

    Very Caring 

    Very Nice 

    Cares About The Server 

     Goes On Staff When No One Else Wants To Take a Sit 

    Good Reputation  To The Community  

    Never Had Any Issues  



  4. 5 hours ago, Bartholomew said:


    Logan is active ingame and in teamspeak all the time, He's definitly someone I would recommend for support and he has the skills to back it up! Good Luck!


    4 hours ago, Masterson said:


    Logan is active in game, teamspeak, and on discord. Along with this he has all the qualities I think a support member should have.


  5. In-Game Name: Scruffy

    Steam Name: [GL] ScruffyPlays

    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:453649509

    What is your discord username (Ex: Jayden#9452): ScruffBoy#2707

    What is your staff rank in Gaminglight? Im a Moderator in PRP

    How often are you on Teamspeak? Pretty much every day I also have the ts app on my Phone

    How often do you use Discord? Every Day i have the app on my phone and laptop.

    Why would you like to be a member of the Support Team? (150 word minimum)?

    I would like to join the support team as I think that I can help new people to the community that are on TeamSpeak at late hours and normal time as I am playing gmod and in team speak nearly everyday. I have first hand experience having issues with cadets not getting tags in team speak just because there is no support members on line and would be willing to help any new cadet or user to solve there issue with as little time as possible to allow them to get on the server and play instead of waiting for someone to come on to give there tags. I also believe that support could use more members in a variety of time as I am Australian not many members are on support and I have had a  OFC not get tags due to this issue. I would also like to get to know the community more and also allow more people into the community and inform them of what this community is like and also make there experience on TeamSpeak more enjoyable and not just a waiting game.

    How would you greet someone that has a problem in one of our tickets, or support channels?

    Hi my name is Scruffy im with the support team how can i help you today.

  6. 11 hours ago, Cuke said:


    Application was not taken seriously/ no care was made to make this. 

    Unprofessional, Mingey, Childish, The MRDM Example was not done well, 2 weeks, Weird thing with the response on the staff guidelines, Previous posts are cringe and spammed to reach the minimum, I think some of the format is missing but I'm not going to look, Grammer on this application is weird: 


    The following quotes are from Arlo's other posts on here. These are spam lol just to fill the minimum. 








    11 hours ago, Logan said:

    - Support


    I just don’t believe you are mature enough to be staff.


    I’ve noticed in some instances you are very impatient with others.


    • Like 1
  7. 9 hours ago, stevee said:

    - Support 

    - didnt use proper format 

    - i feel like this would just be really annoying  most people have dupes for their bases and gov buildings and blocking the roads would just make police chases harder 



    And it will just become a job for minges to get on it on prop block and not get in trouble.

  8. 7 hours ago, Alonzo said:

    While you have 12 years of experience on Garry's Mod that isn't relative to having experience on PRP,  you've made your forums account 6 days ago, and you have just started on the server two weeks ago. You should get more playtime and more forum/TS3 activity and than go from there when you're ready.


    -didn't meet word count

    -low forum activity

    -no poll

    -no proof of warns 

    -low playtime on server


    I'm a aussie🇦🇺 so I'm on early mornings for America and me personally haven't seen you. But good luck.

  9. 8 hours ago, Bartholomew said:


    -is active

    -hosts event's


    - has leadership capabilities


    7 hours ago, Alonzo said:



    - leadership qualities, proves that by holding multiple command positions 

    - helpful, respectful, professional

    - active



  10. 2 hours ago, Retro said:

    WIth that being said they were Switching job to avoid the sit that had been called on them, in order to get both sides before making a final decision on the situation I had to get both players side of the story and because they were switching jobs to avoid the sit I had jailtped them, and when the decision was made by Logan they were given a 600 second jail and a warn and then kept doing it afterwards.
    I did not intend for me saying "Shush" to be harmful but them getting jailtped was staff and not another players problem.
    - Support(On original forums post)

    With that being said we gave you multiple times to stop "Player/Staff dissing" which is why I was ungaging and gaging you guys.
    Instead of taking it to the forums immediately you guys kept spamming tickets after I gave a response to your original question which you guys afterwards kept making sits.

    You guys were basing in the AFK area which from what I know is a "Non RP Zone" and is for people to AFK.
    You guys were only striped of a R8 Revolver(Unless you have proof of something that is valuable) sense in that "600" second jail you guys kept shooting.

    And I didn't take any actions on you guys besides the fact that I was muting and gagging you guys because you were "Player/Staff dissing" in OOC and in voice chat.


    Edit: I don't know if you can set times for jailtps(I was told it is used to stop people from running from sits)

    I was also very tired seeing as though the sit was at 3 am in the morning

    Logan practically said this better


    2 hours ago, Bartholomew said:


    I had to warn one of the players in the sit hours ago as of making this post due to one of them ardming and rdming random ppl multiple times. these two were mas minging.


    3 hours ago, Logan said:

    - Support


    You guys were straight on minging. So my first interaction with you tonight was you were basing in DOC with your friend on the inmate job. I teleported to you and let you know that you are not allowed to do that, and instead of apologizing and removing your printers and switching jobs, you decided to ignore me and continue printing your money. I then gave you a warn for FailRP as you cannot base on inmate. My second interaction with you: You were on the afk citizen job, and decided to build a base in the afk box and had printers. You also were shooting in the AFK box and killed a guy that was AFK. After doing so, you were teleported and jailed outside the box, while we were trying to explain to you what you did wrong. You then continued to argue in voice chat and in OOC, which is why you received the mute and the gag. While we had you jailed you still continued to spawn weed plants. You then decided to start shooting while in the jail, so I stripped you and your friend. After being told to make a report on the forums, you continued to abuse the staff ticket system and complaining I was taking my own ticket, when no other staff was on that could handle it, so I told you to take it to the forums in which you continued to make tickets. I then had Phil come and remove your entities that you had spawned in the AFK box. Overall, you were not compliant with staff while blatantly staff dissing Retro the whole time. 


    I agree

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