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Mind Stone

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Everything posted by Mind Stone

  1. +Support This is an untrustworthy group of individuals. God knows what they will do with this power.
  2. Dude. If its that easy then try it. Make a suggestion. Try to change something.
  3. -Support Until you decide to speak with either me, Jack S, or Sixx and we can come to a compromise, I won't support this.
  4. I don't think NU7 command appreciate that.. Nor do I support it.
  5. Name: Mind Stone Rank: DHOS Date: 2/19 Date you will return: 2/22 Reason: Won’t be home. May return on Sunday. And to Jack S and Sixx, I’d consider it a personal favor if you don’t kill the branch while I’m gone lol.
  6. -Support You harassed one of my command via pinging him a video that had a slur directed towards him. You can’t even remember what you did so why wouldn’t you just do it again? There is no remorse or regret for your actions and minimal effort was put into this. And don’t forget it was the Head of Staff who personally banned you. On top of that, you minge constantly. Put more time into making an appeal and I will consider leaving a +support. May I suggest apologizing to ZJ for what you did. That would show some form of maturity.
  7. Some parts of our branch update were missed Job Name: Security High Command Adding Model: models/armacham/security/guard_5.mdl Job Name: Security Heavy Adding: salute_swep Adding Model: models/player/killzone3/helghast.mdl Removing Model: models/Killzone Mercenary/Helghast_Police_Trooper/Police_Trooper.mdl
  8. -Support Do people even open SCP chambers they shouldn't be? I haven't heard of any issues. MTF can escort maintenance to HCZ or EZ if needed. Will be abused by SCP's.
  9. +Support Good member of my command. He will serve you well. Has experience in this area.
  10. +Support Like many others have said, if we transfer some of the elements of Site 10 to Site 5, that would be amazing. The garden and research lab would be good additions. If possible, try to build the bunks we currently have. Old security bunks were to small but the Site 10 one is great. I think I speak for the older players here when I say that old D Block was better. It was perfectly balanced (as all things should be). I would also be fine with map edits to the current map. Definitely brining back Site 05 D Block. NO. STOP PUTTING IT IN OUR BUNKS.
  11. This is a shame. You were one of the most chill people I have met here. I bought my first CC from you and love it. I remember when Wargamer was COS and you had just retired from HOS. He made us all do /me Shakes hand . We all lined up in this huge line and waited. Those were.. different times to say the least. Hope everything goes well.
  12. -Support Warning serve a bigger purpose than you seem to know. It is vital that they remain.
  13. -Support On multiple occasions, D Class have overwhelmed the security force with the weapons they obtained. Why exactly do you need SMG's? You can build weapons at the workbench anyway. As Zeus said, when the LCZ falls it messes with all other branches. This would effect the RP of other branches. If you need better weapons build them at a workbench.
  14. Accepted After reviewing your app, HCMD have decided to accept your application. Congratulations! One of us will whitelist you when we get on. Please request the "Jugg" tag in discord. Also UwU.
  15. Name: Jack Rank: LCPL SteamID(Ex: STEAM_0:1:174348602): STEAM_0:1:579174775 Current Sub-Branches your in: N/A Why should you retain your rank (Command ONLY | 150+ words): N/A Any Notes, Questions, or Concerns?: I'm filling it out for him @Cards (GL) Put your SteamID in.
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