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[GL] Inaccurate

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Posts posted by [GL] Inaccurate

  1. Name: Inaccurate
    Ranks: Director of Logisitcs, Honorary A1 Command Sergeant Major, Event Team Member

    So uh, yeah. I'm resigning. For the the third time. I really want to stay around, but my college schedule just isn't allowing it. Most days I don't have free time till 10pm and my schedule starts at 5am, so I really need that 7 hours for sleeping. It's been fun, and maybe when my schedule decides to chill out I will come back to hang around, probably not as a command member though. Rather than sitting here, maybe being able to crank an hour or so a week, I want to leave this position open to someone who would be able to contribute more.



    Fellow SA:
    Ozzie: New Zelander
    Weiss: Howdy.
    Infected: Boomer. Like seriously a boomer.
    Piller: Turtles are cool, but my dog is cooler
    Toasty: Never really got to interact with you much, but you seem like a cool guy
    Pills: Who let this man get Site Director? God I feel horrible for all of the server. Actually though, it was a pleasure working with you, but Medical is the best HCZ Branch.
    Blackbeard: Fellow boomer, been fun messing around with you like a few years ago. Also a cutie.
    Drizzle: Hope to see you get LCZ Manager, you have been doing well as DoRS.

    Utility HCMD:
    Silence: You have been killing it as HOME, keep up the good work!
    Spider: Man switched sides, but I am thankful for all you are doing for Medical right now
    Vintage: Man finally got HCMD, I really hope you go far, just tone down the organ harvesting a little bit ;).

    All Utility:
    Y'all are the blood of these branches, keep rp'ing and show all of the crouch bhoppers that we are the cool ones.

    Goat: Fire A1 CMDR, thanks for letting me stick around after becoming SA
    Sogi: Go touch some grass
    Grub: I doubt you are going to read this, and I know we ended on the wrong foot, but I am very appreciative for all the work and help you did with me on Medical, even if you think otherwise, good luck on ImperialRP
    Tyler/Acee: Pleasure working with you both on ET, y'all bot very chill to hang around and I've enjoyed my time as ET with you guys.
    Spixe: Joining you in retired life.


    If I didn't mention you, I apologize, not like I hate you or anything. Just running on Caffeine and 3 and 1/2 hours of sleep.


    Medbay Nuclear Incident, never forget.


    • Gaminglight Love 3
  2. Name: Inaccurate

    Ranks: DoL, A1 Honorary CSM, Event Team Member

    Dates: 8/20/23 -> 9/3/23 (Approved by Ozzie)

    Reason: College starting up and want to spend as much focus on academics as possible for the first while.

  3. Name: Inaccurate
    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:459780903

    Rank in Event Team: ETM
    Date of Joining Event Team: 7/9/23
    Date since last promotion: 8/2/23
    Why should you be remaining as an Event Team Member? (ALL ET RANK | 100+ words)?
    I have been fulfilling my duties as an ET member without fail. I actively take ET sits when I see them, hit quota every week, and help make sure the server stays fun and enjoyable. I am on the server very often and always willing to heIp out if another member needs me too. haven't been striked and I swear I haven't crashed the server. Overall, there's no reason not to keep me as an ETM. I also enjoy blowing people up with the Matador (With perms of course) so losing ET would be very sad :(.
    Any Notes, Questions, or Concerns? Nah 

  4. +Support

    Can't complain about gun balance when every gun kills faster then SJWs canceling someone on Twitter.


    Actually tho when the server was on 1.5 I had some of the most fun in pvp I've ever had the server. It turned from crouch bhopping shenanigans to actually using your brain. 1.25 will be fire if it's added.

    • Thanks 1
  5. There are already rules within all departments that have a defib:
    Medical (And by extension, DoL+): No reviving in D-Block
    A1: No reviving in D-Block and can only revive VIPS and other A1
    CI: May only revive 2 people per raid

    If you see anyone abusing the defib, report them to Command

    It is an MOTD rule to follow your branch's SOP.

    Regarding SA spawning them in, that's a staff issue. If you feel like they are violating their rules, feel free to report them. However JMT+ (Majority of SA) in general are allowed to spawn in weapons, entities, etc. as long as it's not something stupid (e.g nofuckoff_swep). However I do agree that they should follow the no D-Block rule.

    +Support for enforcing the no D-Block rule on SA a bit more, but -Support for adding the rule to the official server rules. I see no reason to add more niche rules to our already lengthy MOTD.

    • Like 1

  6. Medical Branch Update :V

    Approved By:

    Site Admin: SD Ozzie, DoL Spixe, CI General Pills

    Security HCMD: Drizzle, Alpha, Baby Arm

    Research HCMD: Tyler, Cryptonus

    Nu7 HCMD: J0LT, Pure

    E11 HCMD: Rektify

    D5 HCMD: Jack, Shadows

    A1 HCMD: Damascus

    Maintenance HCMD: Ayaya, Silence

    CI HCMD: Kiwi


    Blue’s Pharma


    Entity Name: Pharmaceutical Guide Book

    Entity Path: bp_guide_book

    Model Name:  models/blues_pharm/book.mdl

    Max Allowed: 1

    Cost: 250

    Jobs Allowed to Buy: Medical Researcher, Anomalous Diseases & Narcotics Researcher, Medical High Command, DoL, LCZ Manager, and Site Director 


    Entity Name: Beaker

    Entity Path: bp_beaker

    Model Path: models/blues_pharm/beaker.mdl

    Max Allowed: 2

    Cost: 250

    Jobs Allowed to Buy: Medical Researcher, Anomalous Diseases & Narcotics Researcher, Medical High Command, DoL, LCZ Manager, and Site Director 


    Entity Name: Bunsen Burner

    Entity Path: bp_bunsen_burner

    Model Path: models/blues_pharm/bunsen_burner.mdl

    Max Allowed: 2

    Cost: 750

    Jobs Allowed to Buy: Medical Researcher, Anomalous Diseases & Narcotics Researcher, Medical High Command, DoL, LCZ Manager, and Site Director 


    Entity Name: Freezer

    Entity Path: bp_freezer

    Model Path: models/blues_pharm/freezer.mdl

    Max Allowed: 1

    Cost: 5000

    Jobs Allowed to Buy: Medical Researcher, Anomalous Diseases & Narcotics Researcher, Medical High Command, DoL, LCZ Manager, and Site Director 


    Entity Name: Pill Press

    Entity Path: bp_pill_press

    Model Path: models/blues_pharm/pill_presser.mdl

    Max Allowed: 1

    Cost: 3000

    Jobs Allowed to Buy: Medical Researcher, Anomalous Diseases & Narcotics Researcher, Medical High Command, DoL, LCZ Manager, and Site Director 


    Entity Name: Keto Acid

    Entity Path: bp_chemical_keto_acid

    Model Path: models/blues_pharm/jar_1.mdl

    Max Allowed: 2

    Cost: 750

    Jobs Allowed to Buy: Medical Researcher, Anomalous Diseases & Narcotics Researcher, Medical High Command, DoL, LCZ Manager, and Site Director 


    Entity Name: Propionic Acid

    Entity Path: bp_chemical_prop_acid

    Model Path: models/blues_pharm/jar_2.mdl

    Max Allowed: 2

    Cost: 750

    Jobs Allowed to Buy: Medical Researcher, Anomalous Diseases & Narcotics Researcher, Medical High Command, DoL, LCZ Manager, and Site Director 


    Entity Name: Salicylic Acid

    Entity Path: bp_chemical_sali_acid

    Model Path: models/blues_pharm/jar_2.mdl

    Max Allowed: 2

    Cost: 500

    Jobs Allowed to Buy: Medical Researcher, Anomalous Diseases & Narcotics Researcher, Medical High Command, DoL, LCZ Manager, and Site Director 


    Entity Name: Methyltestosterone

    Entity Path: bp_chemical_17alph

    Model Path: models/blues_pharm/jar_3.mdl

    Max Allowed: 2

    Cost: 2000

    Jobs Allowed to Buy: Medical Researcher, Anomalous Diseases & Narcotics Researcher, Medical High Command, DoL, LCZ Manager, and Site Director 


    Entity Name: 2-Naphthol

    Entity Path: bp_chemical_2nap

    Model Path: models/blues_pharm/jar_3.mdl

    Max Allowed: 2

    Cost: 1250

    Jobs Allowed to Buy: Medical Researcher, Anomalous Diseases & Narcotics Researcher, Medical High Command, DoL, LCZ Manager, and Site Director 


    Entity Name: Progesterone

    Entity Path: bp_chemical_prog

    Model Path: models/blues_pharm/jar_3.mdl

    Max Allowed: 2

    Cost: 3000

    Jobs Allowed to Buy: Medical Researcher, Anomalous Diseases & Narcotics Researcher, Medical High Command, DoL, and LCZ Manager, and Site Director 


    Entity Name: Acetone

    Entity Path: bp_chemical_acet2

    Model Path: models/blues_pharm/jar_3.mdl

    Max Allowed: 2

    Cost: 750

    Jobs Allowed to Buy: Medical Researcher, Anomalous Diseases & Narcotics Researcher, Medical High Command, DoL, LCZ Manager, and Site Director 


    Entity Name: Acetic Anhydride

    Entity Path: bp_chemical_acet

    Model Path: models/blues_pharm/jar_4.mdl

    Max Allowed: 2

    Cost: 1000

    Jobs Allowed to Buy: Medical Researcher, Anomalous Diseases & Narcotics Researcher, Medical High Command, DoL, LCZ Manager, and Site Director 


    Entity Name: Selenium Dioxide

    Entity Path: bp_chemical_sele

    Model Path: models/blues_pharm/jar_4.mdl

    Max Allowed: 2

    Cost: 2000

    Jobs Allowed to Buy: Medical Researcher, Anomalous Diseases & Narcotics Researcher, Medical High Command, DoL, LCZ Manager, and Site Director 


    Entity Name: Deionized Water

    Entity Path: bp_chemical_deio

    Model Path: models/blues_pharm/jar_5.mdl

    Max Allowed: 2

    Cost: 500

    Jobs Allowed to Buy: Medical Researcher, Anomalous Diseases & Narcotics Researcher, Medical High Command, DoL, LCZ Manager, and Site Director 



    Job Updates



    Name of Job: Internal Affairs Interrogation Specialist

    Job Model (Model Paths): Staying the same

    Job Description: Staying the same

    Job Weapons (Ex. tfa_csgo_mac10): adding tfa_scar, tfa_mossberg590 | removing tfa_csgo_m4a1, tfa_csgo_sawedoff

    Job Salary: Staying the same

    Job HP: Staying the same

    Job Armor:Staying the same

    Extra Info (Ex. Workshop link for models): 


    Name of Job: Medical Low Command

    Job Model (Model Paths): Staying the same

    Job Description: Staying the same

    Job Weapons (Ex. tfa_csgo_mac10): adding weapon_physcannon | removing cross_arms_swep

    Job Salary: Staying the same

    Job HP: Staying the same

    Job Armor:Staying the same

    Extra Info (Ex. Workshop link for models): 


    Name of Job: Medical High Command

    Job Model (Model Paths): Staying the same

    Job Description: Staying the same

    Job Weapons (Ex. tfa_csgo_mac10): adding quick_medkit

    Job Salary: Staying the same

    Job HP: Staying the same

    Job Armor:Staying the same

    Extra Info (Ex. Workshop link for models): 



    Job Additions



    Name of Job:  Psychiatrist (Replacing MCU)

    Job Model (Model Paths): models/player/Suits/male_05_shirt_tie.mdl

    Job Description: Psychiatrists are Medical Personnel who excel in the diagnosis and treatment of mental health afflictions (such as depression, PTSD, and others) through means such as therapy and medication. They ensure that our site personnel not only are physically healthy, but mentally as well. They have a clearance level of 3.

    Job Weapons (Ex. tfa_csgo_mac10): tfa_m92beretta, gl_medkit, guthscp_keycard_lvl_3, weapon_cuff_elastic 

    Job Salary: $175

    Job HP: 100

    Job Armor: 100

    Extra Info (Ex. Workshop link for models):

    Ability to buy medical charges

    Access to /site and /medical

    Medical Senior Command and Medical High Command need to be able to whitelist for it

    4 job slots



    Job Removals



    Martial Care Unit

    We are removing MCU as we feel it overlaps too much with the Corpsman cross-branch job, and instead are going to use its Job slot for a new subdivision, Therapy/Psychiatry! We have had some interest in an even more RP-focused subdivision so we felt it was the time to bring it out!

  7. Requirements for Medical Command (Surgeon) Application:

    • Be a Advanced Medic+
    • No active strikes (excluding meeting strikes)
    • No more than 1 meeting strike in a month
    • No demotions within the past 2 weeks (14 consecutive days)
    • Have a good reputation
    • Have exceptional activity on Medical jobs
    • Be knowledgeable on Medical SOP rules
    • Be an active member of the FTO program

    How to apply:  Make a new forum post with the title "(Your name)'s Surgeon Application". Copy the application format into it and fill it out.

    For Example:  "Ezekiel's Surgeon Application"


    Application format:

    1. What’s your In-Game Name?

    2. What’s your SteamID (e.g. STEAM_0:0:483338602)?

    3. What is your Rank?

    4. What timezone are you in (e.g. Eastern Standard Time)?

    5. Total strikes you’ve ever received?

    6. How many warnings do you have on GL?

    7. On a scale of 1-10, how active are you?

    8. Why do you believe you should become a Medical Command member (100+ words)?

    [The following questions are intended to test your response and ability as command. You must answer 2 of the questions, though you may answer all 3 if you wish.]

    9-1. You have found a Resident Medic in HCZ, what do you do?

    9-2. There is a Medic requesting to be trained for Field Work, how would you train them?

    9-3. You see an Experienced Medic shooting D-Class in D-Block, what do you do?

    [Please know that the Surgeon rank is a 2 week trial period where High Command will assess whether or not you are fit to hold a position in Medical Command]

  8. Application Denied

    Unfortunately Medical HCMD has decided to deny your Command Application. This could be for many reasons such as: Previous behavior, not enough experience, or poor application.
    We appreciate your enthusiasm and effort for applying for Medical Command.

    You may re-apply in two weeks.

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