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Everything posted by Curtis

  1. + Support as well as if it doesn't teleport then it can cause some more server lag because of more space that players are loading maybe make it like a small elevator that they take.
  2. +Support I like the idea, and I think it can stop a lot of confusion and frustration.
  3. Yeah, sadly we can't add it -support.
  4. - Support The only reason I -support this is because I think it was only a few weeks ago someone suggested to buff it and this was all put in place, currently I think it appeals more people to breach on 106 and play on it.
  5. Not gonna lie I love this +Support Well thought out and looks good.
  6. Pending This will be put under review by the command members of Epsilon-11
  7. @DIO BRANDO Go to this post for the format. I will give my feedback when this is filled out properly.
  8. +Support, If someone is cracking in real life they usually know what they are doing an a time frame they can get it done, I think the bar could simulate it, meaning like "Okay just the last wire, annnnddddd open"
  9. +Support With the new balancing that was made I think this fits perfectly.
  10. + Support As of right now in my eyes if anyone even sees 1048-A it is instantly killed because of usually the scream cooldown, I have seen 1048 and 1048-A hide from time to time, and it works out, but in my opinion I think it should be reduced.
  11. Curtis

    Hats are dumb

    I have a hat tho, I don't want it to be gone
  12. Curtis

    Another Hacker

    + Support If this man isn't hacking why isn't he the Director of something to tell us how to aim . If only I could hit that every shot that quickly.
  13. I say +Support, but you may want to talk to the HOS and DHOS regarding this because they will do the branch update, It has been on the job for a long time, but there is a new gun update that made some snipers realllly good.
  14. + Support I like the idea, but with the other - supports regarding gensec being immediately back in D Block a solution could be bumping the NLR up 30 seconds to a min, because they won't have any immediate danger outside their spawn, so it gives D Class a chance like they do now of taking over.
  15. - Support Weapon balancing has been happening the past few weeks, and making sure it was good, I was one of the people that helped test them, they should be good for now, I understand more weapons but we already have a good amount on the server.
  16. +Support, I this scheme of things if 049 is being taken by CI or has a lot of his zombies, there is a potential of him being shot a lot, there is not downside to it from what I see.
  17. What are you suggesting? - Changing this rule "You are not to shoot/interfere with Chaos Insurgency/D-Class that are either inside, or outside the foundation unless it is on DEFCON 3 or lower, or on DEFCON 4 and have been requested by a command member of Utility, Research, or GENSEC." to this (Yellow/Bold is new things) "You are not to shoot/interfere with Chaos Insurgency/D-Class that are either inside, or outside the foundation unless it is on DEFCON 3 or lower, or on DEFCON 4 and have been requested by a command member of MTF, Utility, Research, or GENSEC." Also add a rule saying "If you are requested into the foundation and the person that requested you in either, flags off or leaves the server. E-11 should leave the foundation, and not shoot any Chaos Insurgency/D-Class that are either inside our outside the foundation." There was a rule update request by Giovanni a while ago but before he requested it MTF was able to do this before, we are asking for it to be put into the rules so they can do it, because of current they can't. I feel lots of other would want this rule in unless there was a justified reason for it. How would this change better the server? - It would allow MTF to request E11 Into the foundation, and it can give more RP for MTF Command due to the fact they would be closer to us that any other branch. Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - More people can allow us during peak hours to deal with D Class, would be a small disadvantage for them, other than that none really. Who would this change mostly benefit? - MTF/Epislon-11 Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - N/A
  18. Screenshot says 20 (if you reload you can get +1) so 21. I give this a +/- Support on this because there are some really really good snipers, most you are asking for is a ammo buff, I think maybe something like 25 or 30 would be better.
  19. -Support In my opinion the new layout is a new layout everyone has to get used to it. And for the weapon update it is to make things more balanced, the guns may have been "nerfed" or "buffed" but you are D Class aka Prisoners of the foundation. You are not supposed to be able to take D Block easily.
  20. Support The name says it, Escape artist, not breaching artist, that is why it can't breach SCPs.
  21. +Support, I have known Phill for a while, and he is a very good person that is active. I see him on every day, he knows the rules, and he knows what he is doing. Very nice person as well.
  22. Its already on the sever, makes things so much easier to do. +Support.
  23. +/- Support I feel as if MTF or whoever is getting back the SCP drops the money and the CI picks up the money, that is past the line of it, because that is basically being like free money time to murder them when CI limits MTF from time to time how many we can bring, now we usually don't refute against this as well which I think MTF should do more, but I think if CI picks up the money we should be able to leave with the SCP. but if they don't pick up the money and we don't drop it yet, CI can do a fake deal if they wanted to.
  24. +Support, it is a donator job in fact.
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